Lawrence Kobilinsky
Professor Emeritus

Post-Doc    -   Sloan Kettering Institute for Research 
                       (Complement and Effector Biology Laboratory)
1977 PhD  -  The Graduate Center of the City University of New York 
1971  MA    -   City College of New York (Biology)
1969  BS    -   City College of New York (Biology)


My research interests focus on developing sensitive methods of human identification using polymerase chain reaction methodology.  My lab has developed methods to conduct RFLP of VNTRs, and PCR of  Short Tandam Repeats (STRs).  We have been working on high sensitivity methods to study low copy number DNA (less than 100 picograms) extracted from biological evidence.  Developing a better scientific approach to crime scene investigation is also an interest. Counseling defense attorneys and prosecutors about DNA technology is underway.  We are also helping laboratories in other countries develop the skills and knowledge to conduct reliable DNA analysis. I have worked with lab personnel from  China, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Brazil, and others to improve their systems of criminal justice, especially where forensic science needs improvement.