Future of Public Safety Events
The Future of Public Safety Initiative is committed to educating and engaging the John Jay College of Criminal Justice community, the public, and the press on key public safety issues and amplifying diverse voices that need to be heard and uplifted. We host and support a variety of events that contribute to the Initiative's vision of transforming public safety.

New York State Bail Reform Conference
On May 13, 2022, in partnership with John Jay’s Data Collaborative for Justice, the Future of Public Safety Initiative hosted a day-long convening of experts on New York State bail reform in order to establish the facts with regards to the impact of bail reform, provide a forum for competing perspectives and identify opportunities for innovation moving forward.
Symposium on the Plan to Close Rikers Island
In October 2022, John Jay partnered with the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform (the “Lippman Commission”) to host a half-day symposium assessing the status of the plan to close the Rikers Island jails and to talk about solutions.

Law Enforcement Diversion Convening
On April 17, 2023, we partnered with the Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP) to host a conversation with law enforcements leaders from across the country to examine the challenges and potential benefits of adopting evidence-based tools to promote diversion, deflection, and other alternatives to arrest.

Series on Decriminalizing Mental Illness
In partnership with the Greenberger Center for Social and Criminal Justice, John Jay hosted a series of events with the five New York City District Attorneys and representatives of public defender organizations to discuss how their offices are working to decriminalize mental illness and address the related problems of homelessness and substance misuse.

Harry F. Guggenheim Symposium on Crime in America
On October 4-5, 2023, the Future of Public Safety Initiative partnered with the Center for Media, Crime, and Justice/The Crime Report to host the 18th Annual Harry Frank Guggenheim Symposium on Crime in America.

Attorneys General and Police Accountability Forum
Together with Arnold Ventures, the Institute for Innovation and Prosecution created the State Attorneys General Police Oversight and Accountability Network to bring together attorneys general, policy experts, academics, community leaders, and other key stakeholders for a series of strategic convenings to lay the groundwork for state attorneys general to take a leadership role in the police accountability space.