Data Request Form

The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) is happy to assist with your data, analysis and information needs.
OIR provides census data, otherwise known as archival or "frozen" data - the official reporting data of John Jay College. Census data should be used for all compliance reporting (e.g., Federal and State government, accreditation and assessment), ranking publications, and research activities requiring "official" reporting data that needs to be comparable across years within the institution (e.g., trend reporting, annual evaluation reports, etc.). In addition, any data that is to be made public and/or reporting that needs to be used for comparative purposes across institutions (within or external to CUNY) should use OIR census data. OIR does not work in databases such as CUNYfirst, Hobson's or EAB.
Prior to submitting a data request to OIR, please familiarize yourself with the data and resources already available to you on our website; the data you need may already be there.
OIR complies with Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations and will not fulfill data requests that are in violation. Please review CUNY’s guidance and procedures for both requesting and using educational data in accordance with FERPA before submitting a data request.
If you are submitting a data request for a research project that involves human subjects, you will need to provide OIR with an IRB approval or exemption letter. Please visit the Human Research Protection Program website for procedures and more information.
OIR strives to address all data requests in a timely manner. Data compilation, integrity checks and analyses take time, and response times can vary based upon mandated/compliance reporting deadlines, volume of data requests received, the size and complexity of requests made, and OIR staffing levels/availability. For these reasons, we encourage submitting requests through our data request form portal as far in advance as possible.