Change of Grades
Application for a change of grade assigned by a member of the faculty may be made at any time within one year from the end of the semester in which the course was taken. This request may be made by either the student or the instructor. The procedures outlined below apply to the change of grades of A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D–, F, WU and P.
Change of Final Grade
Faculty members who initiate such a change must file a Change of Grade Form, including the reason for the change, have the application countersigned by the department chairperson, and forward the completed form to the Office of the Registrar, which will process the change and notify the student. Undergraduate grade change request over one academic year requires the approval of the Dean for Undergraduate Studies. Graduate change of grades over one year requires the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies.
Change of INC to Administrative FIN (Undergraduate Students)
The grade of FIN is assigned by the Office of the Registrar when an INC (Incomplete) remains unresolved at the end of the semester following the term in which the course was taken. This administrative action may be appealed by the student or the instructor.
Note: Graduate Students who receive an Incomplete must fulfill their academic obligation within one calendar year of the end of the semester in which the grade of Incomplete is given. Incompletes unresolved in the above-mentioned time period become permanent entries in students’ records as an Incomplete (no credit) and may not be changed thereafter.
NEW GRADE APPEAL POLICY which takes effect with the Fall 2013 semester:
Student Appeal
Students are strongly encouraged to first communicate with the professor of the course. If that conversation does not remedy the situation, or if students choose to not follow that route, then students who think that a final grade was issued erroneously may file a grade appeal to the departmental grade appeals committee by submitting the form to the Registrar’s Office. Appeals must be filed by the twenty-fifth calendar day of the subsequent long semester. (Courses taken in spring or summer must be appealed by the twenty-fifth day of the subsequent fall semester; courses taken in the fall or winter must be appealed by the twenty-fifth day of the subsequent spring semester.
Department Grade Appeals Committee
The request shall be reviewed by the departmental grade appeals committee. The departmental committee has 30 calendar days to review the matter and make a recommendation to the faculty member. For interdisciplinary programs, grade appeals will go to the department grade appeals committee of the academic department who hired the faculty member.
Faculty Review
The faculty member, upon receipt of the committee’s recommendation, must render a judgment within 14 calendar days and communicate in writing to the Office of the Registrar his or her decision to either sustain the grade or submit a grade change.
College-Wide Grade Appeals Committee
If the departmental grade appeals committee fails to make a recommendation to the faculty member within 30 calendar days, the grade appeal will be sent to the college-wide grade appeals committee. The college-wide grade appeals committee shall have 30 calendar days to make a recommendation to the faculty member. The faculty member’s responsibilities and responses are the same as above. The college-wide grade appeals committee shall comprise five tenured members of the faculty, who shall be nominated by the Faculty Senate and elected by the College Council. No more than one faculty member from any department may concurrently serve on the committee. The committee shall elect a chair from its own membership.
Appeal by Faculty
An appeal instituted by a member of the faculty to change an administrative FIN must indicate that the work required to resolve the INC grade was in the instructor’s possession prior to the deadline date.