About Us

About Us
Our Mission
The mission of John Jay College's AAC is to help undergraduate students explore, define, and achieve their academic goals. Academic Advisors explain all degree requirements while providing General Education advising and ongoing academic support all the way to graduation. The AAC staff assists students in discovering both in-class and out-of-class educational opportunities to become self directed learners, decisions makers, and productive members of society.
Meet your advisors! Click here!

About Us
Our Staff Can Help You:
- Adjust to university life.
- Clarify your academic and career goals in relation to your life expectations.
- Select appropriate courses.
- Interpret institutional policies, procedures, and requirements.
- Increase your awareness of educational opportunities.
- Find campus resources that will offer you helpful support.
- Assist you in understanding your DegreeWorks.

About Us
How We Can Work Together:
- Read the John Jay College Undergraduate Bulletin and the Academic Advisement Center website before seeking academic advice.
- Review your Degree Audit (Degree Works) every semester to keep track of progress toward completing graduation requirements.
- Read your John Jay e-mail frequently.
- Become knowledgeable about college programs, policies, and procedures.
- Come prepared to each appointment with questions or material for discussion.
- Follow up on recommendations from the academic advisor.
- Accept responsibility for your decisions.
- Be courteous and plan ahead (schedule appointments early and cancel or reschedule if necessary).