- Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy -Postdoctoral, Certificate Psychoanalysis
- New York University, School of Education -Doctorate of Philosophy, Counseling Psychology
- New York University, School of Education -Master of Arts, Counselor Education
- University of Michigan - Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
My research aims to integrate queer, anti-Blackness, and Indigenous theories of temporalities with those of psychoanalysis to examine and explore impacts of trauma and ongoing patterns of traumatic repetitions and violences. I have published numerous articles and book chapters on eating disorders, sexual and racial/cultural violence, intimate partner violence, participatory action research, and the cultural and psychic production of temporalities around trauma, annihilations anxieties, reproductive technologies, and fetal personhood. My current work integrates queer and psychoanalytic temporalities with anti-Blackness theories, Indigenous Studies, Animal Studies, and posthumanism to deconstruct human exceptionalism and to reinvigorate the more-than-human in theory and practice, especially around issues of fetal personhood, animals and environmental justice, and institutional betrayal around sexual misconduct in psychoanalytic training settings and the academy and the uses of restorative justice and bystander intervention practices. I contribute to the Public Seminar blog from the New School for Social Research on gender and sexuality and most recently, #MeToo in a series of articles and posts titled "Give a woman an inch, she'll take a penis." I have been cited by Jia Tolentino in the New Yorker, for my theoretical work on fetal personhood.
I have provided multiple informational trainings to the National Advocates for Pregnant Women on fetal personhood and annihilation anxieties.
I also adore open water swimming and I play violin with a bunch of bands and on recordings.
My books: https://www.routledge.com/products/search?author=Katie%20Gentile
Public Seminar blog posts: http://www.publicseminar.org/?s=katie+gentile
the journal I edit:: http://www.psychoanalysisarena.com/studies-in-gender-and-sexuality-1524-0657
GEN 101 Introduction to Gender Studies
GEN 205 Gender and Justice
GEN 401 Capstone in Gender Studies
ISP 334 Sex, Gender & Justice - Animals and the "Other"
Division 39 of the American Psychological Association
Section IX Psychoanalysis and Social Responsibility - Board member
National Association of Women's Studies
Gentile, K. (2007).Creating bodies: Eating disorders as self-destructive survival. NY: Routledge.
Gentile, K. (ed.) The business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies in psychoanalysis and culture. New York: Routledge. January 2016.
Public Seminar Blog – Give a woman an inch, she’ll take a penis: Backlash and the fragility of privilege. http://www.publicseminar.org/2018/01/give-a-woman-an-inch-shell-take-a-penis/
Republished in Division Review: A Quarterly Psychoanalytic Forum, 1 (1). January 2018.
Public Seminar Blog – Patriarchy alive and well: CDC releases new guidelines for alcohol & pregnancy. http://www.publicseminar.org/2016/02/patriarchy-alive-and-well-cdc-releases-new-guidelines-for-alcohol-pregnancy/#.VsIk2ZMrLo0
Public Seminar Blog – Affirmative consent and neoliberal bodies - http://www.publicseminar.org/2015/09/affirmative-consent-and-neoliberal-bodies/#.Vj4yw66rRdv
Public Seminar Blog – Gagging the victims – Accusation as the real crime in campus sexual assault
Reposted Dec. 1, Arts & Opinion: Arts, Culture, Analysis, Vol. 16 no. 6, 2017. http://www.artsandopinion.com/2017_v16_n5/
Gentile, K. & Miller, K.D.M. (2021). . END OF THE WORLD –as-we-know-it: AFTER DA SILVA. ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action, 10.21 https://analytic-room.com/essays/an-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-after-da-silva-katie-gentile-kathleen-del-mar-miller/
Gentile, K. (2021). Kittens in the clinical space: Expanding subjectivity through dense temporalities of interspecies transcorporeal becoming. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 31 (2): 135-150.
Gentile, K. (2021). Prefiguring ontological theory and method beyond “The Human”: A response to Clough’s discussion of “Kittens in the Clinical Space.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 31 (2): 160-165.
Gentile, K. (2021). When the cat guards the canary: Using bystander intervention towards community-based response. In C. Levin (ed.) Social aspects of sexual boundary trouble in psychoanalysis: Responses to the work of Muriel Dimen, pp. 77-100. London/New York: Routledge.
Gentile, K. (2020). Transcorporeal becoming: The temporalities of Searles and the nonhuman. Subjectivity 13: 179-199.
Harris, A. and Gentile, K. (2019). Boundary violations: Consent, the law, and the lawless. In A Harris & P.K. Montagna, (eds). Psychoanalysis, law, & society, pp. 108-122. New York: Routledge.
Gentile, K. (2019). Give her an inch, she’ll take a penis: The expanded version. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 54 (4): 709-723.
Gentile, K. ‘Dying for a baby’ and other ‘confusions of tongues’” Discussing Rebecca Harrington’s “Childless.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues. In press.
Gentile, K. (2018). Assembling justice: Reviving nonhuman subjectivities to address institutional betrayal around sexual misconduct. Journal the American Psychoanalytic Association, 66 (4): 647-678.
Gentile, K. (2018). Give her an inch, she’ll take a penis. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19 (4): 241-245.
Gentile, K. (2018). From the “Ontology of the rape joke” to #metoo – “witch hunts” and reckonings. 19 (4): 233-234.
Gentile, K. (2018). Animals as the symptom, or, Psychoanalysis as a theory of interspecies co-emergence. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19 (1): 7-13.
Gentile, K. & Baraitser, L. (2018). Thinking through affect and psychoanalysis: Introducing papers from the conference “Woldings, tensions, futures.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19 (2): 87-88.
Gentile, K. (2017). Collectively creating conditions for emergence. In S. Grand & J. Salzberg (eds.) Wounds of history: Repair and resilience in the trans-generational transmission of trauma, pp. 169-188. New York: Routledge.
Gentile, K. (2017). Chasing Justice: Bystander intervention and restorative justice in the contexts of college campuses and psychoanalytic institutes. In K. Davisson and E. Toronto, eds. A womb of her own. Section III of Division 39. Karnac Books.
Gentile, K. (2017). Playing with shame – The temporal work of rape jokes for the cultural body. Panel discussion of Vanessa Place’s performance “The Ontology of the Rape Joke.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 18 (4):287-293.
Gentile, K. (2015). Generating subjectivity through the creation of time. Psychoanalytic Psychology.
Gentile, K. (2015). Temporality in question: Psychoanalysis meets queer time. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 15: 1.
Gentile, K. (2015). About being in time: Response to commentaries by Carolyn Dinshaw, Bill Auerbach, and Ann Pelligrini. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 15: 1.
Gentile, K. (2014). Exploring the troubling temporalities produced by fetal personhood. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 19 (3): 1-18.
Gentile, K. (2013). The business of being made: Exploring the production of temporalities in assisted reproductive technologies. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Special Issue on Assisted Reproductive Technologies, 14 (4): 255-276.
Gentile, K. (2013). Biopolitics, trauma and the public fetus: An analysis of preconception care. Subjectivity, 6: (2): 153-172.
Gentile, K. (2013). Bearing the cultural in order to engage in a process of witnessing. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30 (3): 456-470.
Gentile, K. (2013). You don’t recognize me because I’m still standing: Exploring the impact of participating in action research with women survivors of domestic violence. In Raghavan C. & Cohen, S.J. (Eds.), Domestic Violence: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Dialogue, pp. 171-199. Northeastern Series on Gender, Crime, and Law, Northeastern University Press.
Gentile, K. (2014). What about the baby?: Baby-philia and the neo cult of domesticity. In M. Sheehy (ed.) Women, mothers, subjects: New explorations of the maternal. New York/London: Routledge.
Gentile, K. (2014). What about the patriarchy?: Response to commentaries by Zeavin and Layton In M. Sheehy (ed.) Women, mothers, subjects: New explorations of the maternal. New York/London: Routledge.
Gentile, K. (2011). What about the baby? Baby-philia and the neo cult of domesticity. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 12(1), 38-58.
Gentile, K. (2011). What about the patriarchy?: Response to commentaries by Zeavin and Layton. Studies in Gender and Sexuality.12(1): 72-77.
Gentile, K. (2010). Is the old psychoanalytic story part of the problem? Invited response to Keylor and Apfel’s “Male infertility: Integrating an old psychoanalytic story with the research literature.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 11 (2): 78-85.
Gentile, K., Raghavan, C., Rajah, V., Gates, K. (2007). It doesn’t happen here?: Eating disorders in an ethnically diverse sample of low-income, female and male, urban college students. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.15(5): 405-425.
Gentile, K. (2006). Timing development from cleavage to differentiation, Contemporary Psychoanalysis,42(2), 297-325.
Gentile, K. (2010). Purging as embodiment. In J. Petrucelli (Ed.): Knowing, not knowing, and sort of knowing: Psychoanalysis and the experience of uncertainty. London: Karnac Press.
Gentile, K. (2007). Resisting to survive or self-destructing to resist? The on-going paradox oftransformation. In M. Suchet, A. Harris, & L. Aron (Eds.), Relational psychoanalysis, Volume III: New Voices. Mahwah, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Strozier, C. & Gentile, K. (2004). The mental health response to 9/11. In D. Knafo (Ed.). Living with terror, working with trauma: A clinician’s handbook. Hillsdale, NJ: Jason Aronson
Strozier, C. & Gentile, K. (2003/2012). The experiences of two mental health professionals. In B.S. Levy & V. W. Sidel (eds.) Terrorism and public health: A balanced approach to strengthening systems and protecting people, pp. 114-116. New York: Oxford University Press. First and Second Editions
The Gradiva Award for Outstanding Book for my The Business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies in psychoanalysis and culture, from Routledge.
I have been an invited chapter contributor for 2 other Gradiva Winning books.
My research aims to integrate queer, anti-Blackness, and Indigenous theories of temporalities with those of psychoanalysis to examine and explore impacts of trauma and ongoing patterns of traumatic repetitions and violences. I have published numerous articles and book chapters on eating disorders, sexual and racial/cultural violence, intimate partner violence, participatory action research, and the cultural and psychic production of temporalities around trauma, annihilations anxieties, reproductive technologies, and fetal personhood. My current work integrates queer and psychoanalytic temporalities with anti-Blackness theories, Indigenous Studies, Animal Studies, and posthumanism to deconstruct human exceptionalism and to reinvigorate the more-than-human in theory and practice, especially around issues of fetal personhood, animals and environmental justice, and institutional betrayal around sexual misconduct in psychoanalytic training settings and the academy and the uses of restorative justice and bystander intervention practices. I contribute to the Public Seminar blog from the New School for Social Research on gender and sexuality and most recently, #MeToo in a series of articles and posts titled "Give a woman an inch, she'll take a penis." I have been cited by Jia Tolentino in the New Yorker, for my theoretical work on fetal personhood.
I have provided multiple informational trainings to the National Advocates for Pregnant Women on fetal personhood and annihilation anxieties.