August 15, 2024
To: John Jay Faculty and Staff
Re: Important Message from Karol V. Mason
In 2018, during my first year as president of John Jay, we received complaints alleging inappropriate conduct by three professors and an adjunct faculty member. We launched an investigation under CUNY’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct and placed the faculty members on paid administrative leave. (See my September 7, 2018 and September 24, 2018 messages to the community for more information.) The investigators’ final report meticulously documented unacceptable, unprofessional conduct by the professors that violated CUNY policies, including the Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Policy on Drugs and Alcohol.
The safety of our community members is non-negotiable and we initiated disciplinary proceedings, governed by the collective bargaining agreement between CUNY and the Professional Staff Congress, seeking to terminate the professors. The professors were barred from the John Jay campus until the disciplinary process concluded. (See my May 14, 2019 message to the community for more information.) After the conclusion of the investigation, one faculty member was non-reappointed and disciplinary charges were advanced against the remaining three individuals. During the course of the disciplinary process, two of the remaining faculty members retired.
Last week, the arbitrator appointed to review the disciplinary charges against the remaining faculty member issued a decision sustaining a number of the college’s charges but determined that suspension for the 2024-25 academic year without pay, plus training on CUNY policies, was the appropriate remedy instead of termination.
I am disappointed by this outcome. However, pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement, the arbitrator’s decision is binding and John Jay will comply.
We will continue to prioritize providing a safe environment for our community members and we will continue to expect that CUNY policies are followed. There are multiple channels for reporting concerns and resources, which include our Title IX coordinator, that can be found here. Please know that our policies prohibit retaliation against individuals who report discrimination, harassment or misconduct. I encourage anyone who is concerned about inappropriate conduct to come forward and seek help.

Karol V. Mason
John Jay College of Criminal Justice