Upcoming Events & Recent Announcements for Faculty

Faculty Opportunities & Information About Upcoming Events 

Below you will find some of the information about opportunities shared in weekly emails from the Dean of Faculty.  See Faculty Resources for additional resources to support your teaching, scholarship, professional and personal development, including faculty handbooks.


  1. Grant Writing Support – Preeti Chauhan, Distinguished Faculty Fellow for Research at OAR, will conduct weekly office hours this semester. The hours will vary and can be in-person or virtual to accommodate faculty schedules more flexibly. Please use this link to sign up two or three weeks in advance.  If the available times are not convenient, please feel free to email her at pchauhan@jjay.cuny.edu to arrange an alternative meeting. Preeti is ready and available to provide guidance on grant writing opportunities, share information about OAR resources, and assist with the review/editing of grants.
  2. Faculty/Staff Student Engagement Program supports faculty efforts to interact with students outside of the classroom (e.g., lunch with a group of students; a catered event for students, perhaps with an outside speaker). The Program is currently accepting applications on a rolling basis for the remainder of the 2024-2025 academic year. Please submit your request by the listed deadline date for your expected scheduled event (see website). Applications will receive a notification within 3-5 business days after submission.  Please note that as we have seen an increase in applications, we have prioritized a selection process that honors new applicants. Apply now at www.jjay.cuny.edu/fsse. If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please email fse@jjay.cuny.edu.
  3. Call for Proposals!  The Faculty Opportunity Fund (FOF) supports full-time faculty members' professional development
  • Refer to the application form for information on award eligibility, the application process and criteria, and funding categories.
  • The FOF selection committee plans to evaluate applications 4-6 times per year, as needed:  Feb 1, April 1, June 1, Sept 1, Nov 1.
Faculty Workshops and Events
Date Event Details Location
Weds, Sept 4 @ 1:30-2:45pm Food for Thought: Economics Lunch and learn with colleagues Faculty/Staff Dining Room
Fri, Sept 6 @ 1:30-3pm 1st Friday: Successful Teaching @ JJ 1st Friday TLC - 335 HH
Fri, Sept 27 @ 9am-2pm Distinguished Teaching Prize Colloquium Hosted by Dr. Gina Rae Foster & the TLC TLC - 335 HH
Mon, Oct 7 @ 1:30-2:50pm 1st Monday: Caring vs Caretaking Workshop Gina Rae Foster TLC - 335 HH
Weds, Oct 9 @ 1:30-2:45pm Food for Thought: Climate & Environmental Justice Faculty Lunch and learn with colleagues Faculty/Staff Dining Room
Fri, Oct 25 @ 1:30-3:30pm Immigration Town Hall TLC - 335 HH
Tues, Oct 29 @ 1:40-2:50pm Workshop: Tenure & Promotion to Associate Professor Kyeanna Bailey, Angela Crossman TLC - 335 HH
Fri, Nov 1 @ 1:30-3pm 1st Friday: Staying in the Lines: Policies & Faculty Responsibilities Kinya Chandler, Gabriela Leal TLC - 335 HH
Fri, Nov 15 @ 10am-3pm Writing Boot Camp Work on your own writing and lunch chat with colleagues TLC - 335 HH
Fri, Nov 22 @ 10am-12pm TLC: DTP Colloquium Hosted by Dr. Gina Rae Foster & the TLC Zoom
Mon, Nov 25 @ 1:40-2:55pm Workshop: Promotion to Full Professor Kyeanna Bailey, Angela Crossman TLC - 335 HH
Fri, Dec 6 @ 1:30-3pm 1st Friday: Enacting our 7 Principles in the Classroom Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, Mangai Natarajan TLC - 335 HH
Tues, Dec 10 @ 1:30-2:45pm Food for Thought: Modern Languages & Literatures Lunch and learn with colleagues Faculty/Staff Dining Room
Mon, Feb 3 @ 1:30-2:45pm Food for Thought: Law & Police Science Lunch and learn with colleagues Faculty/Staff Dining Room
Fri, Feb 7 @ 1:30-3pm 1st Friday: Resources for Scholarship & Creative Activity OAR, library TLC - 335 HH
Fri, Feb 21 @ 1:30-3pm Lecturer Workshop - CCE: What is it and How Do I Get it? Angela Crossman, Kyeanna Bailey TLC - 335 HH
Thurs, Mar 13 @ 1:30-2:45pm Food for Thought: Public Management Lunch and learn with colleagues Faculty/Staff Dining Room
Tues, Apr 1 @ 1:30-2:45pm Food for Thought: Library Lunch and learn with colleagues Faculty/Staff Dining Room
Fri, Apr 4 @ 1:30-3pm 1st Friday: Thinking About Service Strategically Karen Kaplowitz, Angela Crossman TLC - 335 HH
Thurs, Apr 10 @ 1:40-2:50pm Workshop: Faculty Leaves Learn about fellowship, travia and other leaves. Kyeanna Bailey (FacSvcs), Heather Grant (HR), Christina Lee (HR) Zoom: Meeting ID: 864 3000 9128 Passcode: 643075
Fri, May 2 @ 1:30-3pm 1st Friday: Faculty Panel: Wisdom & Reflections from New-ish Faculty Colleagues More seasoned colleagues share their experiences and lessons learned TLC - 335 HH
Fri, May 9 @ 1:30-3pm Workshop: Form C and the Personnel Process Kyeanna Bailey, Angela Crossman TLC - 335 HH
Sept TBD @ 1:30-2:45pm Food for Thought: Latin American & Latinx Studies Lunch and learn with colleagues Faculty/Staff Dining Room

Weekly Faculty Updates

March 26, 2025

March 19, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. 8-Week-1 Classes – Final exams/last classes: Mar 19-21. Grade rosters open: Mar 19-24.
  2. Student Withdrawal period ends: Tuesday, April 1 - Last day students can drop a regular session class with a grade of "W". No classes:  Mon, Mar 31.  Academic calendars
  3. Book Adoptions time!  For Summer and Fall courses listed on CUNYFirst, it is NOW time to upload book/materials information.  We are required to post this information FOR ALL CLASSES by the time students register – even if no purchases are requiredLog in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty. Faculty can email adoptions@vitalsource.com for assistance with adoptions.  
  4. Commencement is Weds, May 28, 3:30pm at Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn. Full-time faculty can order regalia by Mon, April 14 at: https://oakhallcg.com/pages/jjcfaculty; and (b) confirm attendance by Weds, May 21 at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbQjZvEjlWgN0IIMCcv6uaUk2nw0Vq8b_TKC2QlRT-_Dxk5g/viewform?usp=sf_link. Please refer to the Provost’s letter for additional questions. More specific details event will be shared closer to the event.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Meeting Primary Needs for Higher Education: Increasing food, housing, and transportation costs can be devastating for our low and lower middle-income students and can disrupt their ability to engage and be fully present with their learning. Students can find information and apply for John Jay’s Emergency Funding options at the links below.

     Because hunger may be impacting more of our students than we know, it may help to remind all students in your classes that the College has a food pantry where enrolled students can get grocery items. Meal vouchers and meal plans are also available. Students must enroll in the food pantry program BEFORE they stop by for food.

     Please see the attached reference for more food support resources:

·      Emergency Funding: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/student-life/wellness-center/emergency-funding

·      Housing/Utility: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/student-life/wellness-center/emergency-funding/emergency-housing-utility-assistance

·      Medical: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/student-life/wellness-center/emergency-funding/emergency-medical-grant

·      Food Pantry: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/student-life/wellness-center/food-pantry

·      Meal Vouchers/Meal Plans: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/student-life/wellness-center/emergency-funding/emergency-food-voucher-program

·      Transportation: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/student-life/wellness-center/emergency-funding/emergency-transportation-program


     Bookmark this TLC News & Opportunities page for opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu

3.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events  

  1. TODAY! Lloyd Sealy Library Author Series:
     Weds, Mar 19, 1:40-3pm, 2nd floor Library classroom, Derek Tyler Attico (JJ ’18, Eng), The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko. Full schedule and RSVP links available on the library event calendar.
  2. TODAY! ¡Let’s Re-Think Academia Together! Latinx and Hispanic Voices in Qualitative Methodology: Indigenization of Knowledge and Social Justice, with Giazú Enciso Dominguez, Weds, Mar 19, 1:40-2:50pm, 1.105NB.  (See flier)
  3. TODAY! OAR Book Talk: Sixty Miles Upriver: Gentrification and Race in a Small American City by Richard E. Ocejo (SOC), with discussant Dr. Brandi T. Summers. Weds, Mar 19, 4:30-6:00pm, Riverview Room (9.64NB). RSVP here.
  4. TODAY! Anya & Andrew Shiva Gallery exhibit: Honey: Paulo Nazareth. Paulo Nazareth, Diane Lima & Claudia Calirman (curator) in conversation, Weds, Mar 19, 5-6:30pm, L.61NB. Opening reception, 6:30-9pm in the Shiva Gallery (on view until May 16)
  5. Professional Development Series on Generative AI: Bridging Vision and Action: Setting CUNY’s Academic AI Strategy for Transformative Impact, Fri, Mar 21, 11am-noon, virtual. With Ina Wanca Chief Academic AI Officer, CUNY. See flierRegister HERE.
  6. Invitation: Update on our ongoing 2025-2030 strategic planning process, Thurs Mar 27, 1:40-2:50pm, L.63 or Zoom (ID: 893 8708 7501; Passcode: 250622). Hear about work that has been completed so far, opportunities to provide input, upcoming important dates, and recent accomplishments associated with our 2020-2025 strategic plan. Questions? Contact Christopher Shults at cshults@jjay.cuny.edu.
  7. The University Faculty Senate Academic Freedom Committee is offering a workshop on Academic Freedom, Fri, Mar 28, 2-3 p.m. Topics will include: what Academic Freedom is, its history, how it plays out at CUNY and how to protect it. There will be a 25-minute presentation followed by Q&A. Register in advance to join: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/98VtZLY0QYm11NlpzY_XBw. Questions to Prof. Hollis Glaser (HGlaser@bmcc.cuny.edu) or Prof. Beth Evans (Bevans@brooklyn.cuny.edu), Co-Chairs, UFS Academic Freedom Committee.
  8. Registration for the 2025 CUNY Teaching & Learning Conference on April 3 (virtual) and April 4 (in person at the Graduate Center) is open. Please see the Website for more information and for Registration. Email questions to CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu.

4.  Faculty Conversation – Open Forum  

Invitation:  Open Forum on Faculty Concerns.  Higher Education is experiencing disruption like never before.  Some concerns focus on the impact on our students, classrooms and teaching; some focus on protections for academic freedom; others are on our budgets; and some might be experiencing disruption in their research and/or funding.  Please join faculty colleagues and Interim Dean Angela Crossman, who will be joined by Provost Pease and Deans Deans Anthony Carpi and Kinya Chandler for an initial Open Forum to share concerns and discuss issues impacting the work of faculty in this evolving landscape.  All are welcome.  In person only.  Thursday, April 3, 1:40-2:50pm, L2.85 NB classroom.

     Reminder:  All faculty (and our families) can access an array of personal supports with free services through the Employee Assistance Program: CCA@YourService. Call 1-800-833-8707, go to www.myccaonline.com, or download the CCA@YourService App. Code: CUNY. 

5.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team) 

Advance registration not required, but please use your John Jay Zoom account for security (for help with zoom, contact DOIT Help Desk at helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu or 212.238.8200).

     Today! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Open Q&A, Weds, Mar 19, 2pm-3pm. Meeting ID: 827 7117 7780; Passcode: 779008

     Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

6.  Faculty Awards, Funding and Opportunities  

  1. Call for Proposals!  Grants up to $10,000 to support research by full-time faculty and doctoral students in the US on questions related to social mobility and higher education in the USDeadline to apply is Mon, Mar 24, 2025. Apply HERE.
  2. Call for Applications!  CUNY Faculty Leadership & Innovation Fellows Program aims to grow the pipeline of faculty prepared to thrive in academic leadership. Fellows to focus on leadership and innovation at CUNY central. Apply here by 11:59pm, Mon, April 7. See: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/faculty-affairs/faculty-fellows/2025-2026/
  3. Call for Applications!  CUNY Office of Academic Affairs seeks a Transfer Faculty Fellow to support CUNY’s Transfer Initiative, “ONE CUNY”. The goal is to create a more seamless transfer process across CUNY. The Fellowship program is designed to enhance faculty engagement in student success initiatives and develop a pipeline of faculty leaders for future academic executive roles in CUNY.  See HERE for more details about this and other Fellowships. Apply HERE by 11:59pm, Mon, April 7.
  4. Call for Applications! The Office of Student Research & Creativity gives 3-4 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards to recognize faculty providing exceptional mentoring of students in scholarly research or creative work. Application deadline: April 15th. Awards: Junior Mentor Award, Senior Mentor Award and Lifetime Mentor Achievement Award. See HERE for more information about how to apply.

March 12, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. Full-time faculty – Personnel deadlines:  March 15:  Deadline to notify Provost Pease of intent to apply for (early) tenure and/or promotion in the current year.  Include your CV.  Copy Faculty Services Director Kyeanna Bailey (kbailey@jjay.cuny.edu) and dept chair.
  2. 8-Week-1 Classes – Student evaluation period ends Tues, Mar 18, 11:59pm. Final exams/last classes: Mar 19-21. Grade rosters open: Mar 19-24.
  3. Student Withdrawal period ends: Tuesday, April 1 - Last day students can drop a regular session class with a grade of "W". No classes:  Mon, Mar 31.  Academic calendars

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Self-reflection can build capacity and community: At mid-term, self-reflection can help students connect their wins, challenges, and goals to successful planning and action, individually and with their peers.

Here are 3 reflective strategies you could try to support student success:

  • Self-reflection. After an assignment or exam, invite your students to reflect through “exam wrappers” or short writing activities. Prompt them to write about their study strategies, performance, and plans for next time.
  • Study habits. Ask your students to describe where, when, and how they study and what works best – and what they might change (e.g., using the library or silencing device notifications).
  • Peer sharing.  Encourage your students to share effective study strategies with each other (e.g., in a class or small group discussion or discussion board).

     Looking for examples? Join next week’s lesson planning workshop: Make the Most of your 75 Minutes! with Tomasita Ortiz (Eng; Vertical Writing Program), Tues, Mar 18, 1:40-2:55pm, 335HHRSVP by Mon, Mar 17 at https://forms.gle/qUaWb7iJGBmCeVg28 (see flier)

     Bookmark this TLC News & Opportunities page for opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu

3.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events  

  1. Food for Thought lunch, Thurs, Mar 13, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Public Management. Speakers: Maria D’Agostino, Melissa McShea, Jason Rivera, Denise Thompson & Shilpa Viswanath.  Lunch is on us. RSVP here today.
  2. Invitation:  For the 2025-2030 strategic planning process, please assist the Strategic Planning Subcommittee to develop our Institutional Vision Statement. Share thoughts, insights and imaginings about College’s future, Thurs, Mar 13, 1:40-2:50pm, L.61Questions to Christopher Shults at cshults@jjay.cuny.edu.
  3. Lloyd Sealy Library Author Series:  Weds, Mar 19, 1:40-3pm, 2nd floor Library classroom, Derek Tyler Attico (JJ ’18, Eng), The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko. Full schedule and RSVP links available on the library event calendar.
  4. ¡Let’s Re-Think Academia Together! Latinx and Hispanic Voices in Qualitative Methodology: Indigenization of Knowledge and Social Justice, with Giazú Enciso Dominguez, Weds, Mar 19, 1:40-2:50pm, 1.105NB.  
  5. OAR Book Talk: Sixty Miles Upriver: Gentrification and Race in a Small American City by Richard E. Ocejo (SOC), with discussant Dr. Brandi T. Summers (Columbia University). Weds, Mar 19, 4:30-6:00pm, Riverview Room (9.64NB). RSVP here.
  6. Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery exhibit: Honey: Paulo Nazareth. Paulo Nazareth, Diane Lima & Claudia Calirman (curator) in conversation, Weds, Mar 19, 5-6:30pm, L.61NB. Opening reception, 6:30-9pm in the Shiva Gallery (on view until May 16)
  7. Professional Development Series on Generative AI: Bridging Vision and Action: Setting CUNY’s Academic AI Strategy for Transformative Impact, Fri, Mar 21, 11am-noon, virtual. Ina Wanca Chief Academic AI Officer, CUNY. See flier.  Register HERE.

4.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. Showcasing Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship at BMCC. Student Mental Health: A Post-Pandemic Perspective, Thurs, Mar 13, 1:00-2:15 pm, in person (CETLS, S510D) and Zoom. Click title for additional resources and to RSVP (in person) or Register (Zoom).
  2. Call for Applications! Spring 2025 Writing Assignment Seminar. Funded seminar to support development of writing assignments for Gen Ed and Major Gateway courses for Fall 25. Groups of 3-4 faculty encouraged to develop and teach an assignment across multiple sections of same course. Deadline: Fri, Mar 14. To apply, complete this form.  
  3. Credit for Prior Learning Professional Development: Showcase: Multi-Campus CPL Evaluation, Fri, Mar 14, 10-11am, virtual. Faculty experiences working on multi-campus evaluation committees to recommend CPL for industry credentials. Flyer. Register Here
  4. Registration for the 2025 CUNY Teaching & Learning Conference on April 3 (virtual) and April 4 (in person at the Graduate Center) is open. Please see the Website for more information and for Registration. Email questions to CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu.

5.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team)  

Advance registration not required, but please use your John Jay Zoom account for security (for help with zoom, contact DOIT Help Desk at helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu or 212.238.8200).

Today! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Using Groups in Brightspace, Weds, Mar 12, 2pm-3pm. Meeting ID: 868 3506 8032; Passcode: 025825. 

     Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

6.  Faculty Awards, Funding and Opportunities  

  1. Call for Proposals!  Grants up to $10,000 to support research by full-time faculty and doctoral students in the US on questions related to social mobility and higher education in the USDeadline to apply is Mon, Mar 24, 2025. Apply HERE.
  2. Call for Applications!  CUNY Faculty Leadership and Innovation Fellows Program aims to increase the pipeline of faculty prepared to thrive in academic leadership. Offers the opportunity to explore this path and expand academic leadership and administrative skills via an immersive experience. Gain experience with daily demands, expectations and responsibilities of executive leadership.  Deadline: Mon, Apr 7, 11:59pm.  
         8-9 fellows
    will focus on leadership and innovation in key units in CUNY’s central administration. Learn about opportunities in academic administration, elements of effective leadership, and innovative professional practices that undergird administrative accomplishments and professional fulfillment. Apply here by 11:59pm, Mon, April 7. See: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/faculty-affairs/faculty-fellows/2025-2026/
  3. Call for Applications! The Office of Student Research & Creativity gives 3-4 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards to recognize faculty providing exceptional mentoring of students in scholarly research or creative work. Application deadline: April 15th. Awards: Junior Mentor Award, Senior Mentor Award and Lifetime Mentor Achievement Award. See HERE for more info about how to apply.

March 5, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. Classes follow Weds schedule on Thurs, Mar 6. (Conversion days info.) Calendars
  2. Early Check-In Feedback. Deadline today for faculty feedback on students in undergrad classes. Goal is to provide additional support for students who may need it before the April 1 add/drop deadline.  Early Check-In Reports: Spring 2025 Timeline. Faculty can submit additional EAB Navigate Alerts when grades are available.
  3. Full-time faculty – Upcoming personnel deadlines:
    1. March 15: Deadline to notify the Provost of intent to apply for (early) tenure and/or promotion in the current year (fall votes) in writing (email acceptable). Copy Faculty Services Director Kyeanna Bailey (kbailey@jjay.cuny.edu) and your dept chair.
  4. Using Outlook App on cell phonesJJ emails sent using the ‘outlook’ app on cell phones do not seem to reliably deliver emails with attachments. Even after an email is sent, it sometimes does not show evidence of the sending. When sending email with an attachment from your JJ email address using outlook, including to John Jay, it is wise to use a computer rather than the cell phone app.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC

Community builds capacityBelonging, resilience and anti-loneliness are part of ongoing conversations about student success. Each is developed through class community, which can also lead to improved academic performance and increased skills transfer over time. Cohort programs (e.g., ACE, ¡Adelante!, PRISM, Apple Corps, MBK) build on these findings.

     Here are some ideas for building community among students across:

  • Learning names.  Invite students to learn as many names as possible through memory games and repeating each other’s names when they engage in discussions.
  • Finding affinities.  Help students find affinities by asking them to identify shared interests, career plans, courses, strengths and challenges with activities such as polls, raised hands, Mentimeter, or moving to different areas of the room to form groups.
  • Study support groups. Prime students to share class info and resources by working with them to create study groups. Set guidelines and boundaries for engagement.
  • Shared activities.  Share course-related events information and encourage students to participate for extra credit. Or attend as a class. To fund such class activities, apply to the Faculty/Staff Student Engagement Program (e.g., field trip to a local museum or event; lunch at a local restaurant). Next Deadline: Fri, Mar 7 (for Apr-May 2025 events). Notifications 3-5 business days after submit. New applicants receive priority. Apply at www.jjay.cuny.edu/fsse. Questions to fse@jjay.cuny.edu.

Bookmark this TLC News & Opportunities page for opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.  

3.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events  

  1. Food for Thought lunch, Thurs, Mar 13, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Public Management. Speakers: Melissa McShea, Jason Rivera, Denise Thompson & Shilpa Viswanath.  Lunch is on us. RSVP here by Tues, Mar 11.  (See flier below)
  2. Lloyd Sealy Library Author Series:
     Weds, Mar 19, 1:40-3pm, 2nd floor Library classroom, Derek Tyler Attico (JJ ’18, Eng), The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko. Full schedule and RSVP links available on the library event calendar.
  3. OAR Book Talk: Sixty Miles Upriver: Gentrification and Race in a Small American City by Richard E. Ocejo (SOC), with discussant Dr. Brandi T. Summers (Columbia University). Weds, Mar 19, 4:30-6:00pm, Riverview Room (9.64NB). RSVP here.
  4. Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery exhibit: Honey: Paulo Nazareth. Paulo Nazareth, Diane Lima & Claudia Calirman (curator) in conversation, Weds, Mar 19, 5-6:30pm, L.61NB. Opening reception, 6:30-9pm in the Shiva Gallery (on view until May 16; see flier)

4.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. Hunter ACERT Lunchtime Seminars are virtual sessions on teaching and learning by faculty for faculty. Guiding growth through mentoring and support, Thurs, Mar 6, 12-1pm. Click the title to learn more and register. Questions: acert@hunter.cuny.edu.
  2. CUNY Faculty Webinar Series for Online Instruction: Spark Discussions, Ignite Learning: Mastering Virtual Discussions, Thurs, Mar 6, 3:00pm. A guide to cultivating dynamic virtual discussions in online courses. REGISTER. For all Spring 2025 webinars REGISTER HERE. Questions to Judith Cahn: Judith.Cahn@cuny.edu
  3. CITA Book Club: A Pedagogy of Kindness, Fri, Mar 7, 11am-noon, virtual. Leads Michelle Fraboni & Joshua Barnes (QC). Explore and discuss Catherine J. Denial’s book. Attendees can participate in a raffle for a copy of Denial's book. Details in the flyerRegister Here.
  4. Call for Applications! Spring 2025 Writing Assignment Seminar. This funded seminar will support faculty development of writing assignments for Gen Ed and Major Gateway courses for use in fall 25. We encourage groups of 3-4 JJ faculty to develop and teach a writing assignment across multiple sections of the same Gen Ed or major gateway course. Deadline: Fri, Mar 14. To apply, complete this form.  See attachment.
  5. Credit for Prior Learning Professional Development: Faculty are invited to participate in a 2-part professional development workshop by the Council on Adult and Experiential Learning. Deadline to apply: Fri, Mar 7. Sessions: 9am-1pm, Fri, Mar 21 & Fri, Mar 28, virtual. See eligibility criteria and apply via this online form.
  6. Showcasing Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship at BMCC. Student Mental Health: A Post-Pandemic Perspective, Thurs, Mar 13, 1:00-2:15 pm, in person (CETLS, S510D) and Zoom. Michael McGee (Health Studies). Click title above for additional resources and to RSVP (in person) or Register (Zoom).
  7. Credit for Prior Learning Professional Development Series: Showcase: Multi-Campus CPL Evaluation, Fri, Mar 14, 10-11am, virtual. Faculty will share their experiences working on multi-campus evaluation committees to recommend CPL for industry credentials and other learning experiences. Additional details in the flyerRegister Here.

5.  Faculty Awards, Funding and Opportunities  

  1. Deadline extended to Fri, Mar 7 (see attachment):  OAR full-time faculty awards: The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. This linked document details eligibility criteria and application guidelines. Questions to oar@jjay.cuny.eduDeadline: Fri, March 7.  
  2. Call for Applications!  The Faculty Leadership and Innovation Fellows Program aims to increase the pipeline of faculty who are prepared to thrive in academic leadership roles at CUNY. The program offers faculty the opportunity to explore this path and expand their academic leadership and administrative skills through an immersive experience. Faculty also gain experience with the daily demands, expectations, and responsibilities of executive leadership positions in the CUNY system.  Deadline: Mon, Apr 7, 11:59pm.
              CUNY’s Office of Academic Affairs seeks 8-9 fellows for 2025-26 to focus on leadership and innovation. Fellows will be located in key units in CUNY’s central administration and learn about opportunities in academic administration, elements of effective leadership, and innovative professional practices that undergird administrative accomplishments and support professional fulfillment. Applications must be submitted here by 11:59pm on April 7, 2025. The application and more details can be found at https://www.cuny.edu/academics/faculty-affairs/faculty-fellows/2025-2026/
  3. Call for Proposals! For grants up to $10,000 to support research by full-time faculty and doctoral students in the US on questions related to social mobility and higher education in the USDeadline to apply is Mon, Mar 24, 2025. Apply HERE.
  4. Call for Applications! The Office of Student Research & Creativity gives 3-4 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards to recognize faculty providing exceptional mentoring of students in scholarly research or creative work. Application deadline: April 15th. Awards: Junior Mentor Award, Senior Mentor Award and Lifetime Mentor Achievement Award. See HERE for more information about how to apply.

February 26, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. Classes follow Weds schedule on Thurs, Mar 6. (Conversion days info.) Calendars
  2. On Weds, Feb 19, Akademos by Vitalsource sent their Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey to faculty. CSAT surveys help them measure satisfaction with their services, highlight what’s working well, and identify areas for improvement. Please complete the survey ASAP, sharing your feedback to help them enhance their support and service.
  3. Early Check-In Feedback. For those who received requests, faculty feedback on students in undergraduate classes is due before March 5. The goal is to identify students who may need additional support and connect them with that support before the April 1 add/drop deadline.  Early Check-In Reports: Spring 2025 Timeline. Later in the semester, you can submit additional EAB Navigate Alerts when grades are available.
  4. Full-time faculty – Upcoming personnel deadlines:
    1. March 1:  Fellowship leave applications for Spring 2026 due to dept chairs. Form.
    2. March 15: Deadline to notify Provost of intent to apply for (early) tenure and/or promotion in the current year (fall votes) in writing (email acceptable). Copy Faculty Services Director Kyeanna Bailey (kbailey@jjay.cuny.edu) and your dept chair.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC 

Supporting student health:  Our world is changing rapidly outside the college and now, in week 5, students may have multiple sources of anxiety compounding the tension that comes with academic deadlines, tests, and assignments.

     How can we encourage and model healthy student behaviors in this context? One idea is to show our interest in students’ wellbeing by taking a “temperature check” at the beginning of class. We can also model healthy behaviors and strategies for focusing attention and sustaining study routines–perhaps include setting timelines for assignments and setting achievable goals in class activities. Another idea is to share data with students on the importance of sleep, exercise and healthy eating for their academic success. We can also remind them of College resources available to them, including academic resources and supports, our food pantryemergency fundingphysical and mental health services (see more HERE). Please consider referring students to the Counseling Center when serious concerns arise (you observe sudden absenteeism, changes in hygiene habits, inappropriate behavior or outbursts in class or online) or notify the Behavioral Intervention Team.

     We recommend the TLC’s Mental Health & Teaching page for resources on student mental health and learning. Also, bookmark this TLC News & Opportunities page for opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

3.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events  

  1. Today! The JJ Office for the Advancement of Research will host an open forum for faculty to discuss/ask questions about the current federal grant landscape and impacts on funded projects and/or funding opportunities. Weds, Feb 26, noon, Virtual Open Forum.  Meeting ID: 868 9814 8130; Passcode: 670791.
  2. Tonight! Journal Article Contracts: Understanding and Retaining Your Rights as an Author. Weds, Feb 26, 6:30-7:30pm, Zoom (registration link) OR Fri, Feb 28, 11am-noon, Zoom (registration link).  When you publish a journal article, you sign a copyright agreement. Do you know what you’re agreeing to when you sign it? How can you find out a journal’s policy? Can you negotiate a better contract? Come learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.
  3. Seminar: The Fourteenth Amendment: A History of Birthright Citizenship and Current Challenges, Thurs, Feb 27, 3:05-4:20pm in 630HH. Presenters: Dean Ringel and Jodi Ziesemer. Co-sponsors: History and Humanities & Justice.
  4. Leaders of Justice: Celebrating Black History Month. President Mason in conversation with The Honorable Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Thurs, Feb 27, 4:30pm. Zoom registration www.jjay.cuny.edu/ASC. Questions to externalaffairs@jjay.cuny.edu. See flier below.
  5. Proposal Writing Workshop for a CUNY Book Completion Award. In person Thurs, Feb 27, 6-7:30pm, CUNY Graduate Center. RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/c31gTisMM6 by Feb 24, 5pm. Questions to Sarah Hoiland, shoiland@gc.cuny.edu.
  6. 35thMalcom/King Awards Breakfast, Fri, Feb 28, 8:45am, 4th Floor Gym, Haaren Hall.  See flier below.  To register and/or donate: https://jjay.cc/malcolm_king_25
  7. Lloyd Sealy Library Author Series:
     Tues, Mar 4, 1:40-3pm, 2nd floor Library classroom, Michelle Holder (Eco), co-author of forthcoming Political economy of racism: The persistence of anti-blackness in the US. RSVP: https://MichelleHolder.eventbrite.com

4.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. Hunter ACERT Lunchtime Seminars are 1-hour virtual sessions on teaching and learning by faculty for faculty. Guiding growth through mentoring and support, Thurs, Mar 6, 12-1pm. Click the title to learn more and register. Questions: acert@hunter.cuny.edu.
  2. Credit for Prior Learning Professional Development Series: Faculty across CUNY are invited to participate in a 2-part professional development workshop by the Council on Adult and Experiential Learning. Sessions: 9am-1pm, Fri, Mar 21 & Fri, Mar 28, virtual. See eligibility criteria and apply via this online form by the Deadline: Friday, March 7.
  3. Registration for the 2025 CUNY Teaching & Learning Conference on April 3 (virtual) and April 4 (in person at the Graduate Center) is open. Please see the Website for more information and for Registration. Email questions to CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu.

5.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team)  

Advance registration not required, but please use your John Jay Zoom account for security (for help with zoom, contact DOIT Help Desk at helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu or 212.238.8200).

Today! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Advanced Quiz Topics, Weds, Feb 26, 2pm-3pm. ID: 835 5108 3186; Passcode: 348288. 

Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

6.  Faculty Awards and Funding 

  1. Deadline extended to Fri, Mar 7 (see attachment):  OAR full-time faculty awards: The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. This linked document details eligibility criteria and application guidelines. Questions to oar@jjay.cuny.eduDeadline: Fri, March 7.  
  2. Call for Applications! The Office of Student Research & Creativity gives 3-4 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards to recognize faculty providing exceptional mentoring of students in scholarly research or creative work. Application deadline: April 15th. Awards: Junior Mentor Award, Senior Mentor Award and Lifetime Mentor Achievement Award. Faculty self-nominate and submit materials, but students and colleagues should encourage role models and peers to apply. See HERE for more info.
  3. Call for Proposals! For grants up to $10,000 to support research by full-time faculty and doctoral students in the US on questions related to social mobility and higher education in the US. The program is organized by the Social Mobility Lab at the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, City College. The Lab aims to advance understanding of how higher education expands and accelerates opportunities for students and the families and communities from which they come. See attached PDF for program details, including how to apply. Deadline to apply is Mon, Mar 24, 2025.  

7.  CUNY Opportunity to Share with Students  

The NY Jobs CEO Council is hosting a five-part generative AI workshop series for students of all backgrounds this semester at BMCC. Students will have the opportunity to learn from industry professionals, engage with generative AI technologies through hands-on activities, and earn a digital badge. The program is free for students and breakfast will be provided. Please share this learning opportunity with your students.

The Gen AI workshop series will be Fridays, 10a-12pm, March 7 - April 4 at BMCC (199 Chambers St., Room N-452). Students will:

  • Learn how Gen AI works and how it may perpetuate bias
  • Get hands-on with tools to understand its uses and limitations
  • Build a project and present it to a panel of industry experts
  • Network with industry volunteers and panelists
  • Receive a digital badge of completion from the NY Jobs CEO Council

For questions, see the FAQs (https://tinyurl.com/genaifaqs) or email Aankit Patel at aankit.patel@cuny.edu. Flyers linked here: PDF and image.

February 19, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

     Full-time faculty – Upcoming personnel deadlines:

  1. March 1:  Fellowship leave applications for Spring 2026 due to dept chairs. Form.
  2. March 15: Deadline to notify the Provost of intent to apply for (early) tenure and/or promotion in the current year (fall votes) in writing (email acceptable). Copy Faculty Services Director Kyeanna Bailey (kbailey@jjay.cuny.edu) and your dept chair.

2.  Early Check-In Reports:  Spring 2025  

Early Check-In Feedback Request.  Today, February 19, faculty will receive an email from Kate Szur, Interim Assistant Dean for Student Success and Retention, through the Navigate360 platform. This message will request faculty feedback on students in undergraduate classes before March 5. The goal is to identify students who may need additional support and connect them with an advisor or staff member before the April 1 add/drop deadline.  Early Check-In Reports: Spring 2025 Timeline  

   To make providing early feedback easier this spring, we updated the EAB Navigate Progress Reports to be Early Check-In Feedback. Rather than focusing on assignment grades, this feedback will provide insight into students’ initial course performance and attendance. We recognize that grades may not yet be available, so please provide holistic feedback. Later in the semester, you can submit additional EAB Navigate Alerts when grades are available.

   In Fall 2024, faculty identified nearly 2,700 students who needed staff support through EAB Navigate Progress Reports. Your participation made a significant impact:

  • Over 600 students had follow-up appointments with a success specialist or advisor.
  • Students who met with a staff member had significantly higher semester GPAs and course completion rates than those who did not.
  • Students with a Progress Report-related appointment had an average GPA of 2.5 compared to 2.3 for those who were not seen (t(-4.13), p < .001).
  • Students also had a higher credit completion ratio (.74 versus.69, t(-3.16), p < .001).

Your participation is invaluable in ensuring student success. Thank you for your dedication and support!

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Building student self-help confidence and skills:  Now in week 4, how are your students responding to assignments so far? They may be discovering what they are doing easily and what they find challenging. It may be a good time to remind them of the support resources included in your syllabi and facilitate making connections between their needs and the resources that can fill those needs. For instance, frequent, low-stakes assessments allow students to see how they are doing early on, but only if they check their grades. Perhaps require students to meet with you once during office hours to discuss grades or feedback. Or assign some or all students to visit the writing center (or appropriate center for your class) as a way to normalize this practice. Maybe offer class time for students to prepare study materials together, making connections and study progress. Remember that all faculty can raise alerts (or share kudos) in Navigate 360 (see Early Check In Reports above).

Bookmark this TLC News & Opportunities page to find more opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

4.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events  

  1. Invitation: Interested faculty members are invited to join The Write Space, an informal, virtual writing community. Commit to writing for 90 mins online every week, without interruption. Sessions Thursdays, 9:30–11am (2/27, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/24 & 5/1). Sign up here: https://forms.gle/dyHzDxr9o8nLLrJu7. Deadline: Mon, Feb 24.
  2. Campus-wide Know Your Rights Session, Mon, Feb 24, 1:40-3pm, Zoom. Register here.
  3. Seminar: The Fourteenth Amendment: A History of Birthright Citizenship and Current Challenges, Thurs, Feb 27, 3:05-4:20pm in 630HH. Presenters: Dean Ringel (History; Humanities & Justice) and Jodi Ziesemer (New York Legal Assistance Group). Co-sponsors: History and Humanities & Justice.
  4. Leaders of Justice: Celebrating Black History Month. President Mason in conversation with The Honorable Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Thurs, Feb 27, 4:30pm. Zoom registration www.jjay.cuny.edu/ASC. Questions to externalaffairs@jjay.cuny.edu. See flier below.
  5. Proposal Writing Workshop for a CUNY Book Completion Award. In person Thurs, Feb 27, 6-7:30pm, CUNY Graduate Center. RSVP at https://forms.office.com/r/c31gTisMM6 by Feb 24, 5pm. Questions to Sarah Hoiland, shoiland@gc.cuny.edu.
  6. 35thMalcom/King Awards Breakfast, Fri, Feb 28, 8:45am, 4th Floor Gym, Haaren Hall.  See flier below.  To register and/or donate: https://jjay.cc/malcolm_king_25

5.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities 

  1. Exploring Generative AI Visual Literacy and Creativity in Pedagogical Environments, Fri, Feb 21, 11am-noon (virtual). Leads: Michael Mandiberg (CSI) & Ximena Gallardo (LGCC).  Explore how to develop digital and visual literacy skills, given the availability of generative artificial intelligence tools capable of producing text and image-based content. Additional details in the flyer. Register here.
  2. Registration for the 2025 CUNY Teaching & Learning Conference on April 3 (virtual) and April 4 (in person at the Graduate Center) is open. Please see the Website for more information and for Registration. Email questions to CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu.

6.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team) 

     Advance registration not required, but please use your John Jay Zoom account for security (for help with zoom, contact DOIT Help Desk at helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu or 212.238.8200).

Today! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Open Q & A, Weds, Feb 19, 2pm-3pm.
https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/86250000369?pwd=RbVwpUZhiz4XKLjsIZHBy208MGFAza.1 Meeting ID: 862 5000 0369;  Passcode: 104045

     Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Faculty Awards and Funding 

  1. Last call!  Distinguished Faculty Service to the College AwardDeadline - Feb 20.
    Nomination Form here. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. OAR full-time faculty awards: The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. The linked document details eligibility criteria and application guidelines. Questions to oar@jjay.cuny.eduDeadline: Thurs, Feb 20.  
  3. Faculty Service to Students Award. Due on or before Feb 21Submit one-page letter with reasons faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. Call for Applications! The Office of Student Research & Creativity gives 3-4 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards to recognize faculty providing exceptional mentoring of students in scholarly research or creative work. Application deadline: April 15th. Awards: Junior Mentor Award (within first 6 yrs as a mentor; $1200), Senior Mentor Award ($1500) and Lifetime Mentor Achievement Award (biennially; $2000). Faculty self-nominate and submit all materials, but students (including graduate students) and colleagues should encourage role models and peers to apply. See HERE for more info.

February 11/12, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. No classes:  Weds, Feb 12 & Mon, Feb 17 (college closed for both); Mon, Mar 31; Apr 12-20 (spring recess).  Classes follow Mon schedule on Tues, Feb 18; Weds schedule on Thurs, Mar 6. (Read about conversion days here.) Academic calendars
  2. Verification of enrollment rosters for spring close Fri, Feb 14. See the Faculty Handbook for more about VOE: Attendance Rosters: Verification of Enrollment. 
  3. Full-time faculty – Upcoming personnel deadlines:
     - March 1:  Fellowship leave applications for Spring 2026 due to dept chairs. Form.
     - March 15: Deadline to notify the Provost of intent to apply for (early) tenure and/or promotion in the current year (fall votes) in writing (email acceptable). Copy Faculty Services Director Kyeanna Bailey (kbailey@jjay.cuny.edu) and your dept chair.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Peer teaching observations begin soon. Whether we are being observed or conducting an observation, peer observations offer invaluable opportunities to discuss pedagogy with a colleague – and to get constructive feedback on our teaching.  Observations are also a key component of the personnel process for all teaching faculty.

When we think of peer observations as part of our professional development, we can ease anxieties about how our teaching is perceived in favor of strengthening our shared commitments to student learning and adjusting our sense of where we are succeeding and where we can continue to grow.

We recommend these resources for observers and those being observed (and dept chairs):

Bookmark this TLC News & Opportunities page to find more opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

3.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events

  1. Invitation: All interested faculty members are invited to join The Write Space – an informal, virtual writing community. Commit to writing for 90 minutes online every week, without interruptions! Initial session to include virtual introductions. Subsequent writing sessions will end with 5 to 10 minutes to share progress. The 8 sessions will be Thursdays, 9:30am – 11am (2/27, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/24 & 5/1). Sign up here: https://forms.gle/dyHzDxr9o8nLLrJu7. Deadline: Mon, Feb 24.  See flier.
  2. Campus-wide Know Your Rights Session, Mon, Feb 24, 1:40-3pm, Zoom. See flier below. Register here.
  3. Seminar: The Fourteenth Amendment: A History of Birthright Citizenship and Current Challenges, Thurs, Feb 27, 3:05-4:20pm in 630HH. Presenters: Dean Ringel (History; Humanities & Justice) and Jodi Ziesemer (New York Legal Assistance Group). Co-sponsors: History and Humanities & Justice.

4.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities 

  1. Exploring Generative AI Visual Literacy and Creativity in Pedagogical Environments, Fri, Feb 21, 11am-noon (virtual). Leads: Michael Mandiberg (CSI) & Ximena Gallardo (LGCC).  Explore how to develop digital literacy and visual literacy skills (ours and our students’) in light of the availability of generative artificial intelligence tools capable of producing text and image-based content. Additional details in the flyer. Register here.
  2. Registration for the 2025 CUNY Teaching & Learning Conference on April 3 (virtual) and April 4 (in person at the Graduate Center) is open. Please see the Website for more information and for Registration. Email questions to CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu.

5.  Faculty Awards and Funding 

  1. Last call!  Distinguished Faculty Service to the College AwardDeadline - Feb 15.
    Nomination Form here. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. Funding for full-time faculty professional development (e.g., NCFDD Faculty Success Program (FSP); apply by Feb 15 for summer 2025 FSP). Application: Faculty Opportunity Fund. Questions to apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  
  3. OAR full-time faculty awards: The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. The linked document details eligibility criteria and application guidelines. Questions to oar@jjay.cuny.eduDeadline: Thurs, Feb 20.  
  4. Faculty Service to Students Award. Due on or before Feb 21Submit one-page letter with reasons faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.
  5. Call for Applications! Each year, the Office of Student Research & Creativity awards 3 to 4 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards to recognize faculty providing exceptional mentoring of students in scholarly research or creative work. Application deadline: April 15th. Awards are: Junior Mentor Award (within first 6 years as a mentor; $1200), Senior Mentor Award ($1500) and Lifetime Mentor Achievement Award (biennially; $2000). Faculty formally self-nominate and submit all materials, but students (including graduate students) and colleagues should encourage role models and peers to apply. For more info, go to jjay.cuny.edu/faculty-mentor-award.

February 5, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. Adjunct Pay Dates: The first adjunct pay date for Spring is Feb 6. Please check to ensure accurate payment according to your course load to avoid over- or underpayment. Contact your Chair if you are not paid. (Note: Late hires will experience a pay delay.)
  2. No classes:  Weds, Feb 12 & Mon, Feb 17 (college closed for both); Mon, Mar 31; Apr 12-20 (spring recess).  Classes follow Mon schedule on Tues, Feb 18; Weds schedule on Thurs, Mar 6. (Read about conversion days here.) Academic calendars
  3. Verification of enrollment rosters are open until the deadlines below:
    Graduate 8-week-1 classes: close Thurs, Feb 6. Regular session: close Fri, Feb 14.

Federal regulations require the College to document that students have begun course attendance to qualify for Title IV financial aid. Hence, faculty are asked to verify which students registered in each course are attending or participating and to identify which have never attended any class and/or have never participated in an academically related activity since the beginning of the semester (includes independent study, research, thesis, dissertation). See the Faculty Handbook (or registrar memo) for more about VOE: Attendance Rosters: Verification of Enrollment. 

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

     Last week, we noted that presence differs from engagement. Both are essential to learning and impact student success individually and collectively. Challenges this winter (e.g., spikes in contagious illnesses, etc.) may impact student absences. The College provides guidance on student attendance in the Faculty Handbook (under College Bulletins: Attendance Policy). Faculty have discretion in setting attendance policies for their courses and those should be clearly stated on syllabi, including clear makeup policies for missed time or work.

     Given that attendance supports student engagement (in person or online), are there additional ways to encourage and assess student engagement? Ideas include short informal writing activities, low stakes quizzes to assess student understanding of content, and small group conversations in which students discuss assignment instructions to predict the time, skills, and resources they will need to complete the work.


Please keep in mind that if a student begins to struggle (e.g., frequently absent, poor performance), we have excellent support resources. Please refer such students to the Counseling Center, Wellness Center and/or Office of Accessibility Services. Links:

    Bookmark this TLC News & Opportunities page to find more opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

3.  Important Updates  

  1. The Brightspace Attendance tool was disabled in Brightspace in December 2024 by the CUNY LMS Transition Team as advised by the University Office of Enrollment Management. This was not a John Jay decision. The decision was based on CUNY’s status as a “non-attendance-taking institution” with the US Department of Education (i.e., we are not required to take attendance in every class and report the results to the government regularly). We are required to establish commencement of attendance through the VOE process, but do not collect central attendance information otherwise. Faculty may maintain their own attendance roll books, with class/academic activity.
  2. As per yesterday’s email to the campus, changes in the U.S. Department of Education rules mean that CUNY’s 2020 Policy on Sexual Misconduct replaces the 2024 Policy on Sex-Based Misconduct. Key changes for faculty:
  • Only faculty leading or supervising students on off-campus trips are “responsible employees” with a duty to inform the Title IX Coordinator when they learn of conduct that may constitute sexual misconduct (no longer all faculty).
  • Faculty are no longer required to provide contact information of the Title IX Coordinator when informed that a student is pregnant or to inform the student that the Title IX Coordinator can provide assistive measures. However, a student who needs support and/or accommodations pertaining to a pregnancy-related condition should contact OAS at accessibilityservices@jjay.cuny.edu.
  • Any person wishing to submit a report of sexual misconduct should: complete the Sexual Misconduct Allegation Form and email it to CDO@jjay.cuny.edu.  You may also visit the Title IX Office located at 623HH or call 212-887-6220.

4.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events  

  1. Campus-wide Know Your Rights Sessions, Fri, Feb 7 & Mon, Feb 24, 1:40-3pm, Zoom. See flier below. Register here.
  2. College Faculty/Staff Meeting, Mon, Feb 10, 1:40-2:55pm, L.61.
  3. Workshop: Human Rights Law, Anti-Black Racism and Other Forms of Discrimination Based on Race and Color, Tues, Feb 11, 10am-12pm, virtual. NYC Commission on Human Rights. Register here (see flier) or email Henry Cruz, hecruz@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. Visit the Pop-Up Library, Tues, Feb 11, 1:40-2:55pm, New Building Atrium. Snacks and books and librarians will be there – all free! See in the Library calendar (flier below).
  5. Town Hall, Tues, Feb 11, 1:40-2:55pm, L.61NB (Zoom: ID 829 1018 3891; code 693739)

5.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. CUNY Faculty Webinar Series for Online Instruction:  Innovative Alternatives to Traditional Assessments in STEM Courses, Weds, Feb 5, 3pm (virtual). Register Here.
  2. Teaching Matters Series: Effective Survey Design, Crafting Questions to Obtain Better Insights, Fri, Feb 7, 11am-noon (virtual). Leads: Karyna Pryiomka (Lehman) & Rachel Hutchins (CUNY). Build skills to create effective surveys to foster student engagement. Workshop flyer. Register Here.  

6.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team)  

Advance registration not required, but please use your John Jay Zoom account for security (for help with zoom, contact DOIT Help Desk at helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu or 212.238.8200).

TODAY!  DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Quizzes, Weds, Feb 5, 2pm-3pm.  

DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Open Q & A, Weds, Feb 19, 2pm-3pm.
https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/86250000369?pwd=RbVwpUZhiz4XKLjsIZHBy208MGFAza.1 Meeting ID: 862 5000 0369;  Passcode: 104045

DOES LMS Brightspace Drop-In Labs: Thurs, Feb 6, 1:40pm-2:55 pm, L2.72.05 NB

Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Faculty Awards and Funding  

  1. Distinguished Faculty Service to the College AwardDeadline - Feb 15.
    Nomination Form here. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. OAR full-time faculty awards: The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. The linked document details eligibility criteria and application guidelines. Questions to oar@jjay.cuny.eduDeadline: Thurs, Feb 20.  
  3. Faculty Service to Students Award. Due on or before Feb 21Submit one-page letter with reasons faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. Funding for full-time faculty professional development (e.g., NCFDD Faculty Success Program (FSP); apply by Feb 15 for summer 2025 FSP). Application: Faculty Opportunity Fund.  Questions to apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  

8.  Faculty Health & Wellness  

Faculty members (and our families) can access free services through the Employee Assistance Program: CCA@YourService. Call 1-800-833-8707, go to www.myccaonline.com, or download the CCA@YourService App. Code: CUNY. 

      For mental health, access 3 free counseling sessions for each issue of concern. CCA is available to speak with any employee or family member that has direct or related stress/anxiety/worry/fear about immigration matters at 1-800-833-8707. For deportation concerns or immigration legal needs, CCA can refer the employee/family member to their CCA EAP legal benefit, a 30-minute, no-cost consultation with an attorney. If they wish to continue with legal services, there is a 25% discount off the hourly rate. 

January 29, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. Adjunct Pay Dates: The first adjunct pay date for Spring is Feb 6 (then every 2 weeks). Please make sure you see accurate payment according to your course load to avoid over- or underpayment. Contact your Department Chair if you are not paid.  (Note: Faculty hired close to the start of the semester will likely experience a pay delay.)
  2. No classes:  Weds, Feb 12 & Mon, Feb 17 (college closed for both); Mon, Mar 31; Apr 12-20 (spring recess).  Classes follow Mon schedule on Tues, Feb 18; Weds schedule on Thurs, Mar 6. (Read about conversion days here.) Academic calendars
  3. Verification of enrollment rosters will be open on the dates below.
     Graduate 8-week-1 classes: Sat, Feb 1 – Thurs, Feb 6
     Regular session: Sat, Feb 1 – Fri, Feb 14.

Faculty must verify which registered students are attending or participating and which have never attended any class and/or have not participated in an academically related activity since the start of the semester (includes independent study, research, thesis, dissertation). VOE rosters are in the faculty center view of CUNYfirst. Reporting has important financial aid implications so it is important to please submit by the deadline.

Academically related activities include, but are not limited to: physically attending class; submitting an assignment; taking an exam, tutorial or computer-assisted instruction; attending an assigned study group; participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and initiating contact with a faculty member to ask about the academic subject studied in the course. Logging in to an online course is not sufficient, by itself. It is suggested that you please try to contact students who have not yet participated before the VOE deadline (and before submitting) to ensure accurate reporting. See the Faculty Handbook for guidance on VOE: Attendance Rosters: Verification of Enrollment. 

     Students identified as never attending are assigned a WN grade, are removed from the roster and lose Brightspace access. If you made an error, you can request WN reversal. Reversal and reinstatement of Brightspace access could take up to 24 hours.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Spring is here! Each semester is a new opportunity to build community with and among students. To start out on the right foot, consider generating shared class guidelines and values for class interactions. Here are some ideas for helping students understand that being present is not the same as engaged: discuss the value of attendance and engagement from the start; include things like putting phones away in class guidelines; give participation or engagement credit (including how students listen and contribute in small groups); remind online students to remove distractions; and make class interactive. If you are interested, see 15 different things that can be done in the first 5 minutes of class to keep engagement high.

Note:  Many students will experience challenges that erode their ability to fully engage. Here are important resources to share with students in your syllabi, as well as those in 3 below.

Sample language:  Students experiencing any personal, medical, financial or familial distress, which may impede their ability to fulfill the requirements of this course, are encouraged to visit the Wellness Center (L.65 NB). Available resources include Counseling Services, Health Services, Food Bank, and emergency funding support. See https://new.jjay.cuny.edu/student-life/wellness-center

Additional student resources to share: 

Spring 2025 Faculty Development Day last week was fun and informative. Materials will be posted online soon. Thank you to all who presented, attended and particularly to the TLC Director Gina Rae Foster and team members Kharry Josiah and Lindsay Parsons for their hard work.  Bookmark the TLC News & Opportunities page here to find more opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

3.  Important:  Resources for Syllabi/Students  

Please bear in mind that some information is required on all syllabi. Please see the revised JJ Guidelines for Creating Your Syllabus and syllabus template. This includes policies like ADA accommodation policy (must be on page 1 of syllabi), academic integrity policy, and the resource information shared below and in item 2.

  1. All reports of harassment, discrimination and/or sex-based misconduct should be sent to:  CDO@jjay.cuny.edu.  That is the NEW email address to include in your syllabi.  (Gabriela Leal moved to a new position at CUNY.)
  2. Accessibility:  CUNY is required to ensure all course materials are accessible to students with disabilities. Students may request accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services. Faculty are prohibited from denying students OAS-approved accommodation requests or from discouraging them from seeking an accommodation. Once OAS approves a student’s accommodation request, faculty must cooperate and assist in ensuring that the accommodation is delivered. Questions about a student’s reasonable accommodations: accessibilityservices@jjay.cuny.edu.
  3. Faculty must have an ADA statement on the first page of our syllabi that includes the location and contact information for OAS.


Sample language:  I am committed to creating a course that is inclusive in its design. Students who need an accommodation due to a disability are encouraged to contact the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) within the first week of class or as soon as possible thereafter.  Requests for Accommodations can only be approved by the OAS. Students with disabilities are entitled to confidentiality over disability-related status or details. Students are not required to disclose their specific disability to their instructors or anyone else. All OAS approved accommodations will be honored and implemented in my course.  Contact OAS:  L.66 New Building; Phone: (212)237-8031; Email:  accessibilityservices@jjay.cuny.edu.

CUNY recently introduced CUNY Accommodate.  You can explore self-directed instructional videos and comprehensive guides on how to use the system (Access SharePoint then enter your CUNYfirst username and password to get started) using these links: CUNY Accommodate  Faculty Resources (Video & Documentation)

Students can request religious accommodations through the Dean of Students office: deanofstudents@jjay.cuny.eduSee CUNY’s All Religions & Ethnic Holiday Calendar to assist with timing assignments and the CUNY policy on religious accommodations.

4.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events  

  1. Faculty-led DEI Workshop:  Latinx Pedagogies: Teaching & Learning with Latinx Students at John Jay, with Belinda Rincon & Justino Rodriguez. Mon, Feb 3, 1:30-3:30PMZoom: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/87092610636?pwd=FLHEZuHO6U4WQ5aCb8UwGmSppB03ZM.1
    Meeting ID: 870 9261 0636;  Passcode: 364732.
  2. Food for Thought lunch, Mon, Feb 3, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Law & Police Science speakers Peter Moskos & Gloria Browne-Marshall. Lunch is on us. RSVP here by Thurs, Jan 30
  3. Panel Discussion & Opera (see flier):  Join us Tues, Feb 4, 1:45pm, Moot Court (6.68NB) for a discussion with four exonerees portrayed in BLIND INJUSTICE, a book and new opera that follows the Ohio Innocence Project’s efforts to overturn wrongful convictions. Opening remarks by Distinguished Professor Saul Kassin (PSY). The opera will be performed in the Rose Theater (Columbus Circle) on Feb 3 & 4 – we have discounted tickets to the performances (see flier). After the Feb 4th performance, Saul Kassin will be part of a talk back with Barry Scheck. RSVP by January 31: externalaffairs@jjay.cuny.edu
  4. Library Author Series, Spring 2025:
     Weds, Feb. 5, 1:40-3pm, 2nd floor Library classroom: Brandon Jackson (Soc), Brotherhood University: Black Men’s Friendships and the Transition to Adulthood. RSVP: https://BrotherhoodUniversity.eventbrite.com
  5. Faculty FIRST FRIDAYResources for Scholarship & Creative Activity, Fri, Feb 7, 1:30-3pm, with OAR and Library colleagues, in the TLC (335 HH). I will order pizza so please let me know if you are coming (apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu).
  6. College Faculty/Staff Meeting, Mon, Feb 10, 1:40-2:55pm, L.61.

5.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities 

  1. Last Call for Applications!  For TLC Spring Funded Faculty Seminars (deadline Fri, Jan 31). Seminar options below. Descriptions and details found using the application link.
  1. Credit for Prior Learning Professional Development Series: Credit for Work-Based Learning Experiences, Fri, Jan 31, 10-11am (virtual). Hear about exemplary work-based learning experiences across CUNY (e.g., internships, undergrad research programs): how they impart rigorous, curriculum-aligned college-level learning and help students gain career success skills, and how some academic departments evaluate the experiences for credit. For more info, see this flyer or webpage, or email CPL@cuny.edu. Register here.
  2. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative. Information and proposal form here. Deadline: Feb 4. Consult with your provost for approval of your submission. Questions: Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.
  3. CUNY Faculty Webinar Series for Online Instruction:  Innovative Alternatives to Traditional Assessments in STEM Courses, Weds, Feb 5, 3pm (virtual). Register Here.
  4. Teaching Matters Series: Effective Survey Design, Crafting Questions to Obtain Better Insights, Fri, Feb 7, 11am-noon (virtual). Leads: Karyna Pryiomka (Lehman) & Rachel Hutchins (CUNY). Build skills to create effective surveys to foster student engagement. Learn how to design quality surveys to better understand students' needs. Explore types of survey questions and methods for interpreting and using responses effectively. Additional details in the workshop flyer. Register Here.  

6.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team)  

Advance registration not required for webinars, but please sign in to your John Jay Zoom account for security. For help with your John Jay Zoom account, contact the DOIT Help Desk (212.238.8200 or helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu). Please test it before the webinars.

TODAY!  DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Open Q & A, Weds, Jan 29, 2pm-3pm.

DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Quizzes, Weds, Feb 5, 2pm-3pm.
Meeting ID: 835 5108 3186; Passcode: 348288.  Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/83551083186?pwd=AYu0aajuYoOFn85BSnpQEFH7hpgQHp.1

DOES LMS Brightspace Drop-In Labs: Thurs, Jan 30 & Feb 6, 1:40pm-2:55 pm, L2.72.05 NB

Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Faculty Awards and Funding  

  1. Request for Proposals!  From BRES Collaboration Hub:  Seed Grant Program for CUNY faculty who have not received BRES funding & Doctoral Fellowship Awards for first-year PhD students (AY 2024-25). Questions to Allen Hillery ALLEN.HILLERY23@login.cuny.edu

               - BRES Research Seed Grant Awards: Deadline: Fri, Feb 14, 5pm. Application Form
               Info Sessions:  Mon, Feb 3, 12-1 pm. Register here. Fri, Feb 7, 10-11 am. Register here.

               - BRES Doctoral Fellowship Awards: Deadline: Fri, Feb 14, 5 pm. Application Form.
               Info Session: Mon, Feb. 3, 12-1 pm. Register to attend here.

  1. Call for Nominations! The John Jay Distinguished Faculty Service to the College Award. Nominations may be submitted by faculty or staff. Deadline - Feb 15: Nomination Form. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. Call for Award Applications! OAR invites full-time faculty to apply for The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. The linked document details eligibility criteria and application guidelines. Please contact OAR at oar@jjay.cuny.edu with questions. Applications due by Thurs, Feb 20.  
  3. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award. Nominations due on or before Feb 21Submit a one-page nomination letter outlining reasons a faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. Funding is available for full-time faculty to engage in professional development, such as through the NCFDD Faculty Success Program (Summer 2025; apply for funds by Feb 15), research trainings or pedagogical development opportunities. Application form here:  Faculty Opportunity Fund.  Questions to Angela Crossman (apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu).  

8.  Faculty Health & Wellness 

Faculty members (and our families) can access free services through the Employee Assistance Program: CCA@YourService. For details, call 800-833-8707, go to www.myccaonline.com, or download the CCA@YourService App. Code: CUNY. 

      For mental health, access 3 free counseling sessions for each issue of concern (referrals for more as needed). Access support and/or resources around: child, adult and elder care; legal and financial challenges; health, wellness and emotional wellbeing; and daily living tasks. Their website has information and webinars on a wide range of work and life topics. 

      For physical fitness, there are discounted gym memberships for CUNY faculty or consider a well-priced JJ gym membership,which includes the tennis court, gym, pool and other facilities (https://johnjayathletics.com/sports/2014/9/5/GEN_0905145722).

January 22, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. Important dates (Academic calendars):
    1. Winter 2025:  Last day/finals: Thurs, Jan 23. Grade rosters open Jan 23-26.
    2. Last adjunct paycheck date for Winter: Jan 23. First pay date for spring: Feb 6.
    3. Spring 2025:  Classes begin Sat, Jan 25.
      • No classes scheduled: Weds, Jan 29; Weds, Feb 12 (college closed); Mon, Feb 17 (college closed); Mon, Mar 31; Apr 12-20 (spring recess). 
      • Classes follow Monday schedule on Tues, Feb 18; Wednesday schedule on Thurs, Mar 6. (Read about conversion days here.)
  2. Books/Materials Adoptions Information for Spring:  SUBMIT NOW – even if no books – even independent studies. By federal law, we must post information FOR ALL COURSES198 faculty missing information. Log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty. Faculty can email adoptions@vitalsource.com for assistance with adoptions. 

2.  Important: Syllabus Changes  

There have been important changes to syllabus requirements and information. The revised JJ Guidelines for Creating Your Syllabus and syllabus template are posted.   

  1. All reports of harassment, discrimination and/or sex-based misconduct should be sent to:  CDO@jjay.cuny.edu.  That is the email address to include in your syllabi.  (Gabriela Leal has moved to a new position at CUNY.)
  2. Accessibility:  CUNY is required to ensure all course materials are accessible to students with disabilities. Students may request accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services. Faculty and staff are prohibited from denying students OAS-approved accommodation requests or from discouraging students from seeking an accommodation with OAS. Once OAS approves a student’s accommodation request, faculty and staff must cooperate and assist in ensuring that the accommodation is delivered. Please direct questions about a student’s reasonable accommodations to accessibilityservices@jjay.cuny.edu.
  3. Faculty must have an ADA statement on the first page of our syllabi that includes the location and contact information for OAS.

    Sample language:  I am committed to creating a course that is inclusive in its design. Students who need an accommodation due to a disability are encouraged to contact the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) within the first week of class or as soon as possible thereafter.  Requests for Accommodations can only be approved by the OAS. Students with disabilities are entitled to confidentiality over disability-related status or details. Students are not required to disclose their specific disability to their instructors or anyone else. All OAS approved accommodations will be honored and implemented in my course.  Contact OAS:  L.66 New Building; Phone: (212)237-8031; Email:  accessibilityservices@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. Students can request religious accommodations through the Dean of Students office: deanofstudents@jjay.cuny.eduSee CUNY’s All Religions & Ethnic Holiday Calendar to assist with timing assignments and the CUNY policy on religious accommodations.

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

     Tomorrow is Spring 2025 Faculty Development Day (Thurs, Jan 23): How, When and Where Do We Realize the Work of Justice?  We are excited to see many of you on campus (or zoom) for learning, lunching and fun!  View the full FDD Program here.  And RSVP here.  

     With the first day of classes coming, one way to help students start out on the right foot is to make it fun. Play and fun help to build community.  Ice breakers and games can feel lame, but they also energize and engage people. Perhaps break students into pairs or small groups and do a scavenger hunt on your syllabus. They learn the requirements and get to meet each other. Feel free to check out Professors at Play Playbook for more ideas (free download).

     Bookmark the TLC News & Opportunities page here to find funded opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

4.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events

  1. Faculty-led DEI Workshop:  Latinx Pedagogies: Teaching & Learning with Latinx Students at John Jay, with Belinda Rincon & Justino Rodriguez. Mon, Feb 3, 1:30-3:30PM.  Meeting ID: 870 9261 0636;  Passcode: 364732.
  2. Our next Food for Thought is Mon, Feb 3, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Law & Police Science speakers Peter Moskos & Gloria Browne-Marshall. Lunch is on us. RSVP here by Thurs, Jan 30
  3. Library Author Series, Spring 2025.
    Meet John Jay authors as they discuss their books and research, published or in progress. All events 1:40-3pm in the Library Classroom (2nd floor).
    -  Weds, Feb. 5: Brandon Jackson (Soc), Brotherhood University: Black Men’s Friendships and the Transition to Adulthood. RSVP: https://BrotherhoodUniversity.eventbrite.com
  4. College Faculty/Staff Meeting, Mon, Feb 10, 1:40-2:55pm, L.61.

5.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. Call for Applications!  For TLC Spring Funded Faculty Seminars (deadline Fri, Jan 31). Seminar options below. Approximately $600 compensation for completion. Complete descriptions and details can be found using the application link.
  1. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative. Information and proposal form here. Deadline: Feb 4. Consult with your provost for approval of your submission. Questions: Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.

6.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team)  

Advance registration is not required for webinars, but please sign in to your John Jay Zoom account for security. For help with your John Jay Zoom account, contact the DOIT Help Desk (212.238.8200 or helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu). Please test it before the webinars.

     TODAY!  DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Assignments, Weds, Jan 22, 2pm-3pm. 

     DOES LMS Brightspace Drop-In Lab: Thurs, Jan 23, 1:40pm-2:55 pm, L2.72.05 NB

     Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Faculty Awards and Funding  

  1. Call for Nominations! The John Jay Distinguished Faculty Service to the College Award. Nominations may be submitted by faculty or staff. Deadline - Feb 15: Nomination Form. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. Call for Award Applications! The Office for the Advancement of Research invites full-time faculty to apply for The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. The linked document has detailed information on eligibility criteria and application guidelines. Please contact OAR at oar@jjay.cuny.edu with questions. Applications due by Thurs, Feb 20.  
  3. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award. Nominations due on or before Feb 21Submit a one-page nomination letter outlining reasons a faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. Funding is available for full-time faculty to engage in professional development, such as through the NCFDD Faculty Success Program (Summer 2025; apply for funds by Feb 15), research trainings or pedagogical development opportunities. The short application form is found here:  Faculty Opportunity Fund.  Questions to Angela Crossman (apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu).   

January 15, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Information

  1. Important dates: 
    1. Winter 2025:  Course withdrawal period ends Thurs, Jan 16. Last day of winter session/finals: Thurs, Jan 23. Grade rosters open Jan 23-26.
    2. The College is closed Mon, Jan 20Academic calendars.
    3. Adjunct paycheck dates for Winter 2025:  January 9 & 23, 2025
    4. Spring 2025:  Classes begin Sat, Jan 25. No classes Weds, Jan 29.
  2. Books/Materials Adoptions OVERDUE for Spring:  SUBMIT NOW – even if no books – even independent studies.  By federal law, we must post information FOR ALL COURSES.  214 faculty missing information. Log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty. Faculty can email adoptions@vitalsource.com for assistance with adoptions. 

2.  Important Reminders: Accessibility 

The revised JJ Guidelines for Creating Your Syllabus and syllabus template are posted.   

Accessibility:  CUNY is required to ensure all course materials are accessible to students with disabilities. (See 4a below today’s workshop on Accessibility & Brightspace.) Students may request accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services. Faculty and staff are prohibited from denying students OAS-approved accommodation requests or from discouraging students from seeking an accommodation with OAS. Once OAS approves a student’s accommodation request, faculty and staff must cooperate and assist in ensuring that the accommodation is delivered. Please direct questions about a student’s reasonable accommodations to accessibilityservices@jjay.cuny.edu.

In addition, all faculty must have an ADA statement on the first page of their syllabi that includes the location and contact information for OAS.

Sample language:  I am committed to creating a course that is inclusive in its design. Students who need an accommodation due to a disability are encouraged to contact the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) within the first week of class or as soon as possible thereafter.  Requests for Accommodations can only be approved by the OAS. Students with disabilities are entitled to confidentiality over disability-related status or details. Students are not required to disclose their specific disability to their instructors or anyone else. All OAS approved accommodations will be honored and implemented in my course.  Contact OAS:  L.66 New Building; Phone: (212)237-8031; Email:  accessibilityservices@jjay.cuny.edu.

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

As you consider revisions to your spring syllabus, in light of concerns around artificial intelligence (and academic integrity), here are some ideas you might find useful. 

AI and Learning Definitions:

In our fall Flipping the Pyramid TLC seminar, faculty explored applying AI to developing critical thinking skills. One of our recommendations was to include definitions of AI and AI tools in our syllabi that help students understand how they can appropriately and effectively use generative AI and the limitations of AI for learning in our courses.

AI Academic Integrity Policies:

In Teaching with AI, Bowen and Watson (2024) suggest low-effort cheating interventions such as: discuss, model and promote the academic integrity policy with students and clarify what constitutes cheating; normalize help and struggle (acknowledge challenges and point students to resources routinely); and allow students to withdraw submissions. Because stress and deadlines increase temptation, a regret clause” built into your syllabus allows a student who took a shortcut to reconsider (e.g., within 24 hours) and instead take a zero on the assignment they submitted (likely works best with low-stakes assignments). For some students, a short extension might do the trick in place of using AI.

AI and Teaching Resources:

The TLC updated its Ai & Teaching page here, with resources on AI and ethics and links to model syllabi statements. See this Teaching Essentials slide for additional syllabus resources.

Reminders:  Faculty Development Day (Thurs, Jan 23): How, When and Where Do We Realize the Work of Justice?  View the FDD Program here.  And RSVP here.  

Bookmark the TLC News & Opportunities page here to find funded opportunities and helpful resources from John Jay, CUNY, and beyond. To discuss teaching, mentoring, and resources, please contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.  

4.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Events 

  1. TODAY! Workshop: Accessibility & Brightspace, Weds, Jan 15, 11:30am-1pm. With Elena Beharry (OAS) and Helen Keier (DOES LMS). ID: 821 8070 5579; Passcode: 252097.
  2. Workshop Overview of the City Human Rights Law, Thurs, Jan 16, 10am-11:30am. NYC Commission on Human Rights. Meeting ID: 856 6443 3559; Passcode: 276509.   
  3. WorkshopWhat’s Next: Preparing and Supporting Immigrant Students, Thurs, Jan 16, 6pm. CUNY Office of Undocumented and Immigrant Student Programs, CUNY School of Law, CUNY Citizenship Now! and Unlocal host this workshop for students, faculty and staff who support undocumented and immigrant students. Zoom register here 
  4. Our next Food for Thought is Mon, Feb 3, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Law & Police Science speakers Peter Moskos & Gloria Browne-Marshall. Lunch is on us. RSVP here by Thurs, Jan 30
  5. Save the dates! Library Author Series, Spring 2025. RSVP links will be available via the library event calendar soon. Meet JJ authors as they discuss their books and research, published or in progress. All events 1:40-3pm in Library Classroom (2nd fl)
         -  Weds, Feb. 5: Brandon Jackson (Soc), Brotherhood University: Black Men’s Friendships and the Transition to Adulthood
         -  Tues, Mar 4: Michelle Holder (Eco), co-author of Political Economy of Racism: The Persistence of Anti-Blackness in the US
         -  Weds, Mar 19: Derek Tyler Attico (JJ ’18, Eng), The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko

5.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. Call for Participants!  Landmark Cases Faculty Lab, Spring 2025. Faculty will develop syllabi and assignments for 300-level Landmark Cases courses. To participate, email Wynne Ferdinand (wferdinand@jjay.cuny.edu) by Fri, Jan 17 with course preference and confirm you can attend meetings and complete deliverables. Compensation: $2000.
  2. Call for Applications!  For TLC Spring Funded Faculty Seminars (deadline Fri, Jan 31). Two seminar options (see below). Approximately $600 compensation for completion.
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Seminar, with Claudia Zuluaga: Faculty will be introduced to UDL and investigate how to create accessible learning environments for all students, regardless of ability or learning style. Dates & times (in person ONLY):  Thurs, Feb 27; Tues, Mar 25; and Thurs, Apr 24: all @ 1:40-2:55pm. Link to apply: https://forms.gle/ZyUDFXwkCeHR4yPa7. Deadline: Fri, Jan 31, 11:59pm ET.
  • Navigating Challenging Conversations in the Classroom Seminar, with Alessandra Early and Nicole McKenna:  We will identify materials or issues that are challenging to teach, improve our discussion-based facilitation skills, and increase confidence in navigating challenging conversations. Dates & times (in person ONLY): Tuesdays, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22; @ 1:40-2:55 pm. Application link: https://forms.gle/nqUZenDBaJw1un8W7. Deadline: Fri, Jan 31, 11:59pm ET
  1. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative. Information and proposal form here. Deadline: Feb 4. Consult with your provost for approval of your submission. Questions: Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.

6.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team)  

Advance registration is not required for the webinars, but please sign in to your John Jay Zoom account for security. For help with your John Jay Zoom account, contact the DOIT Help Desk (212.238.8200 or helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu). Please test it before the webinars.

  TODAY! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Course Content (includes discussion of Course Copy), Weds, Jan 15, 2pm-3pm. Meeting ID: 857 6668 5513; Passcode: 379335

  DOES LMS Brightspace Drop-In Lab: Thurs, Jan 16, 1:40pm-2:55 pm, L2.72.05 NB

  DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Discussions, Tues, Jan 21, 2pm-3pm. Meeting ID: 857 5979 2866; Passcode: 998825. Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/85759792866?pwd=WeCMzkhNxS3xMr8o6b61z797wEclEn.1

Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Faculty Awards  

  1. Call for Nominations!  Nominate your students’ best work of fall 2024 for publication in the upcoming, 40th issue of John Jay’s Finest! The Finest features undergraduate writing from across disciplines (essays, research projects, analyses, arguments, stories, poems, personal narratives). Inclusion speaks of the fine effort of the student, the class, and the professor. Send up to three pieces to jjfinest@jjay.cuny.edu by January 15, 2025
  2. Call for Nominations! The John Jay Distinguished Faculty Service to the College Award. Nominations may be submitted by faculty or staff. Deadline - Feb 15: Nomination Form. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  3. Call for Award Applications! The Office for the Advancement of Research invites full-time faculty across all departments and disciplines to apply for The Faculty Scholarly Excellence Award and The Donal E.J. MacNamara Junior Faculty Award. The linked document has detailed information on eligibility criteria and application guidelines. We encourage you to review the guidelines and apply if your work meets the requirements for one or both awards. “Research” is used inclusively, embracing scholarly pursuits across all of the disciplines and departments represented at John Jay. Please contact OAR at oar@jjay.cuny.edu with questions. Applications due by Thurs, Feb 20.  
  4. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award. Nominations due on or before Feb 21Submit a one-page nomination letter outlining reasons a faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.

January 8, 2025

1.  Important Dates/Info

  1. Important dates: 
    1. Winter 2025 classes:  Course withdrawal period ends Thurs, Jan 16. Last day of winter session/finals: Thurs, Jan 23. Grade rosters open Jan 23-26.
    2. The College is closed Mon, Jan 20Academic calendars.
    3. Adjunct paycheck dates for Winter 2025:  January 9 & 23, 2025
  2. Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring:  PLEASE SUBMIT NOW – even if no booksWe are required by federal law to post information FOR ALL COURSES. Thank you – we are at 80% - 244 folks still need to submitPlease let me know if there is a problem you’d like help with for your submission. We hope to solve adoptions issues and don’t want to chase people (acrossman@jjay.cuny.edu).

    To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

As you begin to think about spring course planning, here are some useful resources and pedagogical development opportunities. (Note: The Chronicle of Higher Education is available through the JJ library.)


  1. If you are reflecting on how Gen Z students are similar or different from those in prior years, here is a useful descriptionhttps://lth.engineering.asu.edu/2022/08/gen-z/
  2. Chronicle series on teaching Gen Z: https://www.chronicle.com/page/teaching-gen-z?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_12207710_nl_Academe-Today_date_20250106
  3. Chronicle article on why teaching Gen Z students gives some professors hope: https://www.chronicle.com/article/why-generation-z-gives-these-professors-hope?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_12207710_nl_Academe-Today_date_20250106
  4. Here is a recent Chronicle article with general tips on writing a syllabus: https://www.chronicle.com/article/how-to-create-a-syllabus/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_12225915_nl_Academe-Today_date_20250107
  5. The JJ model syllabus template is being updated and will be shared next week.

Development Opportunities:

  1. Our DOES LMS team is offering Brightspace trainings (see 5 below) in Jan, including a ‘boot camp’ on Tues, Jan 14, 10am-1pm.
  2. TLC Faculty Funded Seminars for spring are accepting applications (see 4c), in addition to other opportunities in 4 below.
  3. Faculty Development Day (1/24/25): How, When and Where Do We Realize the Work of Justice?   RSVP here:  https://forms.gle/anWgEJ8vtT1otJdH9. Program: https://jjayfdd.commons.gc.cuny.edu/spring-2025-faculty-development-day-program-overview/

For teaching resources, contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster, gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

3.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Awards  

  1. WorkshopHarassing vs. Hurtful Speech: Classroom Conflict Management, Tues, Jan 14, 10am-11:30am. With Gabriela Leal (Compliance & Diversity) and Maria Volpe (Sociology).  Meeting ID: 851 5903 4816; Passcode: 529180.  (Flier below.) Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/85159034816?pwd=AYyXW4OJjfDKQh8GWvHeJh6Sx8PLh7.1 
  2. Workshop Accessibility & Brightspace, Weds, Jan 15, 11:30am-1pm. With Helen Keier (DOES LMS) and Elena Beharry (OAS). Meeting ID: 821 8070 5579; Passcode: 252097.
  3. Workshop Overview of the City Human Rights Law, Thurs, Jan 16, 10am-11:30am. NYC Commission on Human Rights. Meeting ID: 856 6443 3559; Passcode: 276509.  Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/85664433559?pwd=6rupcLQfdxS3blSo91ZhB2ZrRQL2qA.1
  4. Call for Nominations! The John Jay Distinguished Faculty Service to the College Award. Nominations may be submitted by faculty or staff. Deadline - Feb 15: Nomination Form. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  5. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award. Nominations due on or before Feb 21Submit a one-page nomination letter outlining reasons a faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu. 

4.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. Call for Proposals!  Future-Ready Gen Z: Closing Gaps with Pro-skills Workshops. First Year Programs at SASP invite JJ faculty to design and lead hands-on workshops to equip first- and second-year students with practical, widely applicable, career-ready skills in spring 2025. See details at this link.  Participants receive 15 paid, non-teaching adjunct hours for workshop design and delivery. To Apply. Submit proposals by Mon, Jan 13 through this LINK.  Questions to Nancy Yang, nyang@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. Call for Participants!  Landmark Cases Faculty Lab, Spring 2025. JJ’s Office of Academic Programs invites interdisciplinary faculty to develop syllabi and assignments for 300-level Landmark Cases courses. To participate, email Wynne Ferdinand (wferdinand@jjay.cuny.edu) by Fri, Jan 17 with course preference and confirmation of your ability to attend meetings and complete deliverables. Compensation: $2000.
  3. Call for Applications!  TLC Spring Funded Faculty Seminar applications are now open (deadline Fri, Jan 31). There are two seminar options (described below). Approximately $600 compensation for seminar completion (subject to funding policies).
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Seminar, with Claudia Zuluaga.  Seminar Description (abbreviated):  Investigate how to create learning environments that are accessible to all students, regardless of ability and/or learning style. Faculty will be introduced to UDL with an emphasis on how to create equity in classrooms, remove barriers to success, empathize with our students, understand common obstacles to learning, and empower everyone to work from their strengths. During class sessions and via asynchronous assignments, we will work collaboratively to improve our learning environments so that all students can succeed. Dates & times (in person ONLY):  Thurs, Feb 27; Tues, Mar 25; and Thurs, Apr 24: all @ 1:40-2:55pm. Application link: https://forms.gle/ZyUDFXwkCeHR4yPa7. Deadline: Fri, Jan 31, 11:59pm ET.
  • Navigating Challenging Conversations in the Classroom Seminar, with Alessandra Early and Nicole McKenna.  Seminar Description (abbreviated):  As criminal justice professors, we often cover controversial topics while navigating challenging macro-dynamics (e.g., global pandemic, warfare, police brutality). Our students are learning in these environments and many of us are asking, “how do I talk about this with my students?” Over three seminar sessions, we will identify materials or issues that are challenging to teach, improve our discussion-based facilitation skills, and increase confidence in navigating challenging conversations. Developed for faculty interested in developing resources to guide students, and themselves, through challenging conversations. Dates & times (in person ONLY):  Tuesdays, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22; all @ 1:40-2:55 pm. Application link: https://forms.gle/nqUZenDBaJw1un8W7. Deadline: Fri, Jan 31, 11:59pm ET
  1. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative. Information and proposal form here. Deadline: Feb 4Consult with your provost for approval of your submission. Questions: Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.

5.  Brightspace Resources (DOES LMS Team)  

Advance registration is not required for the webinars, but please sign in to your John Jay Zoom account for security. For help with your John Jay Zoom account, contact the DOIT Help Desk (212.238.8200 or helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu). Please test it before the webinars.

     TODAY! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Open Q & A, Weds, Jan 8, 2pm-3pm. Meeting ID: 833 0674 0919; Passcode: 286498. Submit Q’s to LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  

     DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Bootcamp, Tues, Jan 14, 10am-1pm.  Meeting ID: 823 3703 4482; Passcode: 502895. Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/82337034482?pwd=jp4mUxtjv4brzq5V8mUoyd2IbwMbfT.1

     DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Course Content (includes discussion of Course Copy), Weds, Jan 15, 2pm-3pm. Meeting ID: 857 6668 5513; Passcode: 379335.  Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/85766685513?pwd=vxZ51sgBSNoxJuc7lDYPnttIv4Di6y.1

     DOES LMS Brightspace Drop-In Lab: Thurs, Jan 16, 1:40pm-2:55 pm, L2.72.05 NB

     Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

December 18, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info

NOTE:  The next two Wednesdays are holidays.  I will try to spare your inboxes and not send a weekly email until Jan 8 (except perhaps reminders).  SO – please submit grades on time and if you haven’t yet, submit book adoption information ASAP.  And Happy Holidays!

  1. End of semester information: 
    Fall 2024 classes:  Grade rosters close Fri, Dec 27. Do not be late.
    Finals schedules: Academic calendars. Faculty MAY NOT CHANGE finals schedule.
    8-Week-2 Grad classes:  Grade rosters close: Fri, Dec 27. Do not be late.
    The College is closed Dec 24, 25, 31 & Jan 1.
  2. Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring:  PLEASE SUBMIT NOW – even if no booksWe are required by federal law to post information FOR ALL COURSES. Thank you to 806 faculty members who submitted (74%) - 292 are still out of compliancePlease let me know if there is a problem you’d like help with for your submission. We hope to solve adoptions issues and really don’t want to chase people (acrossman@jjay.cuny.edu).

    To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

If you are considering assigning Incomplete (INC) grades. This option can support students’ growth and transitions to their next academic steps, if they can complete the missing work by the submission deadline (Thurs, May 1). Please remember that decisions regarding grades must align with college policies and your own syllabus policies.

     -   INC grades should be given only when a student would pass the course if they satisfactorily complete the remaining course requirements, at your discretion.

     -   INC grades should only be given in consultation with the student. There should be an agreed-upon plan for the student to work with you to resolve the INC grade on time (complete missing work). A sample agreement is posted here under “General forms”.

     -   In some cases, students prefer (and expect) to be assigned the grade they earned by the work they completed, rather than take an INC, making the consultation very important.

     -   A grade of WU (unofficial withdrawal) should only be assigned to students who have stopped participating and have not completed the course.  

     -   College grading info (including INC guidelines and what W grades mean) available HERE.

     For teaching resources, contact TLC Director Gina Rae Foster, gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu. Reminder: Faculty Development Day (1/24/25): How, When and Where Do We Realize the Work of Justice?  RVSP here: https://forms.gle/anWgEJ8vtT1otJdH9. Program: https://jjayfdd.commons.gc.cuny.edu/spring-2025-faculty-development-day-program-overview/

3.  Upcoming Faculty Events/Awards  

  1. TODAY! John Jay Holiday Party, Weds, Dec 18, 4:30-6:30pm, 6th Floor Haaren Hall. Hope you’re wearing your ugly sweater!!!
  2. Call for Nominations! The John Jay Distinguished Faculty Service to the College Award. Nominations may be submitted by faculty or staff. Deadline - Feb 15: Nomination Form. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  3. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award. Nominations due on or before Feb 21Submit a one-page nomination letter outlining reasons a faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.

4.  Pedagogical Development Opportunities  

  1. Winter Workshop!  Teach a Landmark Case with Open Educational Resources (see attached flier). Faculty are invited to join a 3-meeting workshop in January to adopt OER for courses that teach about Landmark Supreme Court Cases (e.g., LAW/POL 313). Meeting Dates (zoom): 1/8, 1/15 & 1/22, 10:00-11:30 AM. Participants who complete deliverables receive $1200 stipend (review flier for details). RSVP by January 2, 2025 at https://forms.office.com/r/9FENHr7A8F. Questions to: wferdinand@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. Call for Proposals!  CUNY Research in the Classroom grants support faculty incorporating hands-on, experiential learning research activities in their undergraduate courses. Guidelines on website linked above. Proposals due by January 3, 2025.
  3. Call for Proposals!  Future-Ready Gen Z: Closing Gaps with Pro-skills Workshops. First Year Programs at SASP is looking for John Jay faculty to design and lead hands-on workshops to equip first- and second-year students with practical, career-ready skills in spring 2025.  See details at this linkDeadline January 13, 2025.

    What Skills?  We seek workshops that teach practical, widely applicable skills. Examples: Soft Skills (emotional intelligence, adaptability, impromptu or extemporaneous speaking, bilingual skills in professional contexts); Hard Skills (beginner graphic design, data storytelling, AI for student success, project management).
    Compensation. 15 paid, non-teaching adjunct hours for workshop design and delivery.
    To Apply. Submit your proposal by January 13 through this LINK.
    Questions? Nancy Yang, First Year Programs at SASP, nyang@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. Call for Participants!  Landmark Cases Faculty Lab, Spring 2025 (review flier for details).  John Jay’s Office of Academic Programs invites you to join a cohort of interdisciplinary faculty developing syllabi and assignments for 300-level Landmark Cases courses. The Faculty Lab is a collaborative program that pairs a compensated professional development seminar with preparation to teach the course in 2025-6 and beyond. Indicate your interest in participating by Friday, January 17th by emailing Wynne Ferdinand at wferdinand@jjay.cuny.edu with your course preference and confirmation of your ability to attend meetings and complete deliverables. Compensation: $2000.
  5. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative. Information and proposal form here. Deadline: Feb 4Consult with your provost for approval of your submission. Questions: Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.

5.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

TODAY! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Open Q & A, Weds, Dec 18, 2pm-3pm. Submit Q’s to LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.

End of semester reminders posted HERE. Faculty are encouraged to reach out for assistance with grading tasks as early as possible. DOES LMS posted these How-to Guides to help:

Important Note:  YuJa (tool that allows users to store, manage, and share media content) will no longer be available to faculty as of December 31, 2024. If you had any media in your Blackboard courses, you will need to revisit those courses (on Blackboard) to enter the YuJa dashboard and download your media files. You may store your files locally, on the hosting site of your choice (YouTube, etc.) or load them into your Media Library within Brightspace. For more information on how to bulk download media from YuJa, please visit https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/bulk-downloading-yuja-recordings.

     Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

December 11, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info

A. End of semester information: 

  • Fall 2024 classes:  Last day of class is Sat, Dec 14. Final exams Dec 15-Dec 21. Grade rosters open Sun, Dec 15. Grade rosters close: Fri, Dec 27.  Please do not be late.
  • Final exam schedules: Academic calendars. Faculty MAY NOT CHANGE the date/time of their final exams. See more about final exams and final grades here.
  • 8-Week-2 Grad classes:  Last class sessions & final exam period: Dec 19-21. Grade rosters open: Weds, Dec 18. Grade rosters close: Fri, Dec 27. Please do not be late.

B. Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring 2025:  We are required by federal law to post book/material information FOR ALL COURSES. Thank you to 676 faculty members who submitted (62%) - 405 are out of compliance.  Please submit NOW – even if NO BOOKS.

     - To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty.

C. The online student course evaluation period ends Dec 13. If students have trouble accessing the evaluation or for questions about the Student Evaluation of Faculty or the SEOF committee, contact seof@jjay.cuny.edu.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC: End of Term Messaging 

We’re done (nearly). As we face student paper and project submissions, exam proctoring, and grading, we can lighten our students’ stress and improve their performance with a few simple strategies. Read on for advice from others (and a few tips of our own!).

Quick reads with effective strategies:

Suggested content for email reminders:

Extended library hours – reminder for your students:

  • Mon, Dec. 9 - Thurs, Dec. 19: 8:30 AM - 11:45 PM. Extended hours for computer lab only. (Upper level and bookshelves, Reference, Circulation and Reserves: Regular library hours.)
  • Special Sunday hours on Dec 15Entire Library: 12-4:45 PM; Library Lab: 12-11:45 PM.

For teaching resources or questions, please contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster, gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

3.  Upcoming Faculty Events/Opportunities 

  1. TODAY! CUNY Academic Works workshops: Weds, Dec 11 & Thurs, Dec 12, 1:40pm-2:10pm, Library Classroom. Questions to JJ Librarian Karen Okamoto (kokamoto@jjay.cuny.edu). Additional information HERE.
  2. Education as a Pathway to Leadership, Thurs, Dec 12, 6-7:30pm, 6.68NB (Moot Court). Panel in collaboration with the NGO Committee on the Status of Women to commemorate the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. With Gillian D’Souza Nazareth, Olivera Jokic, Minister Aya Yoshida, Amber Barth and Gail Garfield. To register, click link in title above.
  3. John Jay Holiday Party, Weds, Dec 18, 4:30-6:30pm, 6th Floor Haaren Hall.
  4. Call for Nominations! The John Jay Distinguished Faculty Service to the College Award recognizes a full- or part-time faculty member for special achievement in service and/or leadership. Nominations may be submitted by faculty or staff. Deadline - Feb 15: Nomination Form. Questions to Angela Crossman at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  5. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award is presented to a full or part-time faculty member who makes exceptional contributions to the lives of students. Nominations due on or before Feb 21Submit a one-page nomination letter outlining reasons a faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.

4.  Pedagogy:  Funding Opportunities & John Jay’s Finest Nominations  

  1. Call for Proposals! CUNY Research in the Classroom grants support faculty incorporating hands-on research activities into their undergraduate courses for experiential learning. Eligible full-time faculty and lecturers invited to apply (up to $10,000 for course releases, summer salaries, research materials, or student travel). Awardees expected to implement activities in 2025-2026 and share curricular materials as Open Educational Resources. Guidelines on website linked above. Proposals due by January 3, 2025.
  2. Call for Nominations!  Nominate your students’ best work of fall 2024 for publication in the 2025 issue of John Jay’s Finest – our 40th! The Finest features undergraduate writing from across disciplines at the college (essays, research projects, analyses, arguments, stories, poems, personal narratives). The publication is always a highlight of the college writing year, and inclusion speaks of the fine effort of the student, the class, and the professor. Send up to three pieces to jjfinest@jjay.cuny.edu by January 15, 2025.
  3. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative. Full-time faculty are invited to develop and integrate an assignment related to one of these topics in an approved Common Core course. $500 stipends for accepted proposals. Proposal form: here. Deadline: Feb 4Consult with your provost for approval of your submission. Questions to: Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.

5.  Research Funding/Opportunities  

  1. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program (https://www.rfcuny.org/GP/welcome.aspx) application deadline: December 16, 11:59pm EST. Program info: this page. General application guidelines: click here. Applicant quick reference sheet: click here.
  2. CUNY Academy Travel Awards 2024-2025 to support faculty presentations at academic conferences. Faculty at all levels are invited to apply, including adjuncts, lecturers, assistant and associate professors. Awards support travel to conferences (not virtual) if you are presenting. One request per applicant, up to $500 per person. See website for additional eligibility requirements. Questions to cunyacademy@gc.cuny.edu.

6.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

TODAY! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Computing Final Grades, Weds, Dec 11th, 2pm-3pm.

End of semester reminders and schedule of more workshops posted HERE.

     Faculty are encouraged to reach out for assistance with grading tasks as early as possible. DOES LMS added 3 new How-to Guides to the website with the end of the semester in mind:

     Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Professional Development Opportunities  

  1. ELEVATE!  The Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions opened applications for ELEVATE (Enriching Learning, Enhancing Visibility, and Training Educators), a professional development opportunity for early-career faculty at Minority Serving Institutions to be hosted in Princeton, NJ, June 9 - June 12, 2025.  If you are interested in participating, complete their online application by January 20, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET. For early-career tenure-track faculty members who began their faculty career no earlier than 2019.
  2. Funding is available for full-time faculty to engage in professional development, such as through the NCFDD Faculty Success Program (Summer 2025), statistics trainings or pedagogical development opportunities. The short application form is found here:  Faculty Opportunity Fund.  Questions to Angela Crossman (apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu). 

December 4, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info

  1. End of semester information: 
    1. Fall 2024 classes:  Last day of class is Sat, Dec 14. Final exams Dec 15-Dec 21. Grade rosters open Sun, Dec 15. Grade rosters close: Fri, Dec 27.   
    2. Final exam schedules: Academic calendars. Faculty MAY NOT CHANGE the date/time of their final exams. See more about final exams and final grades here.
    3. 8-Week-2 Grad classes:  Last class sessions & final exam period: Dec 19-21. Grade rosters open: Weds, Dec 18. Grade rosters close: Fri, Dec 27.  
  2. Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring 2025:  We are required by federal law to post book/material information FOR ALL COURSES. Thank you to 602 faculty members who submitted (56%) - 432 are out of compliance.  Please submit NOW – even if NO BOOKS.  To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty.
  3. For Fall 2024 (and 8-week-2) classes, the online student course evaluation period ends Dec 13. If students have trouble accessing the evaluation or for questions about the Student Evaluation of Faculty or the SEOF committee, contact seof@jjay.cuny.edu.
  4. 17th Annual First Year Showcase. Watch our incredible first-year students proudly present their semester-long research and projects. Tues, Dec 10, 1:40-3:00 PM, Student Dining Hall (NB). Witness their inspiring creativity, passion and hard work!

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Many of us have only a few class sessions remaining or the final asynchronous discussions and activities for online courses. We are anticipating student presentations, final projects, and exams while we prepare for requests to change deadlines and negotiate grades (deep breaths!). It’s a good time to revisit your policies on grading, attendance, and participation.

     You might invite your students to review the syllabus for the course description and learning objectives and match these to what you’ve covered together this term. Alternatively, you might write an email or discussion post that highlights the content and skills they’ve learned that will transfer to their next courses and careers. Making these connections while reminding your students of their final responsibilities to the course adds growth-minded support and can alleviate anxieties and burnout.

     At the same time, be sure to revisit your policies on grading, attendance, and participation and refer to the relevant points when students ask for flexibility. Finding common ground for solutions may come more easily within the structures you’ve already set in place. Please remember that referrals to the Wellness Center (for health, counseling, accessibility, emergency funding, food, and other needs) and academic support services may be timely.

     If academic integrity questions arise, you can discuss them with the student and invite them to explain their work process. You can review the AI violation reporting process and resources here. Please consult with Academic Integrity Officer Jennifer Dobbins (jedobbins@jjay.cuny.edu) as early as possible, especially if a student’s grade would be impacted. For additional teaching questions and resources, please contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster, gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

Upcoming deadlines:

  • Proposals for Faculty Development Day (Thurs, Jan 23) are due Mon, Dec 9, 11:59pm.
  • Nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Prize are due Mon, Dec 9.

3.  Upcoming Faculty Events/Opportunities  

  1. Our next Food for Thought is Tues, Dec 10, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Modern Languages & Literatures speakers Rocío Carranza Brito, Cristina Lozano Argüelles, Aída Martínez Gómez, Javier Moreno Rivero & María Julia Rossi. Lunch is on us. RSVP here by Fri, Dec 6
  2. Increase Readership and make your publications available to more readers by uploading them to our institutional repository, CUNY Academic Works (CAW). CAW Workshops: Weds, Dec 11 & Thurs, Dec 12, 1:40pm-2:10pm, Library Classroom. Questions to JJ Librarian Karen Okamoto (kokamoto@jjay.cuny.edu). Additional information HERE.
  3. John Jay Holiday Party, Weds, Dec 18, 4:30-6:30pm, 6th Floor Haaren Hall.
  4. Call for Nominations! The John Jay Distinguished Faculty Service to the College Award recognizes a full- or part-time faculty member for special achievement in service and/or leadership. Honorees will have a sustained record of outstanding service contributions to the College and receive $1,000. Nominations may be submitted by faculty or staff. Deadline - Feb 15: Nomination Form. Questions to Angela Crossman at: apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.
  5. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award is presented to a full or part-time faculty member who makes exceptional contributions to the lives of students. This may include but is not limited to ad-hoc or formal mentoring, support of student activities, and advisement. The recipient receives recognition and $1,000. Nominations due on or before February 21Submit a one-page letter of nomination outlining reasons a faculty member deserves the award to Michael Lee, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.

4.  Upcoming Pedagogy Workshops/Funding  

  1. 1st Friday Workshop: Friday, Dec 6, 1:30-3pm, 335HH (TLC): Enacting our 7 Principles in the Classroom. Presenters: Jessica Gordon-Nembhard (AFR) & Mangai Natarajan (CRJ). RSVP to apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu by Thurs, Dec 5 (lunch provided). Resources: A Guide to Assignments for Open Pedagogy and the Seven Principles for A Culturally Responsive, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum (published by the TLC and John Jay OER team).
  2. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative. Full-time faculty are invited to develop and integrate an assignment related to one of these three topics into an approved Common Core course. Brief proposals identify the course, outline the concept of the assignment, and explain how it meets course learning outcomes. New assignments and revisions to existing ones will be considered. $500 stipends for accepted proposals.  Link to the proposal form: here. Deadline: February 4, 2025Please consult with your provost for approval of your submission. Questions to: Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.

5.  Research Funding/Opportunities  

  1. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program (https://www.rfcuny.org/GP/welcome.aspx) application deadline: December 16, 11:59pm EST. Program info: this page. General application guidelines: click here. Applicant quick reference sheet: click here.
  2. CUNY Academy Travel Awards 2024-2025. The CUNY Academy offers travel awards to support faculty presentations at academic conferences. CUNY Faculty at all levels are invited to apply, including adjuncts, lecturers, assistant and associate professors

    Awards only support travel away from home for a professional conference (not virtual). Awards only if you are presenting at the conference. Note current CUNY Travel guidance on Domestic and International Travel. One request per applicant, up to $500 per person. See website for additional eligibility requirements. Travel must occur between Sept 1, 2024 and Aug 31, 2025. Receipts must be submitted within 30 days of travel or faculty risk rescinding the award. Questions to cunyacademy@gc.cuny.edu.
  3. Call for proposals!  The CUNY Research in the Classroom (RIC) grant program encourages faculty to incorporate research activities into their undergraduate courses. Initiative supports experiential learning, providing students with hands-on research experience while advancing faculty research aims. Eligible full-time faculty and lecturers across all disciplines are invited to apply for a RIC Fellowship, worth up to $10,000. Can be used for course releases, summer salaries, research materials, or student travel. Awardees are expected to implement their course designs in the 2025-2026 academic year and share their curricular materials as Open Educational Resources. Guidelines on the website linked above. Proposals due by January 3, 2025.

6.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

     DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Quizzes, Weds, Dec 4th, 2pm-3pm.

     DOES LMS Drop-in Lab, Monday, December 9, 1:40 – 2:50 pm, L2.72.04 NB.

     DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Computing Final Grades, Weds, Dec 11th, 2pm-3pm

     Faculty are encouraged to reach out for assistance with grading tasks as early as possible. DOES LMS added 3 new How-to Guides to the website with the end of the semester in mind:

Information: Brightspace Email and Notifications Delivery  and more info is available from DOES. Contacts. Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Student: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Professional Development Opportunity  

ELEVATE!  The Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions (CMSI) opened applications for their early-career faculty development program, ELEVATE (Enriching Learning, Enhancing Visibility, and Training Educators). This program is a unique 3-day professional development opportunity for early-career faculty at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). ELEVATE supports the ongoing learning, training, and networking of early career MSI faculty by providing workshops, opportunities to network with peers, and a platform for collaboration.

This year's ELEVATE will be hosted in Princeton, NJ, from June 9 - June 12, 2025.

If you are interested in participating, please complete their online application by January 20, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Selected faculty will be announced by email on March 11, 2025.


  • Must be an early-career faculty member (defined as tenured-track, untenured assistant professor, or equivalent)
  • Must have begun their faculty career no earlier than 2019
  • Must work at an accredited Minority Serving Institution


  • ELEVATE is offered free of registration fees and covers meals and materials to minimize the financial burden of participating. Fellows’ hotel stays will be covered by CMSI for select event dates. Fellows are responsible for covering the cost of their individual travel to/from the conference. They encourage you to seek institutional support if available.
  • Happily, John Jay Institutional Support is available via the Faculty Opportunity Fund

8.  Free Holiday Fun

The Shops at Columbus Circle.  Just down the road a bit, some free holiday events to enjoy.

  1. Broadway Under the Stars:  Watch free, live performances from current Broadway shows including Moulin Rouge tonight (broader Moulin Rouge! Musical Bohemian Winter Rendezvous is 4-7pm) and The Lion King, Aladdin, and Wicked tomorrow. Shows on the 2nd floor Stage, 5-6pm, Dec 4th, 5th, 12th, 19th. Full schedule at the link.
  2. Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Webop Holiday Jazz JamFamilies are invited to these free, festive and interactive, holiday-themed live jazz performances. Young music lovers can swing and sing along with talented musicians. Designed for children ages 8 months-8 years. Shows approx. 45 mins, no registration required. Shows on the 2nd floor Stage, Dec 13 & Dec 17 @ 3pm; Dec 18 & Dec 20 @ 11am. More information at the link above.

November 20, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info

  • Weds, Nov 27: Classes follow Friday schedule. Thurs, Nov 28 – Sun, Dec 1: No classes.  8-Week-2 grad classes: Nov 30 is deadline to drop with W grade. Academic calendars
  • Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring 2025:  Deadline is Nov 30.  We are required by federal law to have book/material information provided FOR ALL COURSES by the time students register. Thank you to the 554 faculty members who submitted book information (51%) - 468 to go.  Please submit ASAP – even to say NO BOOKS.
         To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. If you click the “Help” button (left side), you can find a brief how-to book adoption video and pdf guide for faculty.
  • For Fall 2024 (and 8-week-2) classes, the online student course evaluation period is Nov 26-Dec 13. Faculty who wish to adjust the period during which students can complete evaluations (spigot) can do so Nov 19-25 or leave the default 2-week evaluation period. If students have trouble accessing the evaluation or for questions about the Student Evaluation of Faculty or the SEOF committee, please contact seof@jjay.cuny.edu.

2.  Engaging, Bloodhound Style!  

NCAA Bound!  For the first time ever, the Women’s Volleyball team will compete in the NCAA Regional Tournament. They play Washington & Lee University on Thursday, 2:00pm in VA, having won the 2024 CUNYAC Championship last Friday.  Go Bloodhounds!!

Stay tuned!  Fans can watch some games via live stream or perhaps come to a game or match in person (schedule here). Our student athletes love it when faculty come to cheer them on to victory!

For our fitness needs, we can access a well-priced JJ gym membership, to use the tennis court, gym, pool and other facilities (https://johnjayathletics.com/sports/2014/9/5/GEN_0905145722).

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

     Student evaluations of courses are on our minds. Have you wondered about your students’ priorities when they rate their courses and instructors? ACUE recently released a research brief that explores students’ perceptions of their instructors – and what qualities impact their likelihood of recommending an instructor. The primary themes they identified were: instructional clarity, student support, perceived instructor attributes (e.g., professionalism, kindness) and active learning (you can see the complete report here).

     In a discussion of the report, panelists shared a few techniques they find helpful. For instance, one described arriving early to class, giving students an additional opportunity to talk with the professor and ask questions that increase instructional clarity. Another provides students ‘skeletal’ notes (lecture notes with information gaps to fill in) to help them engage and learn actively during class. To get a sense of students’ perceptions of a course in action, another described asking students to complete a prompt: “I learned the most in class when we…” or “what I am still thinking about from last week’s class is…” and reflect back to the class your thoughts on how you might apply their feedback to changes in the class, now or in the future. Opening classes to these activities may increase student participation in evaluations to offer useful comments to improve our teaching.

     Speaking of open, the TLC and the John Jay OER team published a free guide that suggests collaborative assignments with students for different class sizes and teaching methods. Take a look and adapt for your needs:  A Guide to Assignments for Open Pedagogy and the Seven Principles for A Culturally Responsive, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum

For additional resources to support your teaching, contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

Upcoming deadlines:

  • Proposals for Faculty Development Day (Thurs, Jan 23) are due Mon, Dec 9, 11:59pm.
  • Nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Prize are due Mon, Dec 9.

4.  Upcoming Faculty Events/Workshops/Opportunities 

  1. Invitation to the opening of the new exhibit in the Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery, What It Is About You that Closes & Opens, Thurs, Nov 21, 6pm (11th Ave entrance). Curated by Gallery Director Macushla Robinson (Doctoral Lecturer, Art & Music). See flier below and learn more about the Shiva Gallery here: https://shivagallery.org/
  2. Promotion to Full Professor Workshop, Mon, Nov 25, 1:40-2:50pm, 335HH. Discuss the timing, expectations and process for promotion to full professor (full-time faculty)
  3. Our next Food for Thought will be Tues, Dec 10, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join us for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Modern Languages & Literatures – speakers Rocío Carranza Brito, Javier Moreno Rivero, Aída Martínez Gómez & Cristina Lozano Argülles. Learn about ‘big ideas’ in their fields. Lunch is on us.  RSVP here.   https://acue.org/videos/constructive-convos-in-the-classroom/
  4. Call for Nominations!  The Faculty Service to Students Award is presented each year to a full or part-time member of the John Jay faculty who makes exceptional contributions to the lives of students at John Jay College. Demonstrations of service may include but are not limited to ad-hoc or formal mentoring, support of student activities, and advisement.  This award recognizes those faculty members who enrich the experiences of students here at John Jay. The recipient will receive recognition and $1,000. Nominations are due on or before February 21, 2025Please submit a one-page letter of nomination outlining reasons a faculty member is deserving of the award to Michael Lee, Administrative Executive Assistant, milee@jjay.cuny.edu.

5.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops  

  1. Engage and Inspire: Creating Impactful Short Videos for Online Courses. Discover how to create short, dynamic videos that capture attention, boost engagement, and improve knowledge retention in your online courses. Thurs, Nov 21, 3:00pm, Register here 
  2. Teaching Matters Special Series on Generative AI, Fri, Nov 22, 11:00am-12:00pm (virtual) Supporting Students’ Ethical Use of AI: Ideas and Practices in Humanities and STEM Fields Leads: J. Elizabeth Clark (LAG) and Karan Puri (QCC). Learn how to support students to use generative AI ethically, responsively, and effectively, consider what “ethical use of AI” means, and exchange ideas for support activities/materials. For more info, see flyer or email Innovative.Pedagogy@cuny.edu.    
  3. Call for Proposals:  Next-Gen Learning: Integrate AI, Civic Engagement, or Sustainability into Pathways initiative.  Many CUNY full-time faculty members have been exploring important knowledge areas that resonate with today’s undergraduates, including AI, Civil Discourse/Civic Engagement, and Sustainability/Climate Change. To recognize and support these efforts, full-time faculty are invited to develop and integrate an assignment related to one of these three topics into one of your approved Pathways Common Core courses.  
         We seek brief proposals that identify the relevant course, outline the concept of the assignment, and explain how the assignment meets the learning outcomes of the CCCRC approved course. Both new assignments and revisions to existing ones will be considered. We are pleased to offer $500 stipends for all accepted proposals. Our goal is to support your teaching in both required and flexible core courses
         The link to the brief proposal form can be found
     here. It shows the criteria for proposal evaluation. Deadline for submission of the online form is February 4, 2025.  As the form indicates, please consult with your provost for their approval of your submission. Questions to Michael Guy at Michael.Guy@cuny.edu.   

6.  Research Support/Opportunities  

  1. Learn Ways to Increase your Readership with our institutional repository, CUNY Academic Works (CAW), and how to make publications available to more readers by uploading them to CAW. Contact JJ Librarian Karen Okamoto (kokamoto@jjay.cuny.edu) with questions.  Additional information and schedule of workshops HERE.
    a. Weds, Nov 20, 1:40pm-2:10pm, Zoom, registration required
    b. Thurs, Nov 21, 1:40pm-2:10pm, Zoom, registration required
    c. & d. Weds, Dec 11 & Thurs, Dec 12, 1:40pm-2:10pm, Library Classroom, drop in.
  2. The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Overseas Faculty Development Seminars program includes fully funded overseas summer travel programs for faculty from minority-serving institutions (MSI’s). Applications are due December 2, 2024.
  3. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program (https://www.rfcuny.org/GP/welcome.aspx) application deadline: December 16, 11:59pm EST. Program info: this page. General application guidelines: click here. Applicant quick reference sheet: click here.

7.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team) 

TODAY: DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Assignments with Turnitin, Wednesday, November 20, 2pm – 3pm. In this session, we will demonstrate and compare Brightspace Assignments, Brightspace Assignments with the new Turnitin v2, and traditional Turnitin LTI Assignments.  

Winter/Spring 2025 courses are live in Brightspace. Cross-listed courses are merged under the prefix that is first alphabetically. To request other course merges, please use this form: https://forms.office.com/r/S7ExSEGTg2. If you are missing a course, check CUNYfirst to verify it was assigned to you.  If not, your department must contact the Registrar.  

DOES LMS Support added a link to the NavBar for easy access to the Demo Student tool. See: Creating a Demo Student in Brightspace.

The Brightspace attendance tool will be removed from BrS on December 28, 2024.  

Quick Start checklist: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist. More info is available from DOES and CUNY: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request form:  REVISED REQUEST FORM.

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.student@jjay.cuny.edu.

November 13, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info

  • Weds, Nov 27: Classes follow Friday schedule. Thurs, Nov 28 – Sun, Dec 1: No classes.  8-Week-2 grad classes: Nov 30 is deadline to drop with W grade. Academic calendars
  • Please share with students:  Thurs, Nov 14, 1-3:30pm, in Hound Square, we have the Graduate and Professional School Fair. Website link: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/news-events/events/graduate-professional-school-fair-0  (See flier.)
  • Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring 2025:  Student shopping carts open Oct 31 and we are required by federal law to have book/material information provided by the time students register. Thank you to the 505 faculty members who submitted book information (46%) - 499 to go.  Please submit ASAP – even to say NO BOOKS.  To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Making Office Hours Intentional and Impactful. We know that office hours provide students an opportunity for meaningful, individual interactions with a faculty member. But office hours only help if students come. Some faculty members require that students visit office hours at least once. Tips for faculty about how to get students to attend abound, including that it can help to explain what “office hours” are to demystify them (and make them less scary).  Some choose to rename them as “student hours,” “visiting hours,” or “student drop-in hours,” for example, to communicate their audience and purpose. There are also guides for students to office hours (also here). One of the most entertaining is this satirical video from Arizona State University on battling FMOOWMP with FOH (faculty office hours) – it’s worth sharing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQq1-_ujXrM.

When students do come to office hours… 

See the Faculty Handbook for more information on the “nuts and bolts” of faculty office hours. For additional resources to support your teaching, contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

Upcoming deadlines:

  • Proposals for Faculty Development Day (Thurs, Jan 23) are due Mon, Dec 9, 11:59pm.
  • Nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Prize are due Mon, Dec 9.

3.  Upcoming Faculty Speakers/Discussions/Workshops  

  1. Please share with students: Math & Computer Science talk (student centric event with pizza), Generative AI: Potentials and Implications for the future, Dr. Daniel Dean, Principal Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, TODAY, Weds, Nov 13, 1:45-2:45pm, Meeting ID: 822 3933 2258; Passcode: 253628.  Explore the transformative potential of generative AI and its implications for the future. Delve into the current state of generative AI and the remarkable capabilities of large language models like OpenAI. Attendees will gain an understanding of generative AI’s capabilities along with the types of use cases generative AI is best suited to handle and future use cases being examined in the industry today (e.g., Microsoft).
  2. Climate Science talk: Dr. Annet Pauwelussen (University of Wageningen, Netherlands) is a visiting scholar studying oyster restoration in NYC, Rhode Island, the UK, and the Netherlands. She will speak Thurs, Nov. 14 (community hour, NB 9.64) about her research on human-ocean relationships in Indonesia and in the North Atlantic.  
  3. Community Forum on Institutional Statements & Engaging in Productive Dialogue, Thurs, Nov 14, 1:40-3pm, L.61 or Zoom.  Join President Karol V. Mason to discuss: 
    a. When do we speak?  When should the president make an institutional statement on a current event?  Provide feedback in the forum or anonymously through this online feedback form.  You can find more information here.
    b. How do we speak?  How do we equip our community for meaningful/productive dialogue on challenging/charged topics?  President Mason will preview campus-wide work on the issue.  
  4. Promotion to Full Professor Workshop, Mon, Nov 25, 1:40-2:50pm, 335HH.
  5. Our next Food for Thought will be Tues, Dec 10, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join us for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Modern Languages & Literatures – speakers Rocío Carranza Brito, Javier Moreno Rivero, Aída Martínez Gómez & Cristina Lozano Argülles. Learn about ‘big ideas’ in their fields. Lunch is on us.  RSVP here.  (Note: The Nov 14 Food for Thought with Anthro is postponed to March 13.)

4.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops  

  1. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Professional Development Sessions, Fri, Nov 15, 11:30am-12:30pm (virtual), The Importance of CPL in Today's Higher Ed Landscape. Dr. Wendy Kilgore will share key insights from AACRAO's survey of 399 colleges and universities about the relevance and impact of CPL. See flyer,webpage or email CPL@cuny.edu. 
  2. Call for Proposals!  The CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy is hosting a CUNY-wide Teaching and Learning Conference April 3 (virtually) and April 4 (in person) at the Grad Center. If you wish to present, submit your conference session proposal by Friday, November 15. Refer to the Call for Proposals for additional information. More info is on the conference website and in the FAQ. Questions to CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu.
  3. Engage and Inspire: Creating Impactful Short Videos for Online Courses. Say goodbye to monotonous presentations! Discover how to create short, dynamic videos that capture attention, boost engagement, and improve knowledge retention in your online courses. Thurs, November 21, 3:00pm, Register here 
  4. Teaching Matters Special Series on Generative AI, Fri, Nov 22, 11:00am-12:00pm (virtual) Supporting Students’ Ethical Use of AI: Ideas and Practices in Humanities and STEM Fields Leads: J. Elizabeth Clark (LaGuardia) and Karan Puri (Queensborough). Learn how faculty can support students to use generative AI ethically, responsively, and effectively, consider what “ethical use of AI” means, and exchange ideas for support activities/materials. For more info, see flyer or email Innovative.Pedagogy@cuny.edu.    

5.  Research Support/Opportunities  

  1. Writing Boot Camp – Fri, Nov 15, 10am-3pm, 335 HH (the TLC). Lunch provided. RSVP by Thurs, Nov 14 at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu. All are welcome. Bring your latest project for some focused writing and get acquainted with other faculty during the lunch break.
  2. Request for applications! The Office for Advancement of Research invites applications for the Spring semester of the Funded Research Development Program, designed to help full time professorial-rank faculty and research staff develop skills necessary to attain external grant funding. To apply, complete this form by November 15. The spring program meets once a month. Questions to Preeti Chauhan (pchauhan@jjay.cuny.edu).
  3. Call for applications!  The CUNY Asian American/Asian Research Institute (AAARI) is offering up to $10,000 in research support funds for Spring 2025. CUNY full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty and full-time Doctoral Lecturers are eligible to apply.
         The AAARI Faculty Research Support Program supports research that seeks to answer critical questions about Asian American and Asian diasporic communities and is open to research across all disciplines. Priority will be given to research that supports a work in progress (e.g., book project, article, major proposal submission, creative work, etc.) and research that has relevance to current policy questions concerning Asian American communities. AAARI aims to fund research on a diversity of Asian ethnic communities.  
    To apply, see detailed instructions in the attached PDF. Deadline: Monday, November 18, 5:00 pm EST. Questions to John J. Chin, Interim Dean, AAARI, jchin@aaari.info.
  4. The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Overseas Faculty Development Seminars program has fully funded overseas summer travel programs for faculty from minority-serving institutions (MSI’s). Applications due December 2, 2024.
  5. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program (https://www.rfcuny.org/GP/welcome.aspx) supports original research and creative activities across all disciplines. Application deadline: December 16, 11:59pm EST.   Webinar on Microsoft Teams on applying:  Fri, Nov 15, 12pm. Click here to join; Meeting ID: 247 633 649 568; Passcode: z2sPfS.  Program info: this page. General application guidelines: click here. Applicant quick reference sheet: click here.

6.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

TODAY: DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Open Q & A, Weds, Nov 13, 2pm – 3pm.  Meeting ID: 851 8280 3529; Passcode: 300745. Questions to LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.

     Winter/Spring 2025 courses are now live in Brightspace. DOES LMS Support is merging cross-listed courses (they will appear under the prefix that is first alphabetically). To request other course merges (e.g., multiple sections of the same course), please use this form: https://forms.office.com/r/S7ExSEGTg2. If you are missing a course, check CUNYfirst to verify the course was assigned to you.  If not, your department must contact the Registrar.  

     DOES LMS Support added a link to the NavBar of JJ Brightspace courses to enable easy access to the Demo Student tool. For more info: Creating a Demo Student in Brightspace.

     Note: The Brightspace Attendance tool will be removed from BrS on December 28, 2024.   

Quick Start checklist for Brightspace: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist.  More info is available from DOES. Workshop dates here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.  CUNY BrS trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request form:  REVISED REQUEST FORM.  Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

November 6, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info

  • 8-Week-2 graduate classes: Verification of enrollment rosters close Nov 8. Academic calendars here
  • Important reminder to share with students:  The deadline for students to withdraw from courses with a grade of “W” is TODAY, Weds, November 6.  (It is NOT the last day of classes.)  Today is the deadline for a student’s official withdrawal.
  • Peer Teaching Observations. Forms are HERE. Observations should be completed by today, Weds, Nov 6. For online courses, Brightspace enrollment request form (48-hour access only): REQUEST FORM HERE.
  • Please share with students:  Thurs, Nov 14, 1-3:30pm, in Hound Square, we have the Graduate and Professional School Fair. Website link: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/news-events/events/graduate-professional-school-fair-0  (See flier.)
  • Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring 2025:  Student shopping carts open Oct 31 and we are required by federal law to have book/material information provided by the time students register. Thank you to the 459 faculty members who submitted book information (42%)!  Only 528 to go.  Please submit ASAP – even to say NO BOOKS.

To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. 

2.  Title IX Syllabus Statement  

     Following up on last Monday’s workshop on faculty mandated reporting, as per CUNY’s new Policy on Sex-Based Misconduct, Jessica Greenfield and Gabriela Leal shared the sample syllabus language below, as requested. Feel free to reach out to either with questions.

Title IX Syllabus Statement

     John Jay College is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. If you have experienced any form of sex-based misconduct, including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, stalking, and sexual or gender-based harassment, know that help and support are available. At John Jay, faculty are mandatory reporters and must report all information they receive regarding Sex-Based Misconduct to the College’s Title IX Coordinator. This is to ensure that all students who have experienced sex-based misconduct receive support, resources, and information about their rights.

     If you wish to speak to a confidential employee who does not have this reporting responsibility, you can contact the Title IX Advocate, Jessica Greenfield (jgreenfield@jjay.cuny.edu), or visit the Counseling Services Center in Room L.68 NB.

     For more information about reporting options and resources at John Jay and in the community, please contact Title IX Coordinator, Gabriela Leal (gleal@jjay.cuny.edu), or visit https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/about/compliance-diversity/non-discrimination-equal-opportunity/title-ix-sex-based-misconduct.

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC

     On this post-election morning, as we consider the results in the midst of teaching our students, this TLC resources page may be helpful for some classes, Election Resources for Teaching, Talking, and Taking Actionhttps://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/election-resources-for-teaching-talking-and-taking-action/. Note also President Mason’s community forum on Nov 14 that will preview campus-wide work on engaging in productive dialogue on challenging topics (see 4.c.2 below).

     Reminder – we are hosting a Post-Election Teach-in, Thurs, Nov 12, 1:40-2:55pm, 9.64NB or Zoom: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArcuirrT4rH9ZFlu_0FCHNFDzibYeCkC5l.  If you would like additional resources to support your teaching, please contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.

4.  Upcoming Faculty Speakers 

  1. Library Author Series, Mon, Nov 11, 1:40-3pm, Library Classroom, Tarun Banerjee (Sociology) will discuss Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It ~ RSVP: https://leversofpower.eventbrite.com
  2. Climate Science talk: Dr. Annet Pauwelussen (University of Wageningen, Netherlands) is an anthropologist and science studies scholar doing research about oyster restoration in NYC, Rhode Island, the UK, and the Netherlands. She is visiting this fall and will come to John Jay on Nov. 14 (community hour, NB 9.64) to give a talk about her research on human-ocean relationships in Indonesia and in the North Atlantic.   
  3. Community Forum on Institutional Statements & Engaging in Productive Dialogue, Thurs, Nov 14, 1:40-3pm, L.61 or Zoom.  Join President Karol V. Mason to discuss: 
    1. When do we speak?  When should the president make an institutional statement on a current event?  Provide feedback in the forum or anonymously through this online feedback form.  You can find more information here.
    2. How do we speak?  How do we equip our community for meaningful/productive dialogue on challenging/charged topics?  President Mason will preview campus-wide work on the issue.  
  4. Our next Food for Thought will be Tues, Dec 10, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join us for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Modern Languages & Literatures – speakers Rocío Carranza Brito, Javier Moreno Rivero, Aída Martínez Gómez & Cristina Lozano Argülles. Learn about ‘big ideas’ in their fields. Lunch is on us.  RSVP here.  (Note: The Nov 14 Food for Thought with Anthro is postponed to March 13.)

5.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops 

  1. CITA Teaching Matters Book Club, Friday, Nov 8, 11am-12pm (virtual). Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning, by Jose Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson. Leads: Casandra Silva Sibilín (York) and Dominique DiTommaso (CUNY Central). More info (flyer) or email Innovative.Pedagogy@cuny.edu.
  2. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Professional Development Sessions, Fri, Nov 15, 11:30am-12:30pm (virtual), The Importance of CPL in Today's Higher Ed Landscape. Dr. Wendy Kilgore will share key insights from AACRAO's survey of 399 colleges and universities about the relevance and impact of CPL. Their report underscores the importance of CPL in enhancing student success, reducing student expenses, and creating more accessible and inclusive opportunities for college education. See flyer orwebpage, or email CPL@cuny.edu. See HERE for CITA events.
  3. Call for Proposals!  The CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA) is hosting its CUNY-wide Teaching and Learning Conference to support, elevate and recognize faculty teaching excellence, April 3 (virtually) and April 4 (in person) at the Grad Center. If you wish to present, submit your conference session proposal by Friday, November 15. Refer to the Call for Proposals for additional information. More info is on the conference website and in the FAQ. Questions to CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu.  

6.  Research Support/Opportunities  

  1. Writing Boot Camp – Fri, Nov 15, 10am-3pm, 335 HH (the TLC). Lunch provided. RSVP by Weds, Nov 13 at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu. All are welcome. Bring your latest project for some focused writing and get acquainted with other faculty during the lunch break.
  2. Request for applications! The Office for Advancement of Research invites applications for the Spring semester of the Funded Research Development Program, designed to help full time professorial-rank faculty and research staff develop skills necessary to attain external funding. To apply: (a) watch 4 videos on grants during Fall (available in the application); and (b) identify an external funding opportunity of at least $25,000. Spring participants will receive research funding ($500), support for up to two external peer reviewers for their proposal, and a JJ mentor. To apply, complete this form by November 15. The spring program meets once a month. Questions to Preeti Chauhan (pchauhan@jjay.cuny.edu).
  3. The Overseas Faculty Development Seminars program includes fully funded overseas summer travel programs for faculty from minority-serving institutions (MSI’s). Applications are due December 2, 2024. The program is hosted by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC). 
  4. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program (https://www.rfcuny.org/GP/welcome.aspx) supports original research and creative activities across all disciplines. Application deadline: December 16, 11:59pm EST.  Webinars via Microsoft Teams to go over the application process and proposal system and answer questions:  Thurs, Nov 7, 1pm EST & Fri, Nov 15, 12pm EST.  Click here to join the meeting; Meeting ID: 247 633 649 568; Passcode: z2sPfS.  OAR encourages early submissions so they can review applications for compliance with guidelines, provide budget feedback, and request changes, if needed, before the deadline.  More Program info: this page. General application guidelines: click here. The applicant's quick reference sheet: click here. 

7.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team) 

     Winter/Spring 2025 courses will be created in the Brightspace LMS starting today, Weds, Nov 6.  If you are missing a course when logging into Brightspace, please log into CUNYfirst and verify that the course has been assigned to you.  If it has not, your department must contact the Registrar to have the official course record updated.  Enrollment updates are processed from CUNYfirst into Brightspace multiple times a day. 

     Also today, Weds, Nov 6, DOES LMS Support will add a link to the NavBar of all John Jay Brightspace courses (including both existing and new courses) to enable easy access to the new Demo Student tool.  The Demo Student tool will allow instructors to interact with the course as a student, including viewing, submitting, and grading course assessments such as Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions.  Please note: If you have edited your Brightspace course NavBar, you will need to manually add the Demo Student tool to your course - please reach out to DOES LMS Support for assistance.  For more information on the Demo Student tool, visit Creating a Demo Student in Brightspace. 

     Note:  The Brightspace Attendance tool will be removed from Brightspace on December 28, 2024 in compliance with CUNY’s status as a non-attendance taking institution.  The tool may be used until that date, but it is recommended that faculty do not use it when developing Winter/Spring 2025 Brightspace courses as it will be removed before those courses occur.

     Please join us for our next DOES LMS How to Webinar a week from today (link to come): Brightspace Open Q & A, Weds, Nov 13, 2pm – 3pm.  Faculty can submit questions in advance to LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.

     Quick Start checklist for Brightspace: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist.  More info is available from DOES. Workshop dates here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.  CUNY BrS trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.  Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

8.  Faculty Volunteers Needed - Focus Groups on Academic Engagement  

The Office of Student Academic Engagement and Retention is seeking 20 faculty volunteers to participate in focus groups aimed at enhancing our approach to creating an integrative, cohesive, and equitable academic structure. Focus group sessions will be one hour, scheduled during community hour this month. Your insights will play a crucial role in refining our strategies and ensuring a more inclusive educational environment. If interested, please email Nathaniel Galen (ngalen@jjay.cuny.edu) ASAP.

October 30, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info

  • 8-Week-2 graduate classes: Verification of enrollment rosters open Nov 2-Nov 8. Academic calendars here
  • E-Workload: Deadline for full-time faculty to review Fall 2024 workload is Nov 1.  Provost approval required for no teaching in a semester. Faculty should discuss outside workload in advance with their dept chair (e.g., GC teaching) and how/when to use junior faculty releases (if applicable). Questions: facultyworkload@jjay.cuny.edu.
  • Peer Teaching Observations have begun. Observation forms are HERE. Observations should be completed by Weds, Nov 6. For online courses, Brightspace enrollment request form (48-hour access only): REQUEST FORM HERE.
  • Support for STEM students in financial distress. Follow-up to last week – there is an emergency support fund specifically for STEM students:  Last Mile Education Fund (lastmile-ed.org)
  • Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring 2025:  Student shopping carts open Oct 31 and we are required by federal law to have book/material information provided by the time students register. Thank you to the 349 faculty members who have already submitted book information (32%)!  Only 629 to go.  Please submit ASAP – even to say NO BOOKS.

To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. 

2.  Important Reminder for Students: Nov 6 Course Withdrawal Deadline  

Please share this important change with your students – in class and/or in Brightspace.

     The CUNY Office of Academic Affairs revised the course withdrawal policy as of this semester. The deadline to withdraw from courses with a grade of “W” is Weds, November 6.  (It is NOT the last day of classes.)  This is the deadline for a student’s official withdrawal.

     This contrasts with WU (unofficial withdrawal), making it very important that students are aware of the need to officially withdraw by the Nov 6 deadline.

     Withdrew Unofficially: A grade of WU is to be assigned to students who participated in an academic activity related to the class at least once, stopped participating, did not drop the class or receive approval for an incomplete, did not otherwise officially withdraw from the course, and did not complete enough work for the instructor to be able to calculate an earned grade using the criteria delineated in the course syllabus. A ‘F’ grade should never be given in place of a ‘WU’ grade.

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

As instructors, we are MANDATED REPORTERS for certain student disclosures. We know that many of you were unable to attend Monday’s workshop on CUNY’s new Policy on Sex-Based Misconduct which now includes all faculty as mandated reporters. It was delivered by Jessica Greenfield, Women’s Center Counselor and Confidential Title IX Advocate, and Gabriela Leal, Director of Compliance and Diversity/Title IX Coordinator.

Here are some key takeaways from the session:

  1. All faculty (full-time and adjunct) are mandated reporters, must notify the Title IX coordinator Gabriela Leal (gleal@jjay.cuny.edu) if we reasonably suspect or observe, or if a student discloses, conduct that may constitute sex-based misconduct.
  2. Sex-based misconduct includes sex-based harassment (e.g., harassment, dating or domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking) and sex-based discrimination and related misconduct (discrimination based on gender identity, pregnancy, sex characteristics stereotypes, sexual orientation, submitting false statements, prohibited consensual relationships, retaliation, voyeurism). If in doubt, report.
  3. When informed that a student is pregnant, faculty should provide the student with Gabriela Leal’s contact information (gleal@jjay.cuny.edu) because, as our Title IX Coordinator, she can coordinate specific actions to prevent Sex-Based Misconduct and ensure the student’s equal access to CUNY’s education programs or activities.
  4. In some cases, faculty become aware of an issue because a student requests an extension on an assignment due to their circumstances. Making the report gives the College an opportunity to provide supportive measures for the student across all classes and help them access reasonable accommodations (or protections) more quickly.
  5. Be transparent and upfront about your reporting requirements:  Explain what, when, and why you will be reporting. When possible, let a student know before they disclose that you cannot keep confidential what they might say that includes information about sex-based misconduct, but you can maintain privacy to the greatest extent possible.
  6. Prioritize immediate safety concerns.  Public Safety can be reached at x8888 in an emergency on campus or at 212-237-8524 or call 911 if appropriate.
  7. Explain what happens when a report is made – the Title IX officer will attempt to contact them to inform them of their rights, their options, and resources available to them and will also obtain additional information about their experience. It may be helpful to emphasize the support components of the process and point out the student’s agency (choices) during the process.
  8. Do not make promises about confidentiality or specific outcomes.
  9. When possible and known, offer students options for action and support resources.
  10. Maintain boundaries – you are NOT expected to be a therapist
  11. Consult when needed: Jessica Greenfield (jgreenfield@jjay.cuny.edu); Gabriela Leal (gleal@jjay.cuny.edu); Public Safety (Diego Redondo, dredondo@jjay.cuny.edu); Dominic Stellini, Dean of Students (deanofstudents@jjay.cuny.edu); BIT@jjay.cuny.edu; your department chair.

If you would like additional resources to support your teaching, please contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

4.  Upcoming Faculty Workshops/Speakers  

  1. 1st Friday Workshop. Staying in the Lines: Policies & Faculty Responsibilities, Fri, Nov 1, 1:30-3pm, 335 HH (TLC). Learn key faculty responsibilities – important for ALL NEW(er) FACULTY, with Gabriela Leal and Kim Chandler. RSVP at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu
  2. Library Author Series, Mon, Nov 11, 1:40-3pm, Library Classroom, Tarun Banerjee (Sociology) will discuss Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It ~ RSVP: https://leversofpower.eventbrite.com
  3. Climate Science talk: Dr. Annet Pauwelussen (University of Wageningen, Netherlands) is an anthropologist and science studies scholar doing research about oyster restoration in NYC, Rhode Island, the UK, and the Netherlands. She is visiting this fall and will come to John Jay on Nov. 14 (community hour, NB 9.64) to give a talk about her research on human-ocean relationships in Indonesia and in the North Atlantic.  See flier.

5.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops   

  1. CITA Teaching Matters Book Club, Friday, Nov 8, 11am-12pm (virtual). Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning, by Jose Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson. Leads: Casandra Silva Sibilín (York) and Dominique DiTommaso (CUNY Central). More info (flyer) or email Innovative.Pedagogy@cuny.edu.
  2. Call for Proposals!  The CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA) is hosting its 2nd CUNY-wide Teaching and Learning Conference to support, elevate and recognize faculty teaching excellence, April 3 (virtually) and April 4 (in person) at the Graduate Center. 

     If you are interested in presenting, please submit your conference session proposal by Friday, November 15. Refer to the Call for Proposals for additional information. (Note: to complete the proposal form, you will need to log in with your Office365 username (i.e., Jane.Doe20@login.cuny.edu), and CUNYfirst password.    

     More information on conference goals, session formats and session selection criteria is on the conference website and in the FAQ. Acceptances will be announced by the week of February 3, 2025. Email CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu with questions or concerns.  

6.  CUNY Academic Works Information Session 

Authors: Learn Ways to Increase your Readership!  Attend a CUNY Academic Works session with the John Jay College Library.  Learn about our institutional repository, CUNY Academic Works (CAW), and how you can make your publications available to more readers by uploading them to CAW.

Upcoming Workshops: 

  1. Wednesday November 20, 1:40pm-2:10pm, via Zoom, registration required
  2. Thursday November 21, 1:40pm-2:10pm, via Zoom, registration required
  3. Wednesday December 11, 1:40pm-2:10pm, Library Classroom, drop in, no registration
  4. Thursday December 12, 1:40pm-2:10pm, Library Classroom, drop in, no registration

Please contact Karen Okamoto (kokamoto@jjay.cuny.edu) if you have any questions.

7.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

Quick Start checklist for Brightspace: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist

More info is available from DOES. Workshop dates are here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.

CUNY Brightspace trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

     Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORM.

     Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

October 23, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info 

  • 8-Week-1 graduate classes: Grade rosters close Oct 26. Please submit grades on time.  8-Week-2 graduate classes: Session begins Oct 28Academic calendars here
  • E-Workload is open. Deadline for full-time faculty to review Fall 2024 workload is Nov 1.  Provost approval required for no teaching in a semester. Faculty should discuss outside workload in advancewith their dept chair (e.g., GC teaching). Info session on workload reporting, TODAYWeds, Oct 23, 1:40-2:55pmZOOM link, Meeting ID: 461 223 6540, Passcode: 1023. Confirm participation/questions: facultyworkload@jjay.cuny.edu.
  • Peer Teaching Observations have begun. Observation forms are HERE. Observations should be completed by Weds, Nov 6. For online courses, Brightspace enrollment request form (48-hour access only): REQUEST FORM HEREPDF
  • Books/Materials Adoptions for Spring 2025:  Student shopping carts open Oct 31 and we are required by federal law to have book/material information provided by the time students register.  Thank you to the 222 faculty members who have already submitted their book information! Only 732 to go.  Please submit ASAP – even to say NO BOOKS.  To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. 

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

     We have reached the half-way point of the semester, an opportune time to benefit from feedback on our teaching through peer observations and student reflections.

     This term’s peer observations of teaching are happening now (to be completed by Nov 6). Peer observations allow us to experience each other’s classes and learn from the different perspectives colleagues offer on what they see. One of the best parts of these observations can be the Post Observation of Teaching conference – an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation about teaching, with a focus on sharing constructive suggestions and ideas. 

     Parallel to engaging in peer observations, we can encourage students to reflect on their learning and provide teaching feedback as well. Students might be feeling performance pressure now, and this may be alleviated through reviewing their growth and challenges in your course. Conversation, camaraderie and opportunities to engage with each other might help them to build a stronger academic support community. This article on Recovering Student Engagement at Mid-course Timemay provide inspiration.  As a reminder – we have academic, health, wellness and other resources (e.g., emergency financial support) available, and these are referrals that make sense throughout the term. When we see (and hear) students in need, we can offer connections that may help.

     If you would like additional resources to support your teaching, please contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

3.  Upcoming Speakers/Workshops  

  1. Library Author Series, Thurs, Oct 24, 1:40-3pm, Library ClassroomKim Liao (ENG) will discuss Where Every Ghost Has a Name: A Memoir of Taiwanese Independence. RSVP at:https://everyghost.eventbrite.com. Series here
  2. Immigration Town Hall, Fri, Oct 25, 1:30-3:30pm, 335HH (TLC). International colleagues!  Learn more about immigration processes and timing, meet immigration attorneys from Gibney, and confer on individual situations (one-on-one).  RSVP to apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu
  3. Workshop: CUNY’s new Policy on Sex-Based MisconductPDF includes faculty as mandated reporters. To learn more about what that means, Mon, Oct 28, 1:40pm, via Zoom, join Jessica Greenfield, Women’s Center Counselor and Confidential Title IX Advocate, and Gabriela Leal, Director of Compliance and Diversity/Title IX Coordinator. Zoom:  https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/83055612843?pwd=bT8jIeb4F8EugmC4fJ9kbdDl5QVa7x.1 Meeting ID: 830 5561 2843;  Passcode: 202154.
  4. Tenure/CCE & Promotion to Associate Professor Workshop, Tues, Oct 29, 1:40-2:55pm, 335 HH (TLC). Learn about timelines; external evaluator selection and packets; personnel file preparation and review process; and FPP Guidelines (full-time faculty).
  5. 1st Friday Workshop. Staying in the Lines: Policies & Faculty ResponsibilitiesFri, Nov 1, 1:30-3pm, 335 HH (TLC). Learn key faculty responsibilities – important for ALL NEW(er) FACULTY, with Gabriela Leal and Kim Chandler. RSVP at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Zoom option: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/84136382630?pwd=UkEwV1RqOEVwclAyTnVkdGtwMVc4UT09

4.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops 

  1. CITA Teaching Matters Special Series on Generative AI, Fri, Oct 25, 11:00am -12:00pm (virtual)Student Motivation and Engagement: AI and Non-AI Assignments to Enhance Learning.  See flyer for more info or email Innovative.Pedagogy@cuny.edu.
  2. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Professional Development Sessions, Fri, Oct 25, 2pm-3pm (virtual)Showcase: Lessons from CAEL-WICHE Equity Award Winners. Presenters will share innovative CPL practices that leverage faculty expertise and improve student success.  See flyer orwebpage, or email CPL@cuny.edu. See HERE for CITA events
  3. Call for Proposals!  The CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA) is hosting its 2nd CUNY-wide Teaching and Learning Conference to support, elevate and recognize faculty teaching excellence, April 3 (virtually) and April 4 (in person) at the Graduate Center. If you are interested in presenting, please submit your conference session proposal by Friday, November 15. Refer to the Call for Proposals for additional information. (Note: to complete the proposal form, you will need to log in with your Office365 username (i.e., Jane.Doe20@login.cuny.edu), and CUNYfirst password.  More information on conference goals, session formats and session selection criteria is on the conference website and in the FAQ. Acceptances will be announced by the week of February 3, 2025. Email CUNYTLConference@cuny.edu with questions or concerns.  

5.  CUNY Professional Development Conference  

From the University Human Resources (UHR) Professional Development & Learning Office: registration is now open for the annual Professional Development Conference, Nov 6th & 7th! This year’s theme is "The Change Ahead: Dare to Imagine and Innovate."

     Conference sessions aligned to the following tracks:
          Track 1: Transformational management: Driving institutional change
          Track 2: Leadership development: Preparing the next generation
          Track 3: Creating inclusive campus communities: Strategies & best practices
          Track 4: Mindfulness matters - the healthy employee
          Track 5: Automation and employment: Redefining roles in higher education

This virtual conference is open to all CUNY employees. Register as soon as possible as space may be limited. For session details, see the Professional Development Conference Agenda.  If you are unable to participate in the conference, or are interested in additional professional development options, please review the Fall 2024 PD Opportunities Catalog for offerings.

6.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

Quick Start checklist for Brightspace: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist

TODAY! Tracking Class Progress in Brightspace, Weds, Oct 23, 2pm – 3pm. Meeting ID: 881 0461 0891; Passcode: 719205. 

More info is available from DOESWorkshop dates are here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.  CUNY Brightspace trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials): REVISED REQUEST FORM

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

7.  Support for Students in Financial Distress 

The College is building a strategic approach to integrate the Emergency Funding Program into our broader student support services.  To that end, we established a referral system to help identify students in crisis and direct them toward the Program.  If you encounter students under financial strain, the goal is to ensure they are connected with emergency funding when appropriate.  Please find attached a guide to recognizing and supporting students in financial crisis and an emergency funding referral form

8.  Faculty Volunteers Needed for Focus Groups on Academic Engagement  

The Office of Student Academic Engagement and Retention is seeking 20 faculty volunteers to participate in focus groups aimed at enhancing our approach to creating an integrative, cohesive, and equitable academic structure. Each focus group session will be one hour and scheduled during community hour. Your insights will play a crucial role in refining our strategies and ensuring a more inclusive educational environment.  If interested, please contact Nathaniel Galen at ngalen@jjay.cuny.edu. Thank you for your time and participation in this important initiative!

October 16, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info 

  • Peer Teaching Observations have begun. Observation forms are HERE. Observations should be completed by Weds, Nov 6. For online courses, Brightspace enrollment request form (48-hour access only): REQUEST FORM HERE
  • The 8-week-1 online student course evaluation ends today, Oct 16. For regular Fall 2024 classes (and 8-week-2), the spigot will be available to faculty Nov 19-25 and the student evaluation period will be Nov 26-Dec 13
  • 8-Week-1 graduate classes:  Final exams and last classes are Oct 20-21. Grade rosters open Oct 18.  Session ends Oct 21. Please submit grades on time. Academic calendars
  • E-Workload is open for full-time faculty. Review Fall 2024 workload by November 1.  Provost approval required for zero teaching in a semester. Faculty should discuss any outside workload in advance with their dept chair (e.g., GC teaching). Info session on workload reporting, Weds, Oct 23rd, 1:40-2:55pmZOOM link, Meeting ID: 461 223 6540, Passcode: 1023. Confirm participation/questions: facultyworkload@jjay.cuny.edu.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

It’s time again to submit information about book/materials adoptions for Spring 2025.  Deadline is November 30. Even if no books/materials need to be purchased, submission of the information is REQUIRED to comply with federal law. This provides time for students to acquire accessible (and perhaps more cost-effective) versions of course materials in advance.

How do you make your submissions?

  1. To submit a book order or indicate “no adoptions required/course does not use books”, log in to the bookstore at: JohnJayBooks.com with your CUNYfirst log in credentials. Click the faculty link to submit your course material ISBNs. 
  2. You must be listed in CUNYFirst as the instructor for a course to order the books. If you are not, contact your Department Administrator or Chairperson.  
  3. If you are unable to log in to the online bookstore (Akademos/Vitalsource) or have issues adding materials, you can email course and text information directly to cunybooks@vitalsource.com. For questions or concerns, contact Sarah Ginsberg (sarah.ginsberg@vitalsource.com).
  4. If possible, faculty are encouraged to rely on no-cost Open Educational ResourcesNote: If you ask students to purchase a book from which you would derive revenue, the CUNY Conflict of Interest PolicyPDF applies (clause 5.2).  
  5. Note that, when you submit your adoption, you can indicate that you want your course enrolled in “Inclusive Access”.

     That said, our library offers a wealth of resources for faculty and students. You can look here (https://www.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/content/getting-textbooks-0) to see if the library has a copy of your textbook available or learn how to put materials on reserve (guide for making PDFs accessible: https://guides.cuny.edu/accessibility/pdf). There is a robust video collection, and guides for faculty on an array of topics such as zero-cost textbook alternatives, open access publishing, and research data management. (See John Jay’s Oct 17 OER training.)

     If you would like additional resources to support your teaching, please contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

3.  Upcoming Events/Speakers  

  1. TODAY! OAR Book talk: Weds, October 16, 4:30-6pm, 9.64NBAdam McKible (ENG), Circulating Jim Crow, with moderator Jean Mills (ENG) and discussants Jesse W. Schwartz (LaGuardia CC) and Kelley Kreitz (Pace).  RSVP HERE.
  2. Parents:  Is your child applying to College soon?  Want to learn more about the Macaulay or JJ Honors Programs?  Join us Tues, Oct 22, 1:40pm in 610HH for a conversation with Honors Program Director Ray Patton and Associate Directors Alana Philip and Adrienne FitzGerald.  RSVP for lunch at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu
  3. Workshop: CUNY’s new Policy on Sex-Based MisconductPDF includes faculty as mandated reporters. To learn more about what that means, Mon, Oct 28, 1:40pm, via Zoom, join Jessica Greenfield, Women’s Center Counselor and Confidential Title IX Advocate, and Gabriela Leal, Director of Compliance and Diversity/Title IX Coordinator. Zoom:  https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/83055612843?pwd=bT8jIeb4F8EugmC4fJ9kbdDl5QVa7x.1 Meeting ID: 830 5561 2843;  Passcode: 202154.

4.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops  

  1. Introduction to OER @ JJ, Thurs, Oct 17, 1:40pm. Learn features and applications of Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Resources. Work with examples from the Guide to Assignments for Open Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum developed by the JJ TLC and learn about funding available for OER projects this year. Register: https://bit.ly/introOERF24.  Ongoing OER activities/info
  2. Attend ACERT at Hunter College Lunchtime Virtual Seminars, on teaching and learning. Questions: acert@hunter.cuny.edu.  Thu, 10/17, 12-1pm: Decentering grades
  3. CCNY Creating a Positive Student Experience in Your Online Course series. Tues, Oct 22, 3pm, Maximize Student Growth: Effective Feedback Strategies for Online Courses. Learn how to turn feedback into a catalyst for student success. Explore techniques to provide meaningful feedback that enhances student engagement and fosters academic growth.  Register Now!  Facilitators: Drs. Brett Christie, Breana Bayraktar & Heath Grant (JJ LPS) and CUNY Online Instructional Designer Chelien Brown.
  4. CITA Teaching Matters Special Series on Generative AI, Fri, Oct 25, 11:00am -12:00pm (virtual)Student Motivation and Engagement: AI and Non-AI Assignments to Enhance LearningLeads: Sissel McCarthy and Edgar Troudt (Hunter College). Participants will learn and exchange ideas for how to use (and not to use) generative AI tools in their classroom, to enhance student motivation and learning. Session will focus on what we can do now. See flyer for more info or email Innovative.Pedagogy@cuny.edu.
  5. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Professional Development Sessions, Fri, Oct 25, 2pm-3pm (virtual)Showcase: Lessons from CAEL-WICHE Equity Award Winners. In 2023-2024, two CUNY colleges were honored with CAEL-WICHE Equity Awards recognizing strategies that put CPL in reach of key adult learner populations and/or increase CPL credit-earning. Presenters from Lehman College and CUNY SPS will share innovative CPL practices that leverage faculty expertise and improve student success. For info, see flyer orwebpage, or email CPL@cuny.edu. See HERE for CITA events

5.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team) 

Quick Start checklist for Brightspace: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist

TODAY! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Discussions and Groups, Weds, Oct 16, 2pm – 3pm. Meeting ID: 856 5971 9168; Passcode: 253902. Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/85659719168?pwd=GHkX8Xa9MbcgF4ho8RkhMDP4MnZ38H.1

More info is available from DOESWorkshop dates are here. Recordings: DOES LMS website. CUNY trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORM

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

6.  Supports for Research

  1. Research in the Classroom Grants! CUNY is relaunching the Research in the Classroom (RIC) grant program this year. The program encourages faculty to incorporate authentic research activities into their undergraduate courses. The initiative supports experiential learning, providing students with hands-on research experience while advancing faculty research aims. Eligible full-time faculty and lecturers across all disciplines are invited to apply for a RIC Fellowship, worth up to $10,000. Grants can be used for course releases, summer salaries, research materials, or student travel. Awardees are expected to implement their course designs in the 2025-2026 academic year and share their curricular materials as Open Educational Resources (OER).  The guidelines are on the website linked above. Proposals are due by January 3, 2025, with awards announced in February.
  2. PSC-CUNY Research Award Program Grants Proposal System is open for Cycle 56 (https://www.rfcuny.org/GP/welcome.aspx). The program supports original research and creative activities across all disciplines. Application deadline:  December 16, 11:59pm EST. 

    OAR encourages early submissions so they can review applications for compliance with guidelines, provide budget feedback, and ask PIs to make changes, if needed, before the deadline.  Please visit this page for more information about the Program. For general application guidelines, click here. For the applicant's quick reference sheet, click here.

    There will be several Webinars via Microsoft Teams to go over the application process and proposal system and to answer questions on the following dates:  Wednesday, October 23rd, 12pm EST; Thursday, November 7th, 1pm EST; Friday, November 15th, 12pm EST; Click here to join the meeting; Meeting ID: 247 633 649 568; Passcode: z2sPfS

October 2, 2024

1.  Important Dates/Info 

  • No classes scheduled, Weds Oct 2 – Fri, Oct 4. See CUNY’s All Religions & Ethnic Holiday Calendarto assist with timing assignments. CUNY policy on religious accommodations
  • Peer Teaching Observations have begun. Observation forms are HERE. For online courses, Brightspace enrollment request form (48-hour access only): REQUEST FORM
  • The 8-week-1 online student course evaluation period will be Oct 9-Oct 16. Faculty who wish to adjust the period during which students can complete evaluations (spigot) can do so Oct 6-8 or leave the default 2-week evaluation period. For regular Fall 2024 classes (and 8-week-2), the spigot will be available to faculty Nov 19-25 and the student evaluation period will be Nov 26-Dec 13.  See more information and tips below.
  • The e-Workload system is open for full-time faculty. Review your fall 2024 workload by November 1st.  Provost approval required for zero teaching in a semester. Faculty should discuss any outside workload in advance with their dept chair (e.g., GC teaching). The workload office will host a discussion of the collection process and answer workload questions on Weds, Oct 23rd, Community Hour (1:40-2:55pm)ZOOM link, Meeting ID: 461 223 6540, Passcode: 1023. Email facultyworkload@jjay.cuny.edu to confirm participation or with questions.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

The student evaluation period is approaching. Aiming to increase your student evaluation responses? First, be sure to inform students about the dates of the evaluation period, especially if you narrow the date window. Note that your class will ONLY be visible to students during the available dates.
     Here are a few suggestions to help increase student evaluation participation. One strategy is to share how their responses can help you improve your courses. Explain the purpose of the evaluations and share examples of feedback you received in the past and how the course benefitted in response.  Note that, for in-person and hybrid classes, faculty are required to set aside 20 minutes of in-class time for students to complete evaluations. Many instructors send email reminders and offer incentives, such as collective extra credit for reaching a specific class rate of completion (e.g., 1 point for all if 70% of students complete) or based on the rate completed (e.g., if half the class completes, each student gets half a point.)
     Most importantly, remind students that evaluations are anonymous and not seen by you for 4-5 weeks AFTER grades are submitted. Their feedback benefits the next students to take courses with us, and they will benefit from the feedback their next instructors are receiving from their students this term. The more students who complete evaluations, the greater the opportunities for positive change.
     If students have trouble accessing the evaluation or for questions about the Student Evaluation of Faculty or the SEOF committee, please contact seof@jjay.cuny.edu.  
     If you would like additional guidance and feedback to support your teaching, please contact Teaching & Learning Center Director Gina Rae Foster at gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu.      

3.  Upcoming Events/Speakers  

  1. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: John Jay Rocks the VoteMon, Oct 7, 1:45pm, via Zoom. Book talk by Mike Madrid on The Latino Vote and the Impact on Democracy. Q&A facilitated by John Gutiérrez (LLS).  Register (for zoom) here.
  2. Library Author Series, Weds, Oct 9, 1:40-3pm, Library Classroom, with Anru Lee (ANT) to discuss Haunted Modernities: Gender, Memory, and Placemaking in Postindustrial Taiwan. RSVP at https://hauntedmodernities.eventbrite.com.  See series here.
  3. Our next Food for Thought is Weds, Oct 9, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join us for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Climate & Environmental Justice faculty – speakers LaDawn Haglund, Alejandro Garcia Lozano and Silvina Calderaro.  Learn about big ideas in their field, meet new faculty members and Lunch is on us. RSVP by noon Tues Oct 8
  4. Conversations that Lead to Conversations: The November 2024 U.S. Elections. In the 2nd of this 3-part series, Susan Kang (POL), Camara Silver (POL) and Nora Cronin (ICJ) will lead a Post-Vice Presidential Debate Conversation, Thursday, October 10, 1:40-2:55pm, 330HH.  Zoom registration: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElcemorjwiHtxE6bEUJDLTzktlcdQnoz9L (Register and a "Join" button will be sent to your email.)  Session is in person and remote.
  5. Invitation:  Join us for this year's Alumni Reunion, Tuesday, October 15, as we amplify the achievements of our dynamic alumni community and celebrate John Jay College's 60th anniversary.  We are excited to pay tribute to one of our own, Professor Elton Beckett, the 2024 Distinguished Faculty Member and our inspiring 2024 Distinguished Alumna, Mary S. Calliste ‘15. Let’s commemorate 60 exceptional years and connect, engage and invest in the next generation of justice leaders. Location: Student Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, New Building. Schedule: 6:00pm-Check-in; 6:30pm-Cocktail Reception; 7:15pm-Awards Presentation; 7:45pm-Networking. Register Today($65/ticket)
  6. Save the date!  Is your child applying to College soon?  Want to learn more about the Macaulay or JJ Honors Programs?  Join us Tues, Oct 22, 1:40pm in 610HH for a conversation with Honors Program Director Ray Patton and Associate Directors Alana Philip and Adrienne FitzGerald.  RSVP for lunch at apfaculty@jjay.cuny.edu

4.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

Quick Start checklist for Brightspace: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist

TODAY! DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Grading, Weds, October 2, 2pm – 3pm
Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/84801912145?pwd=OS4Dcek5TslcQAoufbCFn6rxC1RCui.1
Meeting ID: 848 0191 2145;  Passcode: 301304

More info is available from DOESWorkshop dates are here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.

CUNY Brightspace trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORM

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

5.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops  

  1. Teaching STEM in Hispanic Serving Institutions with Dr. Margarita Otero-Diaz, Thursday, October 3, 12-12:45 am EST.  Click here to register:  https://www.escalaeducation.com/stuff-we-love/2024-hsi-month
  2. Introduction to OER @ JJ, Thurs, Oct 17, 1:40pm. Learn features and applications of Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Resources. Work with examples from the Guide to Assignments for Open Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum developed by the JJ TLC and learn about funding available for OER projects this year. Register: https://bit.ly/introOERF24.  Ongoing OER activities/info
  3. The Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching (ACERT) at Hunter College invites all CUNY faculty and staff to join our Lunchtime Seminars, 1-hour virtual sessions on teaching and learning by faculty for faculty. Click on the session titles to register and receive the Zoom meeting link. Questions to acert@hunter.cuny.edu.  Tues, 10/8, 12-1pm: Bias and ethics in AI; Thu, 10/10, 12-1pm: AI tools for research; Thu, 10/17, 12-1pm: Decentering grades

6.  To Share with Students  

  1. Career Learning Lab Hours and Events. You may have noticed the incredible turnout for CareerCon this week on campus! To keep the ball rolling, please let your students know that the Career Learning Lab offers Walk-ins, 30 min counseling appointments and Career Readiness Workshops in L72.00NB (see attached events calendar).  
  2. Please share with your students the attached invitations to submit their artwork by Oct 13 for display during the MLL Hispanic Heritage Month celebration event – and to present their poetry at Latinx Poetry Night, Oct 16, 1:40-3pm in the Modern Language Center (see flyers).

7.  BIT or the Counseling Center? 

Sometimes we are not certain how to direct a student who we know is struggling. Guidance from the Counseling Center and Student Affairs:  

     Report emergency or extreme situations immediately to the Department of Public Safety at 212.237.8888 and/or 911 (as appropriate) if an individual displays an imminent threat to self or others, serious disruptive or threatening behavior, damages property, or breaks the law.

     If a student is experiencing behavioral problems or shows signs that they may be a danger to themselves or others, contact the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT; bit@jjay.cuny.edu). For example: elevated and severe behavioral concerns such as suicidal thoughts or impulses, violent and aggressive impulses, depression, disruptive behavior, emotional/behavioral dysregulation, or clear indication of physical and sexual abuse. 

     If you feel that a student is experiencing a solely mental health issue, without accompanying behavioral problems or signs that the student may be a danger to themselves or others, please contact the Counseling Center. For example: mild to moderate mental and behavioral health concerns (e.g., signs of emotional difficulty, situational stressors, and changes in usual behavior). You may contact Center supervisors Dr. Gerard Bryant (gwbryant@jjay.cuny.edu) and Dr. Cory Head (chead@jjay.cuny.edu). This is especially important if the student has disclosed to you that they are having mental health issues. 

     Counseling Services are available for students in the Wellness Center (L.68NB). Services are free and confidential. Note: messages sent to BIT cannot guarantee the same type of confidentiality as the Counseling Center. If privacy is a concern, the safest and easiest way to guard a student’s privacy regarding their mental health is to contact our Counseling Center

     Students can email chead@jjay.cuny.edu or walk-in to make an appointment during the hours of 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.  Counseling staff are diverse in ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, religion/spirituality, age, and gender. They also have Spanish-speaking staff. Email chead@jjay.cuny.edu or call 212-887-6239 for more information. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Gerard Bryant (gwbryant@jjay.cuny.edu) or the Dean of Students office (deanofstudents@jjay.cuny.edu).

Weds, September 4, 2024

1.  Important Dates 

  • Academic calendars HERE

  • Verification of Enrollment (VOE): VOE Rosters will be open from Sept 4-17 (for the 8-week-1 graduate session, they are open Sept 3-8). See the Faculty Handbook section on Attendance Rosters: Verification of Enrollment for more information.

    Faculty must verify which registered students are attending or participating and which have never attended any class and/or have not participated in an academically related activity since the start of the semester (includes independent study, research, thesis, dissertation). VOE rosters are in the faculty center view of CUNYfirst. Reporting has important financial aid implications so it is important to please submit by the deadline.

    Academically related activities include, but are not limited to: physically attending class; submitting an assignment; taking an exam, tutorial or computer-assisted instruction; attending an assigned study group; participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and initiating contact with a faculty member to ask about the academic subject studied in the course. Logging in to an online course is not sufficient, by itself. It is suggested that you try to contact students who have not yet participated before the VOE deadline (and before submitting) to ensure accurate reporting.

    Students identified as never attending are assigned a WN grade, are removed from the roster and lose Brightspace access. If you made an error, you can request WN reversal. Reversal and reinstatement of Brightspace access could take 24 hours.

  • Adjunct Pay DatesThe first adjunct pay date for Fall is Sept 5 (then every 2 weeks). Please make sure you are seeing accurate payment according to your course load to avoid over- or underpayment. Contact your Department Chair if you are not paid.  (Note: Faculty hired close to the start of the semester will likely experience a pay delay.)

  • Resolution of Spring/Summer 2024 INC grades – deadline for undergraduates to submit remaining work to faculty is Tues, Sept 17. Deadline for faculty to submit Incomplete-to-Grade form to the Registrar is Tues, Sept 24. After that, grades become FIN.  

2.  Fall Book and Course Material Submissions 

This means YOU!  ACT NOW!  Even if no books or purchases are required – ALL FACULTY must provide course material information to the bookstore for all courses – even independent studies/research courses.  There are 185! missing sections. 

  • Fall is at 91%.  PLEASE, PLEASE Submit ASAP. We CANNOT leave this info blank.
  • Log in with CUNYfirst credentials at JohnJayBooks.com and click the faculty link. 
  • Email Angela Crossman for a brief ‘how to’ guide from the bookstore.
  • For questions or help with submissions, email cunybooks@vitalsource.com
  • Faculty are encouraged to use no-cost Open Educational Resources
  • If you ask students to buy a book from which you derive revenue, the CUNY Conflict of Interest Policy applies (clause 5.2). See Faculty Handbook.    

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC 

     Set the stage.  Each new semester brings new vitality and a fresh start.  It gives us an opportunity to build a new community with and among our students. If you are interested, see here for suggestions on building community in the classroom from the start to the end of the semester (https://www.facultyfocus.com/author/ff-teresathompson/) by Teresa Thompson. (Angela can email it to you upon request.)  Some suggestions – that could also help address student loneliness – are to have students find partners and ask each other a scripted set of questions. Perhaps have fun with group trivia about your syllabus. And start out on the right foot generating a set of class guidelines and values for class interactions.

     Help students fully engage. Ideas for helping students understand present is not the same as engaged:  speak to the value of attendance and engagement from the start; include things like putting phones away in the class guidelines; visibly take attendance; make class interactive (cold call on students); give participation or engagement credit (e.g., participation can include how a student listens and contributes in small group activities); and remind online students to close other tabs and otherwise remove distractions. 

     Planning ahead.  With the stage set, guidelines in place, and students engaged – the TLC has created and curated an array of resources to support your teaching through the upcoming election season:  https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2024-election-teaching-resources/

     Contact Gina Rae Foster (gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu), TLC Director, with questions and ideas. For teaching resources, email TLC@jjay.cuny.edu. Additional opportunities from the CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (e.g., series on Generative AI starting 9/27).    

4.  Faculty Community 

  1. Service opportunities!  Faculty Senate is seeking nominees for an array of committees, a great way to learn something new, collaborate with peers  and engage in meaningful service.  If you didn’t see her emails, email Karen Kaplowitz – deadline Sept 5th.
  1. Invitation to share your wisdom!  If you earned tenure/CCE and/or promotion and want to get to know a new colleague, you are qualified and encouraged to become a mentor!  It’s a wonderful way to contribute to the success of a colleague – and its fun! (Tentative kick-off lunch Oct 1.)  Sign up by Mon, Sept 9:  https://forms.gle/XPFXuQJKCTF53H5E6  
  2. Find a peer mentor!  Faculty wishing to find a peer mentor (e.g., new faculty; associate professors interested in promotion), please make your request by Friday, Sept 13:  https://forms.gle/TjbUw9BHMWNT5TDYA  (Tentative kick-off lunch Oct 1.)
  3. The Library Author Series kicks off again Weds, Sept 18.  See the list of authors here.

5.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

DOES LMS readiness Quick Start checklist for Brightspace: https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist

DOES LMS How to Webinars and Bootcamps: 

More info is available from DOESWorkshop dates are here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.

CUNY Brightspace trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORMPDF

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

6.  Important Policy Updates: In case you missed them  

This summer, CUNY published several new policies for you to be aware of.

  1. New Policy on Sex-Based Misconduct (PSBM) has expanded reporting obligations to apply to all faculty.  (John Jay Title IX website for more information.)
  2. CUNY Policy for Use of a Learning Management System (LMS) for Online Classes:  Faculty teaching online classes must use an LMS that is vetted (for security) and supported (for help) by the campuses. That is now Brightspace. For more information about learning Brightspace, including a Quick Start Checklist, refer to the DOES LMS website. 
  3. CUNY revised the course withdrawal policy. The deadline for student-initiated withdrawal this fall is Wednesday, November 6 (completion of 60% of the course; NOT the last day of classes). Faculty will be able to view the date on which a student added/dropped a course via the Faculty Center Class Roster.
  4. CUNY revised camera use guidance for online, hybrid (and in person) classes. Review the policy here:  Camera Use Guidance for Online and Hybrid CoursesPDF

    Faculty teaching online who intend to require camera use must clearly state this on course syllabus and cover the requirement with students on the first day of class.  There may be times when an in-person class is delivered remotely on a limited basis (e.g., temporary CUNY or JJ pivot to remote instruction). In these circumstances, faculty may encourage but not require students to turn on their cameras for purposes other than testing unless required camera use is clearly stated on the course syllabus and covered with the students on the first day of class.

    Per CUNY’s verification of enrollment policyEDU%7CA70AFBB323D04E80D67A08DC2D666620%7C6F60F0B35F064E099715989DBA8CC7D8%7C0%7C0%7C638435165023760069%7CUNKNOWN%7CTWFPBGZSB3D8EYJWIJOIMC4WLJAWMDAILCJQIJOIV2LUMZIILCJBTII6IK1HAWWILCJXVCI6MN0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&SDATA=X74KZBKTMWAMZXPCHFMZVFLLG9YX2BEWWMPKH%2BWBHRK%3D&RESERVED=0,  students can meet the course engagement threshold by participating in an online discussion about an academic matter, engaging in an online academically-related activity, or initiating contact with the instructor to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course or course-related question.  None of these criteria requires the use of a live camera.

7.  NCFDD Membership 

John Jay has an institutional membership to NCFDD – so all faculty – part-time, full-time, and doctoral students – have access to a free individual account.  See upcoming events herePDF?UTM_CAMPAIGN=NEWSLETTER&UTM_MEDIUM=EMAIL&_HSENC=P2ANQTZ-_METYT8QCVT1KUQBXJ1_N2M8YKQKOQQP7Q-PMZHQJERV7ONMVDCUZOJPGR1TQOBMO9SM6OI6QFTZOEU0SAE_N7FIAROG&_HSMI=322895970&UTM_CONTENT=322895970&UTM_SOURCE=HS_EMAIL

As an Institutional Member, we have access to the following resources at no cost to you: 

  • The weekly Monday Motivator email 
  • Monthly Core Curriculum webinars 
  • Guest Expert Webinars and Multi-Week Skill-Building Courses 
  • Hidden Handbook series 
  • Dissertation Success Curriculum for advanced graduate students
  • Early Career Faculty Guidebook
  • Discussion Forum for peer-mentoring and problem-solving 
  • Monthly accountability buddy matches, by request 
  • Complete library of previous webinars and multi-week course recordings
  • 14-Day Writing Challenges:  (next challenge:  Oct 7-20Register here by Sept 27

      To claim your free NCFDD account: (a) Go to https://www.ncfdd.org/join; (b) choose John Jay College from the drop-down menu; (c) select “Activate my Membership”; (d) complete registration with your jjay email address; (e) confirm in jjay email by clicking “Activate Account”.

Weds, September 11, 2024

1.  Important Dates 

  • Personnel files (FIDO) close this Friday, Sept 13, for all full-time faculty who are being considered this fall for any personnel actions (and their chairs). FIDO can be access from on campus or via VPN only.

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC

Tools for student timely success.  Last week perhaps you generated class guidelines and values for class interactions.  But what about outside class?  Research and our own experiences tell us that students succeed better when they manage their time effectively. The beginning of the term is a great time to encourage our students to create time management plans and match those to their course syllabi.  Do they know how?  

How faculty can help:  

  • Have clear policies about late and make-up work so students can make informed decisions.
  • Make clear that submitting late work impedes learning and can reduce grades.
  • Balance compassion with high expectations – for instance extensions are for exceptional circumstances and students must contact you in the case of unexpected emergencies.
  • Offer clear assignments and provide rubrics, which help students understand expectations and requirements (and help instructors grade).
  • Scaffold major assignments, helping students to work on the assignment in pieces rather than rushing to complete them all at the very last minute.
  • Remind students of college academic resources and provide support for developing time management skills.  Here is a practical set of recommendations for student time management planning from the College of General Studies at the University of Pittsburgh: https://www.cgs.pitt.edu/why-cgs/mccarl-center/academic-success-resources/time-management-strategies.   

Planning ahead.  Reminder as we move toward election day: the TLC has created and curated resources to support your teaching through the election season. See: https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2024-election-teaching-resources/

Please contact Gina Rae Foster, your TLC Director, with questions and ideas (gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu). For teaching resources, email TLC@jjay.cuny.edu.         

3.  Faculty Community 

  1. Wanted: Faculty peer mentors!  If you earned tenure/CCE and/or promotion – you are more than qualified to become a mentor!  You can support the success of a colleague, it’s not a hefty time commitment and its fun!  Sign up by Fri, Sept 13:  https://forms.gle/XPFXuQJKCTF53H5E6  
  2. Find a peer mentor!  Faculty wishing to find a peer mentor (e.g., new faculty; associate professors interested in promotion), please make your request by Friday, Sept 13:  https://forms.gle/TjbUw9BHMWNT5TDYA  
  3. Invitation:  Decarbonize John Jay TownhallTuesday Sept 17, community hour, Student Dining Room (2nd fl NB; see flyer).  Join the effort to decarbonize CUNY! 

4.  JJ Faculty Authors 

  1. The Office for the Advancement of Research (OAR) is still accepting submissions for the 2023 Faculty Authors and Editors Pamphlet. If you authored or edited a book published in 2023, please submit your book information using their Google Form by September 15, 2024, at 11:59 PM for inclusion.  If you have any questions or require further information, contact oar@jjay.cuny.edu.
  2. The Library Author Series kicks off Weds, Sept 18, 1:40-3pm, Library Classroom, with Joni Schwartz-Chaney (Criminal Justice) to discuss Critical Faith: What It Is, What It Isn't & Why It Matters. RSVP at https://criticalfaith.eventbrite.com.  See the list of authors here.

5.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team) 

DOES LMS readiness Quick Start checklist for Brightspace:  https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist

DOES LMS How to Webinars and Drop-In Lab: 

Brightspace Open Q & A, TODAY, Wednesday, September 11, 2pm – 3 pm, Zoom. Meeting ID: 857 1614 1667;   Passcode: 552331

Brightspace Drop-In LabMondays in September1:40 – 2:55pm, in L2.72.05 NB.  

More info is available from DOESWorkshop dates are here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.

CUNY Brightspace trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORMPDF

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

6.  CUNY Faculty Resource Survey 

Resource survey:  From Chief Librarian Ellen Sexton – Evan Silberman (Interim Chief Academic Technology Officer at CUNY Central) shared this survey to assess the need for video hosting. They are collecting information about how video/multimedia is used by faculty, students and staff to better assess the need for a CUNY-wide video hosting system.  We currently have limited ability to host and stream large media files and rely on commercial platforms with limited content choices and high annual payments (such as Kanopy).  Please consider filling it out, if relevant to you:  https://forms.office.com/r/QRz6DQNc46

7.  CUNY 2024-2025 Disability and Accessibility Training Initiatives 

CUNY is offering disability and accessibility training initiatives for faculty for the 2024-2025 academic year. For any questions, reach out to Jessica.Murray@cuny.edu.

2024-2025 Applied Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Online Training.  The CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy is offering an asynchronous training course that will demonstrate UDL guidelines through examples of course design, content, teaching practices, and Brightspace features. The training will show how to apply the newly updated UDL Version 3.0 guidelines. The course is divided into nine modules, which will be released over the 2024-2025 academic year. Each module is expected to take around 30-60 minutes to complete.  Learn more about the Applied UDL course and register. 

Call for Applications - Facilitate a Universal Design for Learning Collaborative at your campus.  The Office of Student Inclusion Initiatives wants to develop a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Collaborative at all CUNY campuses. Faculty have signaled interest in learning more about accessibility and following UDL guidelines for active and engaged learning. We want to create opportunities for faculty and staff to support each other in these efforts. We seek one facilitator per campus to coordinate meetings with interested CUNY community members in conjunction with the asynchronous online course in UDL (see above for details).

UDL Collaborative facilitators will coordinate and advertise one meeting per month (October 2024 - May 2025) and can choose the modality (online or in-person) that works best for their community members. Suggested sign-up forms and communications will be provided, which facilitators can tailor with details for their campus. Registration and attendance reports must be submitted after each meeting. Faculty or staff in any department may apply to be a facilitator and will receive a stipend of $1,500 for the year.

Deadline:  Friday, September 13.  Notification Date: Mon, Sept 23  Learn more and apply to be a UDL Collaborative Facilitator.

Disability Rights in Education and Accessibility 101 – Coming Soon!  The CUNY Office of Student Inclusion Initiatives will offer a 1-hour asynchronous training module for all CUNY faculty. It will cover: 1) disability rights in higher education, 2) New York State IT Policy and your class, and 3) best practices for teaching students with disabilities. Learn more about the Disability Rights in Education and Accessibility 101 course and register.

Weds, September 18, 2024

1.  Important Dates 

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC 

Tools for student engagement.  Last week, perhaps you shared resources with students about time management. But students only get shared resources if they are engaged with their classes. Knowing that teaching extends beyond the classroom, here are a few suggestions for ways to support and spark student engagement:

  1. Issue an Alert in Navigate 360 at any time. You can indicate concerns about academic performance or to make referrals (the earlier, the better). The Alert guide linked above shows the various alerts that can be generated. Students receive a Navigate email telling them which actions they can take and in the case of missing students, staff are alerted and follow up. Alerts can also be used to applaudstudent success with high fives/recommendations – use it liberally to encourage and celebrate students’ successes!
  2. To inspire and encourage students’ experiential learning, connect your students with mentorship opportunities through the Office for Student Research and Creativity or the McNair Scholars Program. Students can also register for a supervised research experience course – gaining course credit for completing scholarship with faculty. Faculty mentored research courses for each department are listed in the course bulletin.
  3. To increase a sense of class community, make use of the Faculty/Staff Student Engagement Program, which supports faculty and staff with funding to create exciting activities with students. The Program is accepting applications on a rolling basis for the remainder of the 2024-2025 academic year. Please submit your request by the listed deadline date for your expected scheduled event (see flier or website). Applications will receive a notification within 3-5 business days after submission.  Please note that as we have seen an increase in applications, we have prioritized a selection process that honors new applicants. Apply now at www.jjay.cuny.edu/fsse. If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please email fse@jjay.cuny.edu.

Planning ahead.  Reminder as we move toward election day: the TLC has created and curated resources to support your teaching through the election season. See: https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2024-election-teaching-resources/

      Contact Gina Rae Foster, TLC Director, with questions/ideas (gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu). For teaching resources, email TLC@jjay.cuny.edu.     

3.  Faculty Events & Opportunities 

  1. TODAY: Library Author Series, Weds, Sept 18, 1:40-3pm, Library Classroom, with Joni Schwartz-Chaney (Criminal Justice) to discuss Critical Faith: What It Is, What It Isn't & Why It Matters. RSVP at https://criticalfaith.eventbrite.com.  See series here.
  2. TODAY: OAR presents a book talk by Dr. Roosbelinda Cárdenas González, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Weds, Sept 18, 4:30-6:00pm, 9.64NB about her book Raising Two Fists: Struggles for black citizenship in multicultural Columbia.  Register here.
  3. Invitation:  The Anya & Andrew Shiva Gallery wants to hear from you!  How can the gallery better serve your teaching and have a presence on the curriculum?  The Gallery is open to curatorial submissions from John Jay faculty. Learn more and join the conversation about curatorial practice as research.  Listening session 1: Sept 24, 2pm. Listening session 2: Oct 15, 2pm.  Sign up:  https://forms.gle/zGsjsy1tcGEBs4u4A  For questions, email Macushla Robinson marobinson@jjay.cuny.edu (see flier).
  4. Grant Writing Support:  Preeti Chauhan, Distinguished Faculty Fellow for Research at OAR, will conduct weekly office hours this semester. The hours will vary and can be in-person or virtual to accommodate faculty schedules more flexibly. Please use this link to sign up two or three weeks in advance.  If the available times are not convenient, please feel free to email her at pchauhan@jjay.cuny.edu to arrange an alternative meeting. Preeti is ready and available to provide guidance on grant writing opportunities, share information about OAR resources, and assist with the review/editing of grants.

4.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)

Brightspace Drop-In LabMondays in September1:40 – 2:55pm, in L2.72.05 NB

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu

5.  Faculty Fellowship Publication Program 2024-25: Call for Applications 

Call for Applications!  Applications are invitedPDF for CUNY's Faculty Fellowship Publication Program for 2024-25 for untenured assistant or associate professors or tenured assistant professors (see flierPDF). Deadline:  Fri, October 25, 2024
        FFPP provides three hours of course release for eligible faculty to develop and publish works-in-progress and offers specially-curated professional development workshops. FFPP’s writing groups draw on the insights of tenured Mentors and University leaders, as well as prominent editors and publishers, so that Fellows will be equipped with the best advice and support as they build successful research careers that enhance the CUNY mission.
        The FFPP application is here. For additional information, including abstracts of past projects, see hereFor questions, please contact Esther Okunrounmu, Office of Recruitment and DiversityEsther.Okunrounmu@cuny.edu

6.  Faculty Virtual Workshops on Scholarly Publishing  

   The Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library invites you to three online workshops about scholarly publishing and research evaluation. All CUNY community members are welcome. The workshops are especially well suited to faculty, graduate students, administrators, and others engaged in the discovery, production, or evaluation of research publications.

   Each workshop stands on its own — there is no need to attend one in order to attend another. If there’s a workshop that interests you that you can’t make, register anyway. The presentations will be recorded and shared with all registrants.

-  “Predatory” Journals: How to Avoid the Shams and Scams, Friday, October 4 at 11am-noon (Zoom), Link to detailed description and registration

-  “Predatory” Journals: How to Avoid the Shams and Scams, Tuesday, October 8 at 2-3pm (Zoom), Detailed description and registration link  (repeat of workshop above)

-  Open Access Explained: Best Practices for Finding Others’ Research and Publicly Sharing Yours, Friday, October 18 at 11am-noon (Zoom), Link to detailed description and registration

-  Impact Factor and Other Research Metrics: What They Mean and What They Don’t, Friday, November 1 at 11am-noon (Zoom), Link to detailed description and registration

Workshops by Jill Cirasella, Associate Professor, Scholarly Communication Librarian and University Liaison, Mina Rees Library, CUNY Graduate Center, jcirasella@gc.cuny.edu

Weds, September 25, 2024

1.  Important Dates 

  • No classes scheduled, Weds Oct 2 – Fri, Oct 4. See CUNY’s All Religions & Ethnic Holiday Calendar to assist with timing assignments. CUNY policy on religious accommodations
  • Deadline: Full-time faculty to apply for fellowship leave in Fall 2025: October 1stFORMDOCX
  • Peer Teaching Observations have begun. Observation forms are HERE. For online courses, Brightspace enrollment request form (48-hour access only): REQUEST FORM
  • The e-Workload system is open for full-time faculty. Please review your fall 2024 workload by November 1st.  The workload office will host virtual meetings to review the collection process and answer workload questions on Tues, Oct 1 & Weds, Oct 23rd, Community Hour (1:40-2:55pm)ZOOM link, Meeting ID: 461 223 6540, Passcode: 1023. Email facultyworkload@jjay.cuny.edu to confirm participation or with questions.

2.  Progress Report Feedback Requests 

Please submit requested feedback. Many of you received an email from Kate Szur, Interim Assistant Dean for Student Success and Retention, yesterday (Sept 24) through Navigate360. It requests feedback on the performance of students in undergraduate classes before October 8th so that advisors can reach out to support students’ successful course completion.  The goal is to connect all students that require assistance with a staff member before the add/drop deadline on November 6.  Progress Reports: Fall 2024 Timeline  

     If you have questions or need assistance, you can attend a virtual workshop (see below) or email progressreports@jjjay.cuny.edu.

Filling Out Progress Reports (virtual workshops):  Weds, Sept 25, Thurs, Sept 26 & Mon, Sept 30, all at 1:40-3:00pm.  Click to RSVP here.  Description: Understand how to fill out Progress Reports and how they benefit students. Topics: Progress Reports overview, timeline, expectations, Q&A, tech troubleshooting.

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC 

Building student self-help confidence and skills:  How are your students responding to discussions and assignments?  We are far enough into the term for most students to discover what they are doing easily and well and what they find challenging and perhaps daunting. This is a good time to remind students of the support resources included in your syllabi (we know you are making this a regular practice!) and to facilitate students in making connections between their needs and the resources that can fill those needs. For instance, frequent, low-stakes assessments allow students to see how they are doing early on, but only if they check their grades. Another strategy is to require students to meet with you once during office hours (or by appointment) to discuss grades or feedback. Assigning some or all students to visit the writing center (or appropriate center for your class), is a means to normalize this practice.  Remember that all faculty can raise alerts (or share kudos) in Navigate 360 (see Progress Reports above).


Academic Resources & Services: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/academics/academic-resources-services


Planning ahead.  Reminder as we move toward election day: the TLC has created and curated resources to support your teaching through the election season. See: https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2024-election-teaching-resources/.      

4.  Upcoming Events/Speakers 

  • TODAY. Economics Justice Speaker Series, Weds, Sept 25, 1:40-3pm, L2.85NB. Book talk by Dr. Yonit Manor-Percival on Post-Colonial Globalisation  
  • Leaders of Justice Series: Celebrating LatinX Heritage Month, Tues, Oct 1, 1:45pm, via ZoomCommissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga, Dept of Consumer and Worker Protection:  Empower and Protect Yourself!   RSVP HERE.
  • Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: John Jay Rocks the VoteMon, Oct 7, 1:45pm, via Zoom. Book talk by Mike Madrid on The Latino Vote and the Impact on Democracy. Q&A facilitated by John Gutiérrez (LLS).

5.  Faculty Opportunities  

  • Call for Applications. The Faculty Opportunity Fund (FOF) supports full-time faculty members' professional development. See the application form for information on award eligibility, the application process and criteria, and funding categories. The selection committee reviews applications Feb 1, April 1, June 1, Sept 1 – still accepting, Nov 1. See here for more Faculty Professional & Personal Development Resources
  • The next NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge is Oct 7-20Register here by Sept 27
  • Call for Applications. John Jay partners with Diplomacy Lab to provide students with the opportunity to delve into real-world challenges outlined by the U.S. Department of State. Challenges encompass issues such as climate change, human rights, conflict, and stabilization. The program matches faculty and student participants with State Dept officials to work on pressing policy matters. JJ faculty have involved students in projects, integrating them into their courses or through independent studies. Projects are intended for student teams, not individual study, and must involve at least two students and one full-time faculty member. See here for the Spring 2025 project menu for Diplomacy Lab and find more information about Diplomacy Lab here. After satisfactory project completion, OAR allows all Diplomacy Lab projects to request up to $3000 in travel funds for students to present the project results at a conference or the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC.  Faculty interested in participating should submit a 200-300 word proposal detailing their approach to the project. Please send submissions to Rosemary Barberet, John Jay's Diplomacy Lab Coordinator, at rbarberet@jjay.cuny.edu by October 1, 2024. Contact Dr. Barberet if you would like more information. 
  • Call for Applications.  Applications are invited for CUNY's Faculty Fellowship Publication Program for 2024-25 for untenured assistant or associate professors or tenured assistant professors. Deadline to apply:  Fri, October 25, 2024
    FFPP provides 3 hours of course release for eligible faculty to develop and publish works-in-progress and offers professional development workshops. The application is here. For additional information, see hereFor questions, contact Esther Okunrounmu, Office of Recruitment and DiversityEsther.Okunrounmu@cuny.edu.  

6.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

7.  Upcoming Teaching/Pedagogy Workshops 

  1. Creating a Positive Student Experience in Your Online Course series. Webinar Thurs, Sept 26, 3pm, Engaging Students in Your Online Courses. Learn how to transform your online courses into dynamic spaces where students feel connected and motivated to participate.  Register Now!  Facilitators: Dr. Brett Christie, Dr. Breana Bayraktar, Dr. Heath Grant (JJ LPS) and CUNY Online Instructional Designer Chelien Brown.
  2. Register for the Kean Virtual Conference on Teaching!  Fri, Sept 27, 9 AM-1 PM, via Zoom. Free!  40 sessions to choose from. Drop in to any sessions that interest you. Great chance to pick up some fresh ideas for teaching and connect with colleagues from the region!
  3. Teaching STEM in Hispanic Serving Institutions with Dr. Margarita Otero-Diaz, Thursday, October 3, 12-12:45 am EST.  This one is for all our higher education STEM practitioners serving Latinx/é students!  Learn more about ESCALA’s STEM-X Course in Culturally Responsive Practices for STEM-HSI Faculty This research-based course, designed and facilitated by STEM faculty in 2 and 4-year HSIs, features practical examples of high-impact practices that disproportionately benefit Latinx/é students. We will share data from our course pre and post surveys to show how the course transforms classroom experiences for Latinx/e students, and empowers STEM practitioners into change agents at their institutions.  Click here to register:  https://www.escalaeducation.com/stuff-we-love/2024-hsi-month
  4. Introduction to OER. Since Fall 2017, more than 150 faculty have participated in OER workshops and curriculum design projects at John Jay. On Thurs, Oct 17, 1:40pm, join colleagues for a one-hour introduction to features and applications of Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Resources in your discipline. During the session, you will work with examples from the Guide to Assignments for Open Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum developed by the Teaching and Learning Center and learn about funding available for open assignment and course development projects this year. Register here: https://bit.ly/introOERF24
            Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation, and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. John Jay College’s Open Learning Initiative lifts equitable academic and professional outcomes through student-driven pedagogies supported by Open Educational Resources (OER).  See here for ongoing OER activities and information: https://oersuccesses.commons.gc.cuny.edu/fall-2024-oer-activities/

8.  CUNY Teaching Academy Faculty Workshops  

a.   CITA Teaching Matters Special Series on Generative AI, Friday, Sept 27, 11:00am -12:00pm (virtual)Engaging with Generative AI: Which Tool Does What? Leads: John McDonough and Iain M. Coggins (Lehman College) will go back to some basics of generative AI and demonstrate several generative AI tools (free and paid versions) to compare. Participants will (re)learn what AI does, and understand functions, strengths, and weaknesses of the tools so their basic knowledge is updated.  For more information, go to this flyer or reach out to Innovative.Pedagogy@cuny.edu.

b.   Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Professional Development Sessions, Monday, Sept 30, 3pm-4pm (virtual)Introduction to Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), This session will introduce Credit for Prior Learning as a university-wide policy, a student success mechanism, and a national movement toward a more equitable, inclusive higher education landscape. Learn about the basics of CPL as an academic process, including assessment approaches and the critical role that faculty play in making CPL opportunities available to CUNY students. This session is designed as a primer for faculty who are interested in learning the basics of what CPL is at CUNY and beyond. For more information, go to this flyer orwebpage, or reach out to CPL@cuny.edu.   

For more CITA event info, go to this list.

AUGUST 7, 2024

1.  Important Dates

Summer session academic calendars are HERE.

  • 5-Wk-2 & 3-Wk-3:  Course withdrawal ends Aug 13. Grade rosters open Aug 14-20.

Fall 2024 dates:  All academic calendars HERE.

  • New Faculty Orientation: Tues, Aug 20, 9am-4pm, Moot Court (6.68NB). For those unable to attend in person, virtual (Zoom) session Mon, Aug 26, 11am-1pmRSVP Link for both (by Fri, Aug 16): https://forms.gle/EsBjMKnw8wjiPAZd7
  • Fall semester begins Weds, Aug 28. (Monday classes meet for the first time on Monday, Sept 9thbecause we are closed Labor Day)

2.  Fall Book and Course Material Submissions 

PLEASE ACT NOW!  By federal law, we must provide this information to inform students for all courseswhat books/materials are required – or indicate that none are required – by the time they register.  There are still 564!!! sections with book/material information blank.

  • Fall is at 76%.  Please submit ASAP. 
  • Log in with CUNYfirst credentials at JohnJayBooks.com and click the faculty link. 
  • New faculty (or chairs on their behalf) – or faculty if system isn’t cooperating – can email submissions, ask questions or share issues at cunybooks@vitalsource.com
  • Faculty are encouraged to use no-cost Open Educational Resources
  • If you ask students to buy a book from which you derive revenue, the CUNY Conflict of Interest Policy applies (clause 5.2). See Faculty Handbook.  

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC 

Preparing for Fall 2024 teaching! The TLC has lots of ways to support your preparations.

  1. Faculty Development Day! Tuesday, August 27, 9am-2:15pm (breakout sessions on Zoom; collegewide sessions and lunch in person in Moot Court, 6.68NB). Theme: Values, Freedom, and Success: Civil Conversations in a Challenging World. Visit jjayfdd.commons.gc.cuny.edu for the online program and past FDD resources
    RSVP here: https://forms.gle/H7FXodT62xfkwnoE9          


  1. Define, Refine, & Shine workshop series. Our colleagues, outstanding Doctoral Lecturers from Psychology and Sociology, will share tips on course preparation and implementation


  1. Thinking about course design? Check out our free, asynchronous mini-course on course preparation on our LinkedIn account. Teaching Essentials Course Preparation walks through the steps of effective, inclusive course design, with a new post every 2-3 days and resource links. A collaboration with TLC Director Gina Rae Foster and TLC Team member and Graduate Instructor Florentina Lonati, the course can be explored from first to last step or by topic as these are posted. Whether a seasoned instructor or first time teacher, these tips and resources will increase your confidence and reduce your stress.

    Dates: August 1-20 (posts remain on our account for easy access)
    Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-jay-teaching-and-learning-center-218b14274/

 Teaching Essentials Resources: https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/teaching-essentials/

4.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

DOES Teaching with Technology Series! The Department of Online Education and Support is excited to announce their new Teaching with Technology Series, a week of sessions for instructors on using the Brightspace Learning Management System and our third party LMS integrations.  Details below (see the DOES LMS website for additional resources).                                                                                                                                

All Zoom sessions are open. Brightspace Bootcamp requires advance registration. NOTE: You must verify your ability to log into Zoom before the session and reach out to DOIT (x8200); not DOES!) if help is needed.   

  • DOES LMS Brightspace Drop-in Lab, Monday, August 12, 1:40 - 2:55 pm, L2.72.05 NB  In-person Brightspace Open Q & A for all users with DOES LMS Support team members. 
  • DOES LMS How to Webinar: Brightspace Bootcamp, Tuesday, August 13, 1 – 4 pm, Zoom. Fast-paced, comprehensive intro to CUNY’s Brightspace Learning Management System for instructors. The DOES LMS Support team will cover all the basics of course building in Brightspace: navigation, posting content, creating assessments, interacting with students, and grading. (Note: Advance registration required for Bootcamp sessions.)  Registration Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlceuorTIsHNTjZfqkOoVaYYOevJyetQNe

Brightspace enrollment request formREVISED REQUEST FORM

Contact. Faculty and Staff email: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu. Students email: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

5.  Faculty Handbook:  Updated, online  

The newly updated Faculty Handbook is now posted online!  You can navigate to various topics from the Table of Contents HERE. The link to the table of contents is under “Faculty Handbooks and Personnel Process Resources” here: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/about/governance-senior-leadership/faculty-resources; and under “Faculty & Chair Resources” here https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/faculty-staff.

     Guidelines for Creating your Syllabus and Syllabus Template are posted under the Teaching & Learning Center here: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/about/governance-senior-leadership/faculty-resources; and under “Academic Resources” here https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/faculty-staff.


AUGUST 14, 2024

1.  Important Dates 

Summer session:

    • 5-Wk-2 & 3-Wk-3:  Grade rosters open Aug 14 and are due by Aug 20.

Fall 2024 (all academic calendars HERE):

  • New student Convocation: Thursday, Aug 29, 1:40-2:50pm, Gerald W. Lynch Theater. Last opportunity to RSVP with this form by Tuesday, August 20 to participate. You must have your own regalia as the deadline to rent has passed. Email questions to Kayla M. Bassknight at kbassknight@jjay.cuny.edu
  • New Faculty Orientation: Tuesday, Aug 20, 9am-4pm, Moot Court (6.68NB). For those unable to attend in person, virtual (Zoom) session Mon, Aug 26, 11am-1pm.  RSVP Link for both (by Fri, Aug 16): https://forms.gle/EsBjMKnw8wjiPAZd7
  • Invitation:  Welcome Back Reception, hosted by Provost Pease, Tuesday, August 27th, 4-5:30pm, Moot Court (6.68NB) to close out Faculty Development Day.
  • Fall semester begins Weds, Aug 28. (Monday classes meet for the first time on Monday, Sept 9thbecause we are closed Labor Day)

2.  Fall Book and Course Material Submissions

PLEASE ACT NOW!  By federal law, we must provide this information to inform students for all courseswhat books/materials are required – or indicate that none are required – by the time they register.  There are still 505!!! sections with book/material information blank.

  • Fall is at 78%.  Submit ASAP. We CANNOT leave this info blank for any class.
  • (same as above)

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC 

Resources for Fall 2024 teaching from the TLC.

  1. Faculty Development Day! Tuesday, August 27, 9am-2:15pm (breakout sessions on Zoom; collegewide sessions and lunch in person in Moot Court, 6.68NB).  Theme: Values, Freedom, and Success: Civil Conversations in a Challenging World.  Visit jjayfdd.commons.gc.cuny.edu for the online program and past FDD resources.  RSVP here: https://forms.gle/H7FXodT62xfkwnoE9          
  2. Define, Refine, & Shine workshop series – next week!
  1. Thinking about course design? Check out our free, asynchronous mini-course on course preparation on our LinkedIn account. Teaching Essentials Course Preparation walks through the steps of effective, inclusive course design, with a new post every 2-3 days and resource links. The course can be explored from first to last step or by topic as they are posted. Whether a seasoned instructor or first time teacher, these tips and resources will increase your confidence and reduce your stress.

           Dates: August 1-20 (posts remain on our account for easy access).  

           Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-jay-teaching-and-learning-center-218b14274/

         Teaching Essentials Resources: https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/teaching-essentials/


4.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

DOES Teaching with Technology Series this week is offering sessions for instructors on using the Brightspace Learning Management System and our third party LMS integrations.  

Want more?  A wealth of information is available from DOESList of workshop dates is here – including drop-in sessions in a computer lab (L2.72.05 NB) every Monday in August during community hour. Recordings are on the DOES LMS website.


CUNY has also increased their Brightspace training options.  See schedule.


Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORM

Contact. Faculty and Staff email: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu. Students email: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

5.  Important Update:  Withdrawal Grades 

I’m sending this again because it might impact how you structure assignments.  The CUNY Office of Academic Affairs released their updated CUNY Uniform Grade Symbols and Guidelines document. They revised the course withdrawal policy, effective Fall 2024. The withdrawal date will change back to the pre-pandemic date. This fall, it’s Wednesday, November 6 (NOT the last day of classes).


Withdrawal (official):  Effective Fall 2024, the deadline for student-initiated withdrawal will be adjusted to a deadline of completion of 60% of the course. 

         This contrasts with WU – unofficial withdrawal.

Withdrew Unofficially: A grade of WU is to be assigned to students who participated in an academic activity related to the class at least once, stopped participating, did not drop the class or receive approval for an incomplete, did not otherwise officially withdraw from the course, and did not complete enough work for the instructor to be able to calculate an earned grade using the criteria delineated in the course syllabus. A ‘F’ grade should never be given in place of a ‘WU’ grade.


Guidelines for Creating your Syllabus and Syllabus Template are posted under the Teaching & Learning Center on this page: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/about/governance-senior-leadership/faculty-resources.  Faculty Handbook:  Navigate to various topics from the Table of Contents HERE

AUGUST 21, 2024

1.  Important Information for Fall 2024

2.  Fall Book and Course Material Submissions  

PLEASE ACT NOW!  We must inform students for all courses what books/materials are required – or indicate that none are required. There are 354!!! sections missing information.

  • Fall is at 84%.  Submit ASAP. We CANNOT leave this info blank for any class.
  • (Same as   

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Fall 2024 is nearly upon us! Join us at Faculty Development Day, Tuesday August 27. RSVP: https://forms.gle/H7FXodT62xfkwnoE9

  • Breakout sessions on Zoom from 9-10 am & 11:20 am-12:20 pm. Program here:https://jjayfdd.commons.gc.cuny.edu/
  • Community Discussion 1: Civility, Critical Engagement, and Democratic Education Sergio Gallegos-Ordorica, Olivera Jokic, Jamie Longazel, Alexandra Moffett-Bateau 10:20AM- 11:00AM, Moot Court (6.68 New Building)
  • Community Discussion 2: Reexamining Free Speech on Campus. President Karol Mason, Provost Allison Pease, and Interim Chief Legal Counsel Myrna Foley, 12:40PM- 1:20PM, Moot Court (6.68 New Building)
  • Lunch: in the Student Dining Room from 1:30-2:15 pm
  • Welcome Back Reception, hosted by Provost Pease, 4-5:30pm, Moot Court (6.68NB) 

Resources for Fall 2024 teaching from the TLC.

  1. Define, Refine, & Shine workshop:  Feedback: It’s a Two-Way Street, Thurs, August 22, 11am-12:30pm (Zoom):  Yolanda Ortíz-Rodriguez (Soc) & Pamela LiVecchi (Psych).  Register: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkduuvqTItG9FhnauOTUz6eImrvFOugfwc
  2. Teaching Essentials Course Preparation, a free, asynchronous mini-course on LinkedIn, walks through the steps of effective, inclusive course design, including resource links.   Dates: August 1-20 (posts remain on our account for easy access).  Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-jay-teaching-and-learning-center-218b14274/

Teaching Essentials Resources: https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/teaching-essentials/

4.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team)  

Quick tips for Brightspace:

  • DOES LMS prepared a readiness Quick Start checklist for faculty, a useful tool to help ensure you have/know what you need to start the semester:  https://bit.ly/DOES_BrS_QuickStart_Checklist
  • To make your course VISIBLE and accessible to students, go to “Course Admin” -> “Course Offering Information” -> and choose the box to make the course “Active”.
  • If only want to add the syllabus (e.g., for an in person class), you can send upload it and send it as an attachment with a course announcement. The DOES LMS team suggests you upload it under “Content” -> under “Overview”.

Additional info is available from DOES. See their list of workshops here – including a drop-in session, Mon, August 26, 1:40-3pm in L2.72.05 NB. Recordings on the DOES LMS website.


DOES LMS: Brightspace Discussions and Interacting with Students, Friday, August 23, 1:30pm-3pm. Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/87045433800?pwd=eyyaXL6ZoQqZxFPBGsuSMwjF2XEhto.1  Meeting ID: 870 4543 3800;  Passcode: 086756

For CUNY Brightspace trainings, see schedule.  


Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORM

Contact. Faculty and Staff email: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu. Students email: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

5.  Announcement:  Introducing Career Learning Lab & CareerCon 

     The Center for Career and Professional Development has a new name – Career Learning LabExplore, Experiment, Excel. Please use the new name when referencing our department with new and returning students.

     We are excited to announce a refreshed approach to our career fair this year with the introduction of CareerCon. The Career Learning Lab team invites faculty and students to join us for a dynamic, three-day conference-style event at John Jay. CareerCon offers a unique platform for students to connect with motivated public and private employers seeking early career talent.

Event Details:

  • Dates: Monday, September 30th – Wednesday, October 2nd
  • Times: Daily 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM (exception: Wednesday ends at 2:00 PM)

Event Highlights:

  • Employer-Led Information Sessions: learn insights about companies and career opportunities with prospective employers.
  • Panel Events: Engage with employers in discussions on industry trends, career advice, and professional development.
  • Interactive Career Readiness Workshops: Participate in workshops and activities designed to prepare students for successful careers.
  • Expo-Style Fair: Network with employers at live tabling sessions to learn about open roles.
  • On-Campus Interviews: Get invited to one-on-one interviews with employers and get hired!


Why Participate? CareerCon provides students with invaluable opportunities to explore career paths, network with representatives (many of whom are alumni), and access a range of employment opportunities, including internships and full-time positions. This event is an excellent chance for students to understand the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their chosen fields. 


How can you engage your students? Bring your class to CareerCon, add the event to your syllabus for extra credit, and more!

We look forward to your support and participation in making CareerCon a success! Email Purnima Taylor, Director of Career Learning Lab (ptaylor@jjay.cuny.edu) with questions.


AUGUST 28, 2024

1.  Important Dates for the Start of the Semester 

  • Fall semester begins TODAY, Weds, Aug 28. (Monday classes meet for the first time on Monday, Sept 9th because we are closed Labor Day).  Academic calendars HERE
  • Verification of Enrollment (VOE): VOE Rosters will be open from Sept 4-17 (for the 8-week-1 graduate session, they are open Sept 3-8). See the Faculty Handbook section on Attendance Rosters: Verification of Enrollment for more information.
  • Adjunct Pay DatesThe first adjunct pay date for Fall is September 5, 2024 (then every 2 weeks). Please make sure you are seeing accurate payment according to your course load on that date to avoid over- or underpayments. Please contact your Department Chairperson if you are not paid.  (Note:  Faculty hired close to the start of the semester will likely experience delays in their first paychecks.)  

2.  Fall Book and Course Material Submissions 

PLEASE ACT NOW!  Even if no books or purchases are required – ALL FACULTY must provide course material information to the bookstore for all courses.  There are 266! missing sections. 

  • Fall is at 88%.  PLEASE, PLEASE Submit ASAP. We CANNOT leave this info blank.
    (same as above) 

3.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC 

Make it memorable!  Your first day of class is coming and one way to help students start out on the right foot is to make it fun.  Those who attended Faculty Development Day lunch yesterday – you heard that one of the issues we hope to tackle this year is loneliness.  We also hope you were reminded how much play and fun helps to build community – which helps banish loneliness.  Ice breakers and games can feel lame, but they also energize and engage people in ways that actually can help retention.  Perhaps ask your students about their favorite games to inform the fun?  If you’d like to read more, here are some links – and we hope you have fun!  Unexpected Benefits of Play  https://education.ucdenver.edu/about-us/newsroom/news/let-s-play-the-power-of-play-in-higher-education 

Thanks again!  FDD yesterday as an inspiring celebration of pedagogy and community!  Thank you to all who presented, attended and particularly to the Teaching and Learning Center for planning such a fantastic event. Thanks to Director Gina Rae Foster and TLC team members Jacob Moses, Florentina Lonati, Atharva Orpe, Jonathan Manik and Kharry Josiah.  

Please contact Gina Rae Foster, your TLC Director, with questions and ideas (gifoster@jjay.cuny.edu). For teaching resources, email TLC@jjay.cuny.edu.      

4.  Faculty Community 

  1. Let the good times roll!  Our first Food for Thought is Weds, September 4, 1:30-2:45pm, Faculty/Staff Dining Room (2nd floor NB). Join us for lunch with colleagues, hosted by Economics – speakers Michelle Holder, JW Mason and Caitlin Kline.  Learn about ‘big ideas’ in their field, meet new faculty members and Lunch is on us.  RSVP by Tues, Sept 3.
  2. Invitation to share your wisdom!  If you earned tenure/CCE and/or promotion and want to get to know a new colleague, you are qualified and encouraged to become a mentor!  It’s a wonderful way to contribute to the success of a colleague – and its fun!  Sign up by Mon, Sept 9: https://forms.gle/XPFXuQJKCTF53H5E6  
  3. Find a peer mentor!  Faculty wishing to find a peer mentor (e.g., new faculty; associate professors interested in promotion), please make your request by Friday, Sept 13: https://forms.gle/TjbUw9BHMWNT5TDYA   
  4. The Library Author Series kicks off again Weds, Sept 18.  See the attached flier.

5.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team) 

IMPORTANT Note about contacting students:  If you are using Brightspace to send announcements and notifications, it is strongly recommended that you email your students ASAP through your class roster in CUNYFirst to confirm they are receiving your Brightspace announcements.


DOES LMS How to Webinars and Bootcamps: 


Brightspace Open Q & A, TODAY, Wednesday, August 28, 2pm – 3 pm, Zoom
Meeting ID: 853 6186 7999;     Passcode: 987841


Brightspace Open Q & A, TODAY, Wednesday, September 4, 2pm – 3 pm, Zoom
Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/85391509659?pwd=2dfiiwMAdkDPCZK6JSHGDSPil21NTf.1
Meeting ID: 853 9150 9659;   Passcode: 793164


Brightspace Bootcamp – ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED - PLEASE TEST YOUR ZOOM LOGIN BEFORE THE SESSION, Friday, September 6, 10:00am – 1:00pm.   Registration Link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrceygrT0tGNEAYymES63p90I_XgPXMDGP


Due to Labor Day, the next Brightspace Drop-In Lab will be Monday, September 91:40 – 3pm in L2.72.05 NB.  Brightspace Drop-in Labs will be offered until the end of September.   


More info is available from DOESWorkshop dates are here. Recordings: DOES LMS website.

CUNY Brightspace trainings: https://www.cuny.edu/academics/brightspace-transition/training/.

Brightspace enrollment request form (e.g., student success coach; TA; teaching observation; share materials with a peer): REVISED REQUEST FORM

Contact.  Faculty: LMS.faculty@jjay.cuny.edu.  Students: LMS.students@jjay.cuny.edu.

6.  Policy Update: Faculty Reporting Obligations of Sex-Based Misconduct 

The New Policy on Sex-Based MisconductPDF (PSBM), effective Aug. 1, has expanded reporting obligations that apply to all faculty.  (John Jay Title IX website for more information.)


Any NON-CONFIDENTIAL Employee who has responsibility for teaching or advising is considered a “mandatory reporter” under the PSBM.  Mandatory reporters MUST notify the Title IX Coordinator (Gabriela Leal, gleal@jjay.cuny.edu) when:

    • they reasonably suspect or observe conduct that affects John Jay students, employees or third parties
    • that may constitute 
    • Sex based misconduct (sex-based harassment, quid pro quo, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, discrimination on the basis of: gender identity, Pregnancy or related conditions, sex characteristics, sex stereotypes, sexual orientation, retaliation or voyeurism)


Mandatory reporters

  • Can’t maintain confidentiality, but can maintain privacy to the greatest extent possible.
  • When possible, a Mandatory Reporter should advise the complainant of their obligations as a Mandatory Reporter before receiving a report of Sex-Based Misconduct. 
  • Not required to report an incident:
    • If they are the person who experienced the Sex-Based Misconduct
    • If they learn of the conduct during a Public Awareness Event (i.e. Take Back the Night Event)


New obligations regarding Pregnancy or related conditions:

If a student discloses a pregnancy or related condition to an employee, unless the employee reasonably believes that the Title IX coordinator has already been notified, the employee must:

  • Promptly provide the student with the Title IX coordinator’s contact information; AND
  • Inform the student that the Title IX Coordinator can coordinate reasonable modifications to preserve their equal access to the institution’s education program or activity.

7.  Key Forms & Faculty Resources 

1.  Summer Teaching

Summer session academic calendars are HERE.  All academic calendars HERE.

    • 3-Week-3:  Final summer session began July 29. VOE rosters close August 1
    • 5-Wk-2 & 3-Wk-3:  Course withdrawal ends Aug 13. Grade rosters open Aug 14-20.
    • Save the Date:  Faculty Development Day is Tuesday, August 27.
    • Fall semester begins Wednesday, August 28. (Monday classes meet for the first time on Monday, Sept 9th because we are closed Labor Day 9/2.)

2.  Timely Teaching Tip from the TLC  

Teaching Essentials Course Prep: A mini-course for college and graduate faculty

Teaching this fall? Join TLC Director Gina Rae Foster and Psychology Adjunct Instructor Florentina Lonati  this August for a FREE, asynchronous, online mini-course in course preparation. From August 1-22, we will provide resources to walk with you through 9 essential steps to design and prepare your fall courses. Whether you are a seasoned instructor or first time teacher, these tips and resources will increase your confidence and reduce your stress. We’ll be posting the materials on LinkedIn and the TLC site linked below.


As the John Jay Teaching & Learning Center Director, Gina is sharing a companion blog with expanded context and tips: as a Psychology Instructor and TLC Administrative Assistant, Florentina is designing the visual tips and curating the resources. Taken together, our mini-course will help you create and refine your plans for student-centered, structured, effective teaching and learning. Each tips post will include the theme, questions, and resources in the comments. Each blog post provides a context and deeper recommendations on applications. We are confident that YOU will find it easy to combine your preferred course content with our advice. 


Follow the TLC on LinkedIn at John Jay Teaching and Learning Center and Gina’s blog for this mini-course at Gina Rae Foster.

Teaching Essentials Resources: https://faculty.commons.gc.cuny.edu/teaching-essentials/

3.  Fall Book and Course Material Submissions

Did I mention this?  By federal law, we must provide this information to inform students for all courses what books/materials are required – or indicate that none are required – by the time they register.  There are currently 609 sections with book/material information blank.

  • Fall is at 74%.  Please submit ASAP. 
  • Log in with CUNYfirst credentials at JohnJayBooks.com and click the faculty link. 
  • New faculty (or chairs on their behalf) – or faculty if system isn’t cooperating – can email submissions, ask questions or share issues at cunybooks@vitalsource.com
  • Faculty are encouraged to use no-cost Open Educational Resources
  • If you ask students to buy a book from which you derive revenue, the CUNY Conflict of Interest Policy applies (clause 5.2). See Faculty Handbook.  

4.  Brightspace Updates (DOES LMS Team) 

We have now transitioned to Brightspace. A wealth of information is available from DOES about how to use the system, including the sessions below. Their full list of workshop dates is here – which include drop-in sessions in a computer lab (L2.72.05 NB) every Monday in August during community hour. Recordings are on the DOES LMS website.

           Deleted links to past trainings since not useful

5.  Important Update: LMS Use Policy

The CUNY Office of Academic Affairs released their Policy for Use of a Learning Management System for Online Classes.  Short version – CUNY policy requires that faculty teaching online classes use a Learning Management System (LMS) that is vetted (for security) and supported (for help) by the campuses. That is now Brightspace. See #4 above for information on getting training and support on Brightspace for fall.

     Policy 1.6: Policy for Use of a Learning Management System for Online Classes

6.  Updated: Syllabus Guidelines and Template 

We have updated the Guidelines for Creating Your Syllabus (posted under the Teaching & Learning Center on this page: https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/about/governance-senior-leadership/faculty-resources; and also under “Academic Resources” on this page https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/faculty-staff) and added a separate Syllabus Template along with it to support more consistent formatting across syllabi. Simply download it and add your course information.