Last Year’s Election Information

Seats on Ballot – 2024 General Election

See NYS 2024 Certified Election Results Here

Federal Offices:

  • President of the United States
    • Unofficial/uncertified results for the 2024 Presidential Election in NYC and NYS.
      • The President can sign or veto legislation passed by congress, issue executive orders to advance policy, propose a federal budget to congress, and appoint heads of federal agencies, federal judges, supreme court justices and ambassadors, among other powers. The President is also the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Military.
      • The Vice President would take over for the President if the President is unable to perform their duties, serves as the President's most trusted advisor, and tackles/addresses certain policy issues referred by the President. The Constitution designates the Vice President as the President of the Senate. In that capacity, they serve as the presiding officer of the chamber with the authority to break a tie vote in the Senate and to oversee the counting of electoral ballots cast in presidential elections.
  • U.S. Senator
    • Unofficial/uncertified results for the 2024 NYS Senator Race for NYC and NYS Voters.
      • United States Senators have the power to propose legislation, draft or amend bills, delay or block legislation by taking the time to speak on the issue (filibuster), formulate the federal budget and appropriations, approve or reject presidential appointees, approve treaties with foreign nations and more!
  • Member/Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives
    • Unofficial/uncertified results for 2024 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in NYC and NYS.  
      • United States Representatives can introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments, pass legislation, approve appropriations, serve on committees, and more.


  • New York State Senator
    • Unofficial/uncertified results for 2024 Members of the New York State Senate for NYC and NYS districts.
      • State Senators in the upper chamber of the New York State Legislature work with the State Assembly and Governor to introduce and approve bills and resolutions to create a body of State laws, set levels for state spending, raise and lower taxes, approve a state budget, vote to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes, and approve state appointments.
  • New York State Assemblymember
    • Unofficial/uncertified results for 2024 Members of the New York State Assembly for NYC and NYS districts.
      • Assemblymembers introduce and pass bills that establish public policy, set levels for state spending, raise and lower taxes, approve a state budget, and uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes like the New York State Senate. These two chambers work in tandem with each other.

State Ballot Measures:

  • New York State Equal Protection of Law Amendment
    • 2024 Results for this State Ballot measure in NYC and throughout NYS.
    • This proposal amends the Equal Protection Clause in the New York State Constitution to prohibit a person’s rights from being denied based on their “ethnicity, national origin, age, and disability” and based on their “sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive health care and autonomy”


  • Judges
    • 2024 results for these elections in NYC and the rest of NYS.
      • Judges are judicial officers who interpret the law and preside over criminal and civil matters to ensure legal rights and access to justice.

NYC Charter Proposals:

  • New York City Charter Revision Commission Proposals:
    • 2024 results for these Ballot measures for NYC.
      • NYC Residents will have the chance to the vote on ballot proposals that would amend the City Charter or city constitution.
        • Clean Streets: This amendment would allow the Department of Sanitation of New York City (DSNY) to clean any city-owned property, to require garbage to be put in a container, extend DSNY’s enforcement authority over street vendors.
        • Fiscal Responsibility: This proposal requires the New York City Council to publish fiscal statements for the public before they hold a hearing on proposed legislation, release an updated financial analysis before the final vote, publish the financial estimates from the City Council and Office of Management and Budget, and address certain budget deadlines.
        • Public Safety: This proposal requires the City Council to give 30 days’ public notice before it votes on an issue related to public safety and the mayor can hold his/her own hearing on the proposed laws.
        • Capital Planning: The amendment requires the City to publish additional information about the repair needs and state of city infrastructure in the Annual Statement of Needs report, requires the City to take information about the conditions of facilities into account during capital planning. 
        • Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) and Modernization of City Operations: This proposal codifies the Chief Business Diversity Officer Position, authorizes the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment to issue film permits, and combines two city boards that are responsible for reviewing municipal records. 

If you live elsewhere in New York, you can register to vote online through the State Board of Elections website here.

If you would like more information on how to register to vote, visit CUNY’s guide.