Center Services, Resources, Rules & Policies
We recommend students communicate with MLC staff in advance to schedule placement exams, discuss inquiries, & verify operation hours when planning to utilize services & resources in-person.
Please see our current schedule operation information and date exceptions.pdf
General Operation Hours: Fall and Spring only
- Monday – Thursday: In-person
- 9am-5pm
- Friday: Online/remote
- 9am-5pm
- Saturday: Online/remote
- 10am-4pm
*Operation Hours: Winter and Summer
- Alternative schedule. Please contact the MLC for details.
Front desk support, Placement Exams, Tutoring services, and other services & resources are provided in-person and online (via Zoom) based on our hybrid operation hours.
*Please note:
- MLC’s operations and schedule are subject to change due to holidays, other schedule exceptions, etc.*
- Spaces in the MLC are primarily used for tutoring, placement exams, Duolingo, independent study, computer & printing usage, professional staff developments, & other MLC scheduled events.
- If a student is logged into a Zoom waiting room but has not been admitted into a session at the beginning of an appointment:
- Please contact the MLC Front Desk at or 212-484-1140 for assistance
- The Front Desk staff can help resolve online technical/connection issues
What services and resources does the MLC offer?
Small Group Tutoring: Call, stop by, or log on to EAB Navigate to schedule tutoring appointments. Students will work with trained tutors who will provide them with constructive learning support for Arabic, Chinese, Italian, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese & Spanish.
- The groups are small:
- In-person sessions - two students
- Online appointments - two students
- The other student in the session is always taking the same course
- Appointments last for one hour (60 minutes)
- There is no limit to the number of tutoring sessions a student can have in a semester
- However, students should plan ahead to schedule preferred days and times
- Students may schedule up to 4 appointments in advance per language
- Appointments may be scheduled up to three weeks (21 days) in advance
- Students scheduled for an appointment have a 15-minute late grace period from the start of the session before they are marked as a no-show.
- Note: Students can request online sessions during in-person days and times if they cannot make it to campus.
- Students must contact the MLC in advance for details. MLC staff must approve first prior to session.
- This accommodation is not guaranteed
- A one-time accommodation does not guarantee future accommodations
Walk-In Tutoring Support: Don't have a pre-scheduled appointment - walk-in and request to see a tutor.
- We highly recommend always scheduling tutoring appointments in advance. Walk-in tutoring is not always guaranteed.
- This service cannot be utilized if the tutor’s session is full, or if they are tutoring a different language/level
- Students scheduled for an appointment have a 15-minute late grace period from the start of the session before they are marked as a no-show.
- The session can then be used to help a student requesting walk-in support
- If a student is taking a language course at another school but the same language is also offered at JJAY:
- A tutor may not be able to assist them:
- Tutors tutor and do not teach new material
- The language and materials could be a different level at the other school from the tutor's experience
- Students have to provide a syllabus/materials to the tutor so they can review the content and the best way to proceed
- A tutor may not be able to assist them:
Language Plus (+): Students can also sign up for one-on-one sessions through our Language + program.
- For students not satisfied with their first exam grade and want to improve their language skills
- Sessions are a dedicated hour-long weekly appointment, and they are scheduled until the end of the semester
Textbook Resources: Students can check-out Textbooks to practice with language content during their tutoring session or for independent study.
- Textbooks:
- Students must submit an ID to check-out a book.
- IDs will be returned when the book is checked-in at the front desk
- One ID per resource
- No resource is allowed to be held overnight or over the weekend
- All resources have to be returned the same day they are borrowed
Language Placement Exam: Some students are required to take a placement exam in the language of their choice. They can complete a placement exam with the MLC.
- There are exams for eight of the languages offered at the college
- The exam is designed to place students in a language level corresponding with the level of their language proficiency
- Or, for students seeking exemption from the foreign language requirements at the college
- Note: the exam is required for Spanish and French (above 101 only), and for all the other languages above 101
Computer Lab: Students can also utilize the MLC computer lab
- Complete assignments, homework, study, check email, or print.
- Utilize Duolingo
- Students can request information on setting up a Duolingo account at the front desk
- The software provides support in all of the languages offered at the college
- It’s free and can be accessed off campus from any computer or smart device
- MLC ePortfolio
- Access free academic resources to utilize during tutoring sessions or for independent study
Language Workshops & SPA Conversation Groups: Students can sign-up for large group sessions
- Sessions are online
- Language Workshops are offered around midterms and finals
- Sessions cover topics specific to language course syllabi and learning objectives
- Conversation Groups run weekly throughout the semester: for languages that are part of the initiative
- SPA 101 & 102 – course requirement
- Other languages – required as needed
- These sessions help students review what they have learned and allow them to practice their language skills with other students
- Note: Language Workshops & Conversation Groups are designed to have students engage with their learning & language skills in preparation for exams, assignments, oral exams, and improving their proficiency with the language overall.
- They are not a substitute for attending class or scheduling tutoring sessions regularly throughout the semester
Window View: The MLC has a large and captivating window view of the Hudson.
- The view and sun light support our positive learning environment to help students relax and learn
- The learning environment requires students being actively engaged with studying course content, learning goals and strategies, etc.
Tutoring, Engagement, & Receiving Extra Credit: Coming to tutoring means the student has to be engaged in the session with their learning.
- Engagement is a big part of improvement, maintenance, and success in any course
- Students should be prepared with material, notes, questions, textbook content, videos, etc.
- The more a student brings in, the more a tutor will have to work with as they establish a baseline of the student's current understanding and goals to set as they master the material
- Even if a student is doing well in the course, we suggest still coming to the MLC to:
- Review material to maintain their successful understanding of the language content
- Work with a tutor to assess understanding, study strategies, and to set goals for upcoming material and course work
- Work on their homework or study in the computer lab, etc.
- Zoom camera policypdf
- Note: We encourage and empower students to supplement their attended lectures with their own independent studying, putting in their own work and effort, and attending tutoring sessions regularly. As with everything we do at the MLC, tutoring is designed to have students engage with their learning and language skills in preparation for exams, assignments, oral exams, and improving their proficiency with the language overall.
- Tutoring is not a substitute for attending class, missing assignments, and not being proactively engaged with the course material and learning.
- Tutoring:
- We highly recommend students stay for the full hour of the session, but no less than 45 minutes
- For half-hour sessions – the full 30 minutes is required
- Students should be actively engaged with goal setting, course content, study/learning strategies, etc.
- We highly recommend students stay for the full hour of the session, but no less than 45 minutes
- Drop-in support for other services & resources: utilizing the MLC computer lab
- Extra credit (requires prior professor approval) - students are required to stay for a minimum of 30 minutes or whatever time limit set by their instructor (if longer than 30 mins)
Printing Visit Record
- Students can request their visit record at the MLC be printed at the front desk. MLC staff do not sign anything.
Arabic | Chinese |
French | German |
Italian | Japanese |
Portuguese | Spanish |
The Wellness Center at John Jay College offers a variety of services and resources to students in support of their well-being and success.
- For more information on funding support for textbooks as well as housing, utilities, tuition, and transportation - check out their Emergency Funding page - Emergency Funding | John Jay College of Criminal Justice (