Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis (1999, British and American literature)
M.A., Washington University in St. Louis (1994, British and American literature)
Teaching credential; University of California, Santa Cruz (1990, English and social studies)
B.A., Amherst College (1987, English)
Ann A. Huse, an Assistant Professor in the English Department, received her B.A. from Amherst College and her M.A .and Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis, with a specialty in British and Anglo-Irish seventeenth-century literature. She also holds a credential for teaching English and social studies at the secondary level, serving as a liaison for John Jay students interested in programs certifying them to teach in the public schools. A native Minnesotan, she has lived in Tanzania, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Luxembourg.
She has published articles on Dryden's French mistress in The Huntington Library Quarterly (2000), a chapter on the Earl of Rochester's poetry about "the French pox" in Textual Healing: Essays on Medieval and Early Modern Medicine (Brill, 2005), and an essay on Dryden and crowd dynamics in The MLA Guide to Teaching The Works of John Dryden (2013). More recent publications include "Edmund Waller's Whales: Marine Mammals and Animal Heroism in the Early Atlantic" in Animals and Humans: Sensibility and Representation, 1650-1820, ed. Katherine N. Quinsey (Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment, 2017) and “The Three-Person Honeymoon in the Letters of Katherine Philips and Sarah Scott" in a special edition from 2017 on same-sex friendships in The Journal of Lesbian Studies, accessible through this link:
Recently, she has published an essay on Lucy Terry Prince, the first African-American writer, and she is writing a book about seventeenth-century British poets or philosophers who worked as tutors to aristocratic or royal children.
Ann A. Huse is an English professor specializing in the poetry and politics of the seventeenth century. She is on the Board of the Andrew Marvell Society and has published on Marvell, John Dryden, the Earl of Rochester, Edmund Waller, Katherine Philips, and Sarah Scott. A major area of research interest is the biography of Lucy Terry Prince, the first African-American writer. Her other field of expertise is in the history and rhetoric of pedagogy, especially as it relates to prohibiting or promoting the education of girls and women.