Access Control System
Access Control Guidelines
In order for the access control system to operate efficiently, compliance and cooperation are essential. The following is a list of rules governing our access policy:
1. John Jay College ID Cards
All members of the college community must possess a valid John Jay ID card.
ID cards are issued in the Department of Public Safety, L2.61.00 NB. An EMPLID number is needed to create an ID card.
Members of the College community are defined as:
- Students - Individuals currently enrolled in classes at John Jay College
- Staff - Non-teaching employees of the College
- Faculty - Teaching employee of the College
- Alumni - Graduates of the College
- Other - Members of affiliated programs who require daily campus access over an extended period of time (May have to pay $10 fee for IDs).
Each community member entering the College must use his/her College issued ID card to enter through the appropriate access device (turnstile or gate). Each person should have his/her ID card ready to use before approaching the turnstile. Avoid punching a hole in the card; this could damage the chip, rendering the card inactive.
Any person attempting to bypass the ID card system by jumping the turnstiles, "piggybacking" through the devices or tampering with the ID cards will be subject to disciplinary action by the College administration. Outsiders may be subject to arrest for trespassing.
Those individuals who possess a John Jay ID card that states "Not valid without current semester sticker" will require semester stickers; those stickers are available in the Department of Public Safety Office, room L2.61 NB.
Alumni: Must sign in to be granted access unless they have an Alumni ID card.
Alumni ID cards may be requested through the College website at: Requestors must follow the steps outlined in the instructions (including a minimum donation), print the e-mail receipt and bring it to the Department of Public Safety, L2.61.00 NB. Once the Alumni ID card is issued through the Department of Public Safety, the card will allow access to the campus by swiping at the card readers at the turnstiles.
CUNY Community Members:
Individuals from other CUNY campuses may enter John Jay using their CUNY ID, after normal sign-in procedures, to conduct business (which may include attending an event wherein their name appears on the guest list), including use of the library. Please note that faculty, staff, and students (including E-permit students) must sign in at the Public Safety desk upon presenting his/her CUNY ID card.
Non-CUNY Visitors:
Non-CUNY visitors must go through sign-in procedures, have official business on campus (visiting admissions, etc.) and be escorted on campus.
2. Access levels for members of the college community are as follows:
Faculty Access*: | 7:00am to Midnight 7 Days a Week |
Student/Staff Access: | Follow Campus Hours of Operation |
*Faculty members can be authorized access beyond the College's official hours; however, sign-in in the visitor's logbook is required in order to be accounted for in the event of an emergency. If a Public Safety Officer is not present in the building, notify the Public Safety Command Center at x8524.
3. Lost or Damaged ID Cards
If a community member that is seeking access to a campus building forgets or loses his/her ID card, he/she must stop at the Public Safety desk. Be prepared to present a government issued photo ID to the desk officer. The desk officer will then verify the individual's status, sign the person in and grant him/her access to the campus building.
If your ID card is lost, please go to the Department of Public Safety, room L2.61 NB, where we will check whether your ID card has been returned to the Public Safety office.
If the ID card is damaged or it has not been turned in to the Public Safety office, you can receive a replacement ID card for a fee of $10.00. Public Safety will verify and confirm your status, and issue you a receipt which you must bring to the Bursar’s Office to pay the fee and get it Bursar-stamped.
The Bursar’s Office is located at L.70 NB and is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 4:30pm and Fridays from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Payment is accepted in person in the form of cash, check, or money order. Credit cards are not accepted. If you are writing a check, please make it payable to “John Jay College.” Please state what the payment is for. Once payment has been made, you will receive a receipt with a Bursar stamp from the Bursar office. Please bring this receipt to the Public Safety office. A replacement ID card will not be issued without this receipt.
The Public Safety Office is open for ID card issuance from 7:00am to 11:00pm, Monday through Thursday, and 7:00 am to 9:00 pm on Friday. To request an individual appointment during off-hours, please call (212) 237-8524.
If you can provide official NYPD documentation that your John Jay ID/wallet was stolen the replacement fee will be waived.
4. Personal Deliveries
Delivery persons and messengers are not allowed access to the building to make a delivery. The delivery person reports to the Public Safety desk. He/she will be asked to wait until the person receiving the delivery is notified and accepts the delivery.
5. Media Access - All media and news agency inquiries concerning the filming and photography of John Jay College should be referred to the Office of Communications.
Faculty - When media representatives visit faculty on campus, the faculty member will be responsible for the media guests. Public Safety will notify the faculty member when the media representatives arrive on campus. The faculty host is responsible for escorting the media visitors to the interview location as well as other locations determined by the faculty member and the media representative to be suitable for the interview.
Staff - Follow the same procedures applicable to faculty.
Students - Contact the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership. Follow the same procedures applicable to faculty and staff.
Media representatives (visitors) are subject to the same entry and safety requirements as any other person or organization seeking access to the campus. They will be required to show appropriate identification at College entrances. Public Safety will notify the person who is identified by the media visitor seeking access, or notify the Office in instances of general inquiry, before permitting access, at which time the media representative will be signed in and accompanied by the campus host. The media visitor may visit classrooms where classes are being held only for the purpose of contributing to the educational purpose of the class, as determined by the course professor. The media visitor may not record the class unless enrolled students provide prior written consent.
Unescorted news media are not permitted onto the campus and are not permitted to have access to classrooms, laboratories, offices and residence halls without prior permission from the Office.
Should extraordinary circumstances warrant, Public Safety may secure certain areas and restrict access, including for news media.
View the entire media access policy here.
6. ADA Requirements for Service Animals
A service animal is not considered an accommodation and is mandated by law, in addition to ADA.
Please note that an individual with a service dog is not required to register with the OAS office for the service dog to gain access to classes on campus, but an individual that has an emotional support animal (ESA) should be referred to the OAS office since it would be considered an accommodation.
If any dog is brought on campus, an authorized John Jay College employee may ask you two specific questions which is provided in the first FAQ listed below:

For more FAQs pertaining to service animals, please click this link.
7. Access for Events
If you are hosting an event and expect outside guests, contact the Department of Public Safety via e-mail at with information about the group/event and an attendance list arranged in alphabetical order by last name.
Rules will vary and will be determined by the situation. Every consideration will be given for cooperation providing it does not compromise the security of the campus.
8. Visitors
Visitors to the College are granted access under the following circumstances:
CUNY Community Members
Individuals from other CUNY campuses may enter John Jay using their CUNY ID, after normal sign-in procedures, to conduct business (which may include attending an event wherein their name appears on the guest list), including use of the library. Please note that faculty, staff, and students (including E-permit students) must sign in at the Public Safety desk upon presenting his/her CUNY ID card.
Non-CUNY Visitors
Non-CUNY visitors must go through sign-in procedures, have official business on campus (visiting admissions, etc.) and be escorted on campus.
Members of the College community are encouraged to submit the names of expected guests to from their assigned John Jay College e-mail address. This should be done at least a day prior to the visit; access to the campus will then be expedited.
Contact us
Department of Public Safety
524 West 59th Street
Room L2.61 NB
New York, NY 10019
Office: 212-237-8524