Academic Adventures
In ISP, we get out of the classroom and engage with the world through field trips, creative projects, museuem trips, guest speakers, and other forms of civic or cultural engagement. Here are some of the things we've been up to lately:
Field Trip to Roosevelt Island, 2019
Katz's Deli, 2019
Economy Candy, 2019
Self Portrait Photo Project, 2015

Freshman field trip, Philadelphia, 2012

ISP student chat with Liev Schreiber, A View from the Bridge theater trip, 2010

Film Noir photo project, 2013

The Central Park Five screening, with Kevin Richardson and Sarah Burns, 2013

ISP at the United Nations, 2009

Cold Springs Harbor Whaling Museum field trip, 2014

Museum of the City of New York field trip, 2014

"Talk More, Text Less" ISP students in Times Square, 2013

Gettin' Up in Your Face: ISP student performance, 2013

Eastern State Penitentiary field trip, 2013

The Vera Fellows present, 2015

Lower East Side Tenement Museum field trip, 2013

Whale watching off the Rockaways, field trip, 2014

The Pierpont Morgan Library field trip, 2009