PhD | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
MA | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
BA | Oberlin College |
Jay Paul Gates graduated from Oberlin College in 1999. He took his M.A. and Ph.D. in English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2007 and taught at Purdue University before coming to John Jay. His areas of specialization are Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse-Icelandic literature and language and the effects of Anglo-Scandinavian cultural contact (when Vikings meet clerics), especially as represented in legal rhetoric. Outside of his immediate research, he has an abiding affection for dead languages--including Old French and Old Saxon--allegory, and manuscript studies. He is currently working on a manuscript and several side projects concerning Cnut's kingship and Anglo-Scandinavian court.
Friends of the Saints: The Hagiography Seminar https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/groups/friends-of-the-saints-the-hagiography-workshop/ Medieval Club of New York http://medievalclubofnewyork.blogspot.com/
Select publications
Gates, Jay Paul and Brian T. O'Camb, eds. Remembering Medieval the Present: Generative Uses of England’s Pre-Conquest Past, 10th–15th Centuries. Ed. Jay Paul Gates and Brian T. O’Camb. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
Gates, Jay Paul and Nicole Marafioti, eds. Capital and Corporal Punishment in Anglo-Saxon England. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2014.
Articles and Chapters
Gates, Jay Paul and Brian T. O'Camb. “Anglo-Saxon Predecessors and Precedents.” Remembering Medieval the Present: Generative Uses of England’s Pre-Conquest Past, 10th–15th Centuries. Ed. Jay Paul Gates and Brian T. O’Camb. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
Gates, Jay Paul. “Quidam proditor partis Danicae: Aelred’s Re-Imagining of the Anglo-Saxon Past.” Remembering Medieval the Present: Generative Uses of England’s Pre-Conquest Past, 10th–15th Centuries. Ed. Jay Paul Gates and Brian T. O’Camb. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
Gates, Jay Paul. “English Legal Discourse in Quadripartitus.” Languages of the Law: Essays in Honor of Lisi Oliver. (Mediaevalia Groningana New Series) Leuven: Peeters, forthcoming.
Gates, Jay Paul. “Discursive Murders: The St Brice’s Day Massacre, Beowulf, and Morðor.” Medieval and Early Modern Murder. Ed. Larissa Tracy. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2018.
Editions and translations
Gates, Jay Paul. “Prologue to the Laws of King Alfred: An Edition and Translation for Students.” The Heroic Age: A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe 18 (2018). http://www.heroicage.org/issues/18/gates.php.
Gates, Jay Paul and Brian T. O'Camb. “Old English and Anglo-Saxon Studies in the United States.” Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland Newsletter 35 (2018): 9–11. http://www.toebi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/TOEBInews2018.pdf.