Office Support Services

Stockroom, Central Receiving and Mailroom

Central Receiving and Stockroom unit manages receiving, processing, and distribution of the items procured for the campus community, and oversees scheduling and management for the loading dock. Mailroom provides handling, distribution and processing of mail services for students, staff and faculty.

Inquiries regarding these services should be sent to Michael Merserburg

Copiers and Printers

All requests for new copiers and printers, or requests for maintenance or repair of existing units, should be sent to the Department of Information Technology at or 212-237-8200.


The JJC Printshop provides high quality and efficient printing, reproduction, design and finishing services to the college community and outside customers through the use of state-of-the-art technology and equipment.

Inquiries about the Printshop services or requests for work orders should be sent to

Records Management 

The John Jay College records management program is guided by the CUNY policy on records retention, which only deals with paper records. If you wish to dispose of records, please contact Yvette Caton at or 212-237-8483.

Policies & Procedures 

John Jay College Policies and Procedures Compendium (Inside John Jay)


524 West 59 Street, 
New York City, NY 10019

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm