9/11 Faculty Scholarship and Publications

John Jay College Faculty 9/11 Scholarship & Publications

A Mixed Methods Examination of Law Enforcement Investigatory Strategies Used in Jihadi and Far-Right Foiled Terrorist Plots Before and After 9/11 by Josh Freilich (Criminal Justice)

  • Citation: Josh Freilich: Klein, B.R., * J. Gruenewald, S.M. Chermak & J.D. Freilich. 2019. A mixed methods examination of law enforcement investigatory strategies used in jihadi and far-right foiled terrorist plots before and after 9/11. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology 7(2): 29-58.


Are We Ready? Public Health Since 9/11 by David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz (History)

  • Citation: David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz, Are We Ready? Public Health since 9/11 (University of California Press, Milbank Memorial Fund, 2006)


Homeland Security, An Introduction to Principles and Practices by Charles Nemeth (Security, Fire, and Emergency Management)

  • Citation: Homeland Security: Introduction to Principles and Practice, 4th edition (New York: CRC Press, 2018).


The Informant, Islam & Muslims in New York City by Ibrahim Bechrouri (Sociology)

  • Citation: Bechrouri, Ibrahim. 2018. “The Informant, Islam & Muslims in New York City.” Surveillance & Society 16 (4): 459-472.


New York After 9/11 by Susan Opotow (Sociology), co-edited by Zachary Baron Shemtob (JJC Criminal Justice PhD). Chapters from John Jay College faculty Norman Groner and Charles Jennings, both Security, Fire, and Emergency Management Faculty.

  • Citation: Opotow, S., & Shemtob, Z.B. (Eds.) (2018). New York After 9/11. New York: Empire State Editions, an imprint of Fordham University Press, 2018.


The Number of Missing by Adam Berlin (English)

  • Citation: The Number of Missing (Adam Berlin, 2013) A novel about the aftermath of 9/11 in NYC.


Reality  by Sara Whitestone (English)

Redefining Humane Treatment After 9/11 by George Andreopoulos (Political Science)

  • Citation: George Andreopoulos: Redefining Humane Treatment after 9/11,' Global-E, vol. 12(6), 2019; 21st Century Global Dynamics, University of California at Santa Barbara


Remembering What Matters by Gina Rae Foster (Teaching and Learning Center)

The Silver Lining of September 11: NYC-Dispute Resolution Roundtable Breakfasts at John Jay College by Maria Volpe (Sociology)

  • Citation: Volpe, Maria, 2016, “The Silver Lining of September 11: NYC-Dispute Resolution Roundtable Breakfasts at John Jay College.” The John Jay Sociology Dept. Sociology Newsletter Fall 2016 issue.


Until the Fires Stopped Burning: 9/11 and New York City in the Words and Experiences of Survivors and Witnesses by Charles Strozier (History)

  • Citation: Strozier, C. (2011). Until the Fires Stopped Burning: 9/11 and New York City in the Words and Experiences of Survivors and Witnesses. New York: Columbia University Press. doi:10.7312/stro15898