Why Tutoring?

Tutoring: A Tool For Success

Why Use Tutoring?

Tutoring gets results! 

  • 99% = students with 4+ tutoring visits received a successful grade in FA24
  • Students with 4+ tutoring visits: -95% total decrease in DFWI grades FA18-FA24

As with anything in life, you only get out of it what you put into it. To get the most out of tutoring, you need to come prepared and work hard when you meet with a tutor.  But if you apply yourself, you’ll reap the academic rewards.

Consider this:

  • Studies show students who attend more repeat tutoring visits (4 or more) in a semester will receive better grade outcomes (more successful grade outcomes) than students who attend none. They also tend to improve from course to course within a sequence.
  • Studies also show students who participate in specialized cohort interventions such as those that provide constant engagement with support, successful college habits/skills and learning strategies, have even higher rates of successful grade outcomes, retention and graduation rates.
  • Succeeding in learning a second language has great benefits as well. Being multilingual is a skill all students should be seeking because it is what employers are looking for. Students will have access to more opportunities across the legal & medical fields as well as greater access to many other job/career markets. 
    • From the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International: Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers -
      • “For U.S. employers, the demand for foreign language skills is greater than ever before. Whether it’s in the boardroom, in the field, with customers and partners, or on social media, companies today are increasingly more likely to conduct business in a language other than English. Consequently, a command in multiple languages is a valuable asset for U.S. students and employees—not only in boosting their marketability in the workplace, but in helping them thrive in a global economy...A 2018 survey conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) brings this reality to light in unequivocal terms: 9 out of 10 U.S. employers report a reliance on U.S.-based employees with language skills other than English, with one-third reporting a high dependency.”

The proof is in the numbers:

Fall 2018 & Fall 2019 (all languages supported): *positive values are better*

  1. Students with ≥4 tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): +15%
  2. Students with zero tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): -1.4%
  3. Rate Changes b/t Rate Differences: ≥4 tutoring appointments *positive values are better*
    • +95.5% - more students received successful grade outcomes in FA19
  4. DFWI Rate Changes: *negative values are better*
    • All languages / ≥4 visits: -52%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC decreased
    • All languages / zero visits: +11%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC increased

Fall 2019 & Fall 2020 (all languages supported): *positive values are better*

  1. Students with ≥4 tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): +11%
  2. Students with zero tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): -1.2%
  3. Rate Changes b/t Rate Differences: ≥4 tutoring appointments *positive values are better*
    • +1,866% - more students received successful grade outcomes in FA20
  4. DFWI Rate Changes: *negative values are better*
    • All languages / ≥4 visits: -48%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC decreased
    • All languages / zero visits: +17%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC increased

Spring 2020 & Spring 2021 (all languages supported): *positive values are better*

  1. Students with ≥4 tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): +39%
  2. Students with zero tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): -5%
  3. Rate Changes b/t Rate Differences: ≥4 tutoring appointments *positive values are better*
    • +150% - more students received successful grade outcomes in SP21
  4. DFWI Rate Changes: *negative values are better*
    • All languages / ≥4 visits: -85%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC decreased
    • All languages / zero visits: +28%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC increased

Spring 2022 & Spring 2023 (all languages supported): *positive values are better*

  1. Students with ≥4 tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): +8%
  2. Students with zero tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): -3%
  3. Rate Changes b/t Rate Differences: ≥4 tutoring appointments *positive values are better*
    • +3,124% - more students received successful grade outcomes in SP23
  4. DFWI Rate Changes: *negative values are better*
    • All languages / ≥4 visits: -40%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC decreased
    • All languages / zero visits: +17%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC increased

Grand Total Rate Change FA18-FA24 (all languages supported): *positive values are better*

  1. Students with ≥4 tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): +35%
  2. Students with zero tutoring appointments receiving successful grade outcomes (C or higher): -8%
  3. Rate Changes b/t Rate Differences: ≥4 tutoring appointments *positive values are better*
    • +256% - more students received successful grade outcomes in FA24
  4. DFWI Rate Changes: *negative values are better*
    • All languages / ≥4 visits: -95%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC decreased
    • All languages / zero visits: +51%
      • Grades of D, F, W, & INC increased


  1. Tutoring works in helping students receive more successful grade outcomes
  2. Tutoring also works in decreasing the DFWI rates
  3. Tutoring has even overcome the sharp rate decline because of the pandemic in Spring 2020
  4. This is all a result of - leadership, constructive meta-cognitive learning strategies, positive customer service, collaboration with Modern Languages & Literatures (MLL) department, increased awareness of MLC services and resources, and a dedication to student success. 
  5. Please view the graph in the pdf link below for all tutoring and grade outcome percentages:

If I use a tutor, isn’t that a sign that I’m weak or not smart enough?


“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s that I stay with problems longer.” -Albert Einstein

It is not true that some students are smart and others are not. Success is learned! - its time, effort and strategy applied across the breadth and depth of your learning process. 

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” -Henry Ford

Students at every level come for tutoring. Academic support is a tool for success just like the gym is a tool to feel and look healthier. You would never say going to the gym because you want to be healthy is a sign of weakness. People are inspired and encouraged by those who go to the gym just as people should be inspired and encouraged by those who go to tutoring. Needing some extra help with college subjects is the norm, not a sign of weakness or a lack of “smartness.” 

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas A. Edison

In fact, just the opposite is true:  Taking advantage of the free campus resources to help you succeed is a sign that you’re motivated towards improvement by expanding your active learning environment. This fosters the mastery-oriented response resulting in an improved independent learner!

How do I get the most out of tutoring?

  1. Come early! Come often!
    1. Students who start tutoring at the beginning of the semester typically do better than those who wait.
  2. Schedule appointments in advance.
    1. During peak times in the semester, students may need to schedule at least a week in advance to get the times they prefer.
  3. Come prepared
    1. Bring class notes, textbooks/worksheets, and any material being used as part of learning for the course. 
    2. Look over readings and work on problems in advance. 
    3. Bring a list of specific questions based on the problems or sections being worked on.
    4. The more students prepare, the more they will get out of the session.
  4. Missed class.
    1. Get the notes from a classmate, reach out to the professor, or check blackboard before attending a tutoring session. Tutoring is not a substitute for attending class. It’s an addition to your learning!


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