In order to provide a variety of catering options to the John Jay Community several local vendors have agreed to offer special catering menus. Justino's Pizzeria and Pick-A-Bagel are the first group of vendors to participate in this program.
How it works:
1) Select items from one of the following menus:
2) Complete the Catering Request Form at least 5 (five) days prior to the time of the event:
3) Identify the funding source
Please note, that if tax levy funds are to be used a purchase order must already be in place prior to placing an order. If tax levy funds are to be used during the academic year, it is strongly suggested that a blanket purchase order be created in advance preventing any possible delays in placing a catering order.
4) Get supervisory approval in charge of the particular funding source.
5) Scan and email the order at least 5 (five) days prior to the event to:
- and cc: for catering orders charged to Tax Levy and Non-Tax Levy Funds.
- Kinya Chandler, for catering orders charged to Research Foundation Funds.
- If Tax Levy and Non-Tax Levy funds are used:
- Business Office will place the order.
- The Business Office will forward you a copy of the invoice once it is received and you must return it along with the justification/agenda of the catered event, and a signed registration form of attendees.
- CUNY meal policy limits $8 per person for breakfast and $15 per person for lunch.
- If Research Foundation Funds are used:
- Provost Office will place the order.
- Provost Office will forward you a copy of the invoice once it is received and you must return it along with the justification/agenda of the catered event, and a signed registration form of attendees.
Helen Cedeno
Interim Assistant Vice President for Finance
Ph: (212) 237-8485
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Finance and Business Services
555 West 59th Street, 1029BMW
New York, NY 10019